26th September 2015, 12:19 AM
What are the eligibility criteria which is followed for doing Ph.D in Pharmacy?
What are the eligibility for doing phd in Pharmacy. I completed M.Pharm in pharmaceutical analysis in India? Can someone please explain me the complete details on the same? Hope that you will help me with the information soon on this.
Thanks! |
26th September 2015, 02:24 PM
Re: What are the eligibility criteria which is followed for doing Ph.D in Pharmacy?
If you have completed masters degree from a recognized university then you are eligible for Ph.D course. General and OBC candidates should hold 55% and above marks in masters degree. For SC/ST candidate its 50% and above in masters degree. You must have valid UGC NET, CSIR NET score card. There is no age criteria. |
26th September 2015, 07:26 PM
Re: What are the eligibility criteria which is followed for doing Ph.D in Pharmacy?
M.Pharma is the basic qualification for getting admission in a PH.D in pharmaceutical sciences field. There is a percentage criteria too which is 55% marks, therefore, make sure you have got this much marks in post graduation.
Admission in top pharmacy institution for PH.D will depend on your academic scores in GPAT/GATE/NET/JRF. If you have qualified any one of these exams then you have bright chance of admission after appearing for interview. |