14th June 2011, 06:17 PM
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What are the possible private engineering colleges in West Bengal? I have scored 9267 state rank in AIEEE and 11114 in WBJEE

my state is west bengal and i have ranked 9267(state rank) in aieee and 11114 in wbjee. what are the possible private engineering colleges in West Bengal..plz plz plz reply

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15th July 2015, 11:58 PM
chintu helper
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Default Re: What are the possible private engineering colleges in West Bengal? I have scored 9267 state rank in AIEEE and 11114 in WBJEE

You can fill up these college while online counselling, here is the list of the TOP 25 ENGINEERING COLLEGES in WEST BENGAL as per surveys conducted on infrastructure, faculty, and placement.

1) IIT,Kharagpur - (Indian Institute of Technology)
2) NIT,Durgapur - (National Institute of Technology)
3) Jadavpur University - (Faculty of Engg & Technology)
4) BESU, Shibpur - (Bengal Engg &Science University)
5) SIT, Calcutta - (School of Information Technology, West Bengal University of Technology)
6) KGEC - (Kalyani Govt. Engg College)
7) MERI - (Marine Engg & Research Institute)
8)JGEC - (Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg College)
9) GCECT - (Govt. College of Engg & Ceramic Tech)
10) IJT - (Institute of Jute Technology)
11) Burdwan University - (University Institute of Technology)
12) GCELT - (Govt. College of Engg & Leather Tech.)
13) IEM - (Institute of Engg &Management)
14) HIT Kolkata - (Heritage Institute of Technology)
15) HIT Haldia - (Haldia Institute of Technology)
16) Techno India Salt Lake
17) GCETT - Govt. College of Engg & Textile Technology
18) AEC (Asansol Engg College)
19) BPPIMT - (B.P.Poddar Institute of Management & Technoloy.
20) NSEC - (Netaji Suvash Engg College)
21) BCREC - (Dr. B.C. Roy Engg College)
22) BCET Durgapur - (Bengal College of Engg & Technology)
23) CEM (College of Engg & Management)
24) NPI - (National Power Training Institute)
25) NIT-Agarpara (Narula Institute of Technology)
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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