25th January 2015, 09:35 PM
What is the syllabus of UPTU entrance exam for MCA? How to prepare for the exam?
sylabus of uptu intrance exam for mca and how i prepare for exam i want to get a good rank then how i prepare
20th January 2017, 03:27 PM
UPTU stands for Uttar Pradesh Technical University. As you want to know syllabus of UPTU entrance exam for MCA here, I am going to tell you the same-
Syllabus of UPTU entrance exam for MCA- >>Inverse functions >>DeMoiver's theorem >>Piano's Axiom >>Definition of rational numbers >>Integers through Modern Algebra >>Exponential and logarithmic series >>Co-Ordinate Geometry >>Solution of triangles >>Height and distance >>Determinants >>Probability >>Mapping >>Equivalence relation >>Use of mathematical tables |