30th May 2015, 10:25 PM
What are the various career opportunities available in psychology after M.Sc?
Hello Sir/Mam,
my name is Namrata Shrivastav I am in B.Sc final year (sub -zoology botany And chemistry) ,,now i want to do M.Sc from psychology sub....so i want to know everything about pscychology ..i mean about branch of psychology ,scopes of psychology in career . ...pls sir tell me everything i am very tensed about my P.G. thank you |
4th August 2015, 02:15 PM
The career opportunities available in psychology after M.Sc as given below:::::::::::>>>>>>>>>>>>.
:: Higher Studies after M.Sc in Psychology = Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Science = Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology = Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology = Doctor of Philosophy in Stress Analysis = Master of Philosophy in Applied Psychology = Master of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology = Master of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology = Master of Philosophy in Psychology :: Some of the placement areas:- = Prisons = Advertising Industry = Research Establishments = Rehabilitation Centers = Welfare Organizations = Child/ Youth Guidance Centers --> Pay Scale: = The remuneration earned by psychologist in NGOs, colleges and school can earn Rs 8000 – Rs. 10000 every month. |