24th December 2013, 09:01 PM
Government jobs in Delhi for Diploma in Architecture and Autocad?
Hi friends i have complited diploma in architectural engg.from ice(i) in june 2012.also have diploma in autocad from cadcentre...can i get any govt.job in delhi by this diploma..private jobs offers are available but i want to do govenment job..
23rd January 2014, 09:14 AM
There is is a good growth and prosperity of an economy,to an extent is reflected in its physical appearance.Architecture basically deals with the planning and designing of building and structures.
Architects blend their vision and dreams with materials to erect milestones which leave a powerful imprint on human mankind.The rapidly changing demands and requirements asks for professionally trained architects who can not only cope with changing times but also design and deliver quality,environment friendly constructions. Having knowledge on Autocad is very good and it is an added advantage.Since you have completed Diploma in architecture you can find only some jobs with this qualification.I recommend you to go for the Higher level degree,i.e Bachelor Degree to make your career in a very good way. You can find your employment in the following both government and private sectors.They are : # Archaeological Department # Ministry of Defense # Post and Telegraphs # Public works Department # National Building Organization # Public Sector Undertakings # Housing and urban Development corporation # National Institute of Urban Affairs # City Development Authorities # Town and country Planning organization # National Building Construction Corporation Ltd., and more |