29th April 2014, 10:37 PM
Shall I take coaching for CAT parallelly with internship?
I am studying b.tech cse 3rd yr. I have to do internship in summer. Shall i take coaching for CAT parallelly with internship?
5th May 2014, 01:05 PM
You should analyze your current position and your goals before taking any decision. It is good that you are aspiring for internship in your summer vacation. Now the question is whether you should take CAT coaching parallely with it or not.
You can definitely take the coaching along with the internship, there is no harm in it. Rather you should definitely take it if you are aspiring for CAT which is to be held at the end of this year. There is not much time left for the CAT of this year and you should start preparation right now if you are aiming at it since the competition is quite high. Thus, you should definitely take coaching along with internship if you are aspiring for CAT. Just make sure both the timings do not clash each other. |