20th October 2011, 03:32 AM
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When will be the UPSC Exam in the upcoming year? Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan?

I want to give upse exam in 2012 so pls tell when the exam conducted and which institute is best for coaching in Rajasthan .Is pre examination of upse different for all the servies .

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20th October 2011, 06:08 PM
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Smile Re: When will be the UPSC Exam in the upcoming year? Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan?

Originally Posted by Rahulpagaria View Post
I want to give upse exam in 2012 so pls tell when the exam conducted and which institute is best for coaching in Rajasthan .Is pre examination of upse different for all the servies .

Eligibility For UPSC Exams

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts many exams for government jobs throughout the year like NDA,CDS,Civil Service Exams,etc but generally people confuse UPSC exam with the Civil Service Exams..

Eligibility Criteria For UPSC Civil Service Exams :-

According to the UPSC guidelines..a candidate must satisfy the following criterion to appear for the Civil Service Exam :-

1) You need to be a graduate or a final year graduation student in any stream from an AICTE or UGC recognized University..

2) You should be in the age limit of 21-30 years for general category,21-33 years for OBC and 21-35 years for SC/ST

The maximum number of attempts allowed for the general category is 4,for OBC it is 7 and for SC/ST there is no limit..

Exam Pattern :-

There are 2 rounds for clearing this exam

1) Prelims :- This round..also known as Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) has 2 objective papers which will test your general knowledge,current affairs and aptitude..

2) Mains :- If you clear the Prelims,then you shall qualify for the Mains where you will face nine papers..where your knowledge of your graduation subjects shall be tested..

If you clear both the rounds..you shall be called for the interview and the final selection..

In case you have any queries related to this then you can visit the following website :-


As far as the coaching institutes are concerned..then MADE Easy and Brilliant Tutorials are considered to be the best coaching institutes all over India so look for their branches near your area..

In case you don't have a good coaching institute nearby your vicinity then you can opt for at least buying their study material as it shall provide with the exact syllabus for the exams..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
13th November 2011, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: When will be the UPSC Exam in the upcoming year? Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan?

is it mandatory for me to choose the only subject on which i did my graduation( i.e.,electrical engg) as optional paper after qualifying preliminary exams?
14th November 2011, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: When will be the UPSC Exam in the upcoming year? Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan?

dear friend,

Eligibility For UPSC Examination:

1: you must hold a degree of any of recognized Universities.

Age:you should be age of 21 years and must not more than age of 30 years on 1st August, 2011

Exam Process:There are two stages of the examination.

Stage I:The Preliminary Examination of objective type for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination; and

Stage II:The Main Examination is of Written test and then Personal Interview for the final selection of candidates for the various posts.

The main exam is yet to be held in October or November, 2011.

(a) Candidates applying Online are required to pay Rs.50/- in any Branch of SBI by Cash or by Visa or Master Credit or Debit Card.

For More Visit:-www.upsc.gov.in/

Also You can go for:-

There is many Examination is conducted by UPSC.So,friend I'm giving you Exam wise Date.

1.>UPSC NDA Entrace Exam 2012 National Defence Academy 2012 Exam Date 18th April 2012

2.>UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination Last Date is 17.01.2012.

The Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan

For more Question Visit:-http://www.zenitheducation.net/

For more Question Visit:-http://www.sahayiasacademy.com/

best of luck
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7th January 2012, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: When will be the UPSC Exam in the upcoming year? Best Coaching Institutes for this Exam in Rajasthan?

when will the upsc exam in upcoming 2012 in coimbatore?
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