10th September 2019, 06:23 PM
Selection criteria for District Police Constable post in Maharashtra Police?
Hello everyone, I have applied for District Police Constable post recruitment of Maharashtra Police. I really want to get this job. So, I need your help. Can you please tell me what is the criteria for selection in this firm for this particular post?
13th September 2019, 03:30 PM
The selection procedure of Cochin Shipyard Naval Architecture Trainee recruitment is given below.
It comprises of two phases and as per applicants performance in Objective type online test, Group Discussion, Writing Skills and Personal Interview. Phase I - This is an objective type online test of 60 marks and test will be of 60 minutes duration with 0 multiple choice questions. The question format will be of General Awareness - 5 marks, English Languages - 5 Marks, Numerical Ability - 5 Marks, Reasoning Ability - 5 Marks, Subject Based - 40 Marks. Phase II - Group Discussion, Writing Skills and Personal Interview Objective type online test - 60 Marks Group Discussion - 10 Marks Writing Skills - 10 Marks Personal Interview - 20 Marks Total - 100 Marks I am also giving you the website link through which you can apply for this post that is www.cochinshipyard.com |
13th September 2019, 11:45 PM
Selection Procedure of Maharashtra Police District Police Constable recruitment is:
~~ Selection may be based on written test. For more information regarding this recruitment you can visit their official website. |