12th January 2012, 12:22 PM
What is the syllabus for CDAC entrance exam for B.E ECE?
pls tell me the syllabus for c-dac entrance exam..... for B.E (ECE)
25th January 2012, 10:22 PM
The syllabus for ECE exam will contain General Aptitude, Computer Organization and Operating Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms and any 2 optional papers. The optional papers include Computer Networks, Database Management, Java Technology, Object Oriented Programming and C++, Software Engineering and Web Technology.
Eligibility for CDAC CET DESD Course 2012 : Engineering Degree ( UG / PG ) in Electronics / Electrical / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science & Engineering / Computer Engineering / Information Technology or M.Sc Electronics / Instrumentation with higher second class ( 55% and above ) in the final degree. CDAC CET Application Form 2012 : Applicants will undergo a National level Common Entrance Test 2012 ( CET ) that is common for all the three courses. The CDAC CET Exam Pattern will be mainly objective type covering various technical and aptitude aspects. Duration of the CDAC Common Entrance Test will be 120 minutes. CDAC Selection will be on the basis of performance in the CET, the preferences of course and the centre for CDAC Admission 2012 opted by the applicants. The applicant’s academic record will also be taken into consideration. CDAC CET Application Form 2012 : The applicant can register for the Common Entrance Test ( CET ) online at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Website http://www.cdachyd.in. The non refundable CDAC Registration Fee of 400 / – for the CDAC CET 2012 is to be paid through National Electronic Fund Transfer ( NEFT ) or by way of Demand Draft ( DD ) drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of “C-DAC Hyd – Training” payable at Hyderabad and send to the following address : The CET Co-ordinator, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing ( CDAC ), # 1, Shivabagh, Ameerpet, Hyderabad – 500 016, Andhrapradesh( India ), Telephone No. : + 91 – 40 – 23737124 / 25, Fax No. : 040 – 23743382. |
28th May 2012, 01:56 PM
please send syllabus of B.TECH entrance exam of C DAC on my E- mail ID FOR EMBEDDED & VLSI
16th June 2012, 01:13 PM
please send previous question paper [email protected]
19th June 2012, 11:31 PM
sir please give me the syllabus of cdac exam for ece which is conducted in july 1st....please
sir please give me the syllabus of cdac exam for ece which is conducted in july 1st....please sir |
20th June 2012, 11:15 AM
CDAC syllabus:-
1. General aptitude 2. Computer organization 3. Operating Systems 4. Data Structures 5. Algorithms 6. Any 2 optional papers:- computer networks, database management, java technology, object oriented programming, c++, software engineering and web technology. |
23rd August 2014, 02:16 PM
Good after noon sir i have done B.tech from Eiectronics&communication i want to know the syllabus of cdec for ece branch so please sent me syllabus my id is [email protected]
9th January 2017, 09:22 PM
What is the syllabus for cdac cet 2016 for B.E. ece engineers ?
You can mail me at [email protected] |