25th April 2013, 09:17 PM
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What is the eligibility criteria for admission for forensic science after passing 12th?

What is the eligibility criteria for getting admission for forensic science after +2? Is there any entrance exam for this?what are the job oppurtunities after studying this course?

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1st June 2013, 01:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria for admission for forensic science after passing 12th?

can i do bsc forensic science with pcm 52%
20th January 2014, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria for admission for forensic science after passing 12th?

H S 10 2 appearing for 2014. I want to read forensic science. Kindly inform me actual application date for the course and eligible criteria.
24th January 2014, 06:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria for admission for forensic science after passing 12th?

i have completed my LL.B course in 2010 can i take admission in forensic science.plz give me suggesion
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