16th January 2021, 03:33 PM
Latest syllabus of BCA in Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Delhi?
Hi friends, I am looking forward to studying for the BCA course. I just want to know about the latest syllabus of this course course which is available in Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Delhi. Can any of you please provide me with the latest syllabus?
18th January 2021, 07:01 PM
°°° Semester 1:
Hardware Lab Creative English Foundational Mathematics Statistics Introduction to programming using C Digital computer fundamentals C programming lab PC software lab °°° Semester 2: Case tools lab la Communicative English Basic discrete mathematics operating systems Data structures Data structures lab visual programming lab °°° Semester 3: Interpersonal communication Introductory algebra Financial accounting software Engineering database management Systems object oriented programming using C plus plus C++lab Oracle lab Domain Lab °°° Semester 4: Professional English Financial management Computer networks Programming in Java Java programming lab Web Technology Language Lab °°° Semester 5: Unix programming OOAD Using UML User interface Design graphics and animation Python Programming Business intelligence Unix lab Web designing project Graphics and animation lab Python Programming lab Business intelligence lab °°° Semester 6: Design and analysis of algorithms client server computing Computer Architecture Cloud Computing Multimedia applications Introduction to soft computing and advanced Database management system |
18th January 2021, 07:46 PM
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) is a 3 year duration course and is divided into 6 semesters. The detailed syllabus is given below.
Semester I Creative English Hardware Laboratory Foundational Mathematics Statistics I Digital Computer Fundamentals Introduction To Programming Using C C Programming Laboratory PC Software Laboratory Semester II Communicative English Basic Discrete Mathematics Operating Systems Data Structures Data Structures Laboratory Visual Programming Laboratory Semester III Interpersonal Communication Introductory Algebra Financial Accounting Software Engineering Database Management Systems Object Oriented Programming Using C++ C++ Laboratory Oracle Laboratory Domain Laboratory Semester IV Professional English Financial Management Computer Networks Programming in Java Java Programming Laboratory DBMS Project Laboratory Web Technology Laboratory Language Laboratory Semester V Unix Programming OOAD Using UML User Interface Design Graphics And Animation Python Programming Business Intelligence Graphics And Animation Laboratory Python Programming Laboratory Unix Laboratory Web Designing Project Business Intelligence Laboratory Semester VI Design And Analysis of Algorithms Client Server Computing Cloud Computing Multimedia Applications Introduction To Soft Computing Advanced Database Management System |