6th January 2016, 11:16 AM
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Syllabus and question pattern of RRB Junior Engineer(Mechanical) recruitment exam?

Can you please tell the whole syllabus for preparation of RRB Junior Engineer(Mechanical) recruitment exam? What is the pattern of the questions?

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11th January 2016, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus and question pattern of RRB Junior Engineer(Mechanical) recruitment exam?

There is no particular syllabus for each departments, RRB will have common syllabus for all departments and they follow this kind of protocol.

Syllabus will be basic topics from all the subjects in Engineering that includes Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, Computer science and many other departments. Basic Science topics in school which includes Physics, Chemistry and Biology. General Knowledge will be the next area you need to concentrate. Aptitude and other non verbal reasoning is the other important subject that will be mostly asked in RRB for JE posts.

Paper Pattern:
90 marks- Engineering topics and Science subjects.
60 marks- General Knowledge, History, Geography, Polity, Current Affairs and Numerical.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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