8th June 2012, 12:08 AM
What is the syllabus for Group 4 entrance exam?
I need sylabur for group4 xam. Plz help me!...please tell me the same
2nd July 2015, 07:09 PM
Here i am provide full syllabus of Group 4 Entrance exam as given below.
1. Physics: Nature of Universe-General Scientific laws-Inventions and discoveries-National 2. Chemistry- Elements and Compounds-Acids, bases and salts-Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides 3. Botany-Main Concepts of life science-Classification of living organism-Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration 4. Zoology- Blood and blood circulation-Reproductive system-Environment, ecology, health and hygiene-Human diseases 5. Geography–Geographical landmarks- 6. Economics– Current socio-economic problems 7. Science-Latest inventions on science & technology 8. Geography: Earth and Universe-Solar system-Monsoon, rainfall, weather & climate-Water resources 9. Indian National Movement: National renaissance-Emergence of national leaders-Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore-Different modes of agitations-Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle Rajaji 10. Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests: Conversation of information to data collection, compilation and presentation of data, tables, graphs, diagrams |