View Poll Results: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day?

Yes, may be I could solve few problems. 199 73.98%
No, nothing can be done in a single day. 70 26.02%
Voters: 269. You may not vote on this poll

25th November 2010, 01:59 AM
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Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

If you were given a chance to become the PM of India then what would you do to change the country and in what ways...

Pour out your interesting thoughts and ideas

27th November 2010, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

I can do something for the country if the ministers give me a strong support from behind.

A strong leader without any back up can't do anything for the country.The democracy of India is such that you cant support any cause without having any backup.

If given a chance then i will pass many bills and start new plans to develop the country and help the poor and needy.But all i can do is just pass on the bills but it's up to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha to decide whether to pass on the bills.

So naturally it takes time for all those things to happen.So,i will just try to give up my best.
28th November 2010, 01:06 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Although it is difficult to bring a vast changes in the country in a single day. but the first thing that i will try to change is the reservation system. our reservation system is based on caste system. but i will make it income based. means reservation will be allotted to poors. secondly i will try my level best to bring the black money which is present in swis bank. it will help in the development . through this money i will pay the loan burden. and will also try to improve the condition of local police and remove corruption. these all are not so easy but still i will try for these.
28th November 2010, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

If iam the prime minister of India,
I will definitely try to bring some changes to our country,
States like Andhra Pradesh which is full of Problems in the current situation.
Will try to appoint the right kind of Chief ministers in all the states.
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29th November 2010, 04:29 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

If a chance is given to me for becoming PM of India I tried my best to do the things like assigning lot of fund and their distribution for poor people who are not getting food , education.

Try to bring a bill in parliament for banning night shift of Female employees, Removing reservation from every department like education, job, and other thing.

Few thing are possible in a single day I hope can do something for our country............Its a wish
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29th November 2010, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

there are many things what i wanna change for which a day is not enough.
well the first thing and the most important thing what i want to change is -setting a strict and time critical schedule for the government employees.
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30th November 2010, 12:19 PM
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No, nothing can be done in a single day.

I support above statement,because one day is nothing for change our country,this is a process and it desurve a period of time...

I think for doing something for our nation,is not depend on his post,i will doing something as a citizen of my country,there is not nessesary i am PM or not...

If i get an opportunity,then i will try to improve our education system and also try to decrease the percentage of poority in our country...
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30th November 2010, 06:06 PM
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Post Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

well sir this is a very easy question,
i will put strict eyes on all uneducated politicians or if possible i will gonna fire them,
i will put all the deserved youngesters to their deserved positions.
i will put more extra talks on financial budget.
the basic thing that India needs to remove= is CORRUPTION. i will try my best to remove it from roots.these actions can be done if the above two criteria will full fill.
thank you.
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1st December 2010, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

I don't think a single day is sufficient to bring a complete change in democratic country like india where you always need support from your leaders to pass a bill or law .however if i get the support of leader first of all i will bring the black money back to india and will pay the loan amount of world bank. i will end the reservation system. also i will try to improve the condition of villages to stop migration.
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1st December 2010, 12:41 PM
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In that single day I will try to influence all the peoples of India by suggesting great development and employment strategies so that after that one day they will remember me and if someday I stand in an election, they will notify me and vote for me.
I will deduct 50% of the salaries of all politicians and distribute it to the poor and fine all the corrupt officials with hefty charges. At last I will request to the nation to believe on their country, not on the government.
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1st December 2010, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

its difficult to bring a big change in one day but as its nothing is impossible, i will try to make the youth aware about what is their role in changing country secondly i will change the reservation system so that it helps the poor in their development then pull out all the currupted persons in political field
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1st December 2010, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Being a Prime minister ,first of all i will special view for the women and after that i will remove reservation system on the basis of caste that seems to have been spoiling our economy for a longer time and a special view on our lots of beggar in our country
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1st December 2010, 10:02 PM
Rohit Vashisht
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

In real world nothing could be done in one singal day. The politics is like deep dead end where a true man can never do anything. Its just a fantasy that will never work in true world.
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1st December 2010, 10:34 PM
sanu kumar gupta
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Yes i will like to become the P.M. Of India.Because it is such a job on whice everyone proud.
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1st December 2010, 11:32 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

No. According to the rule of our constitution-Prime Minister can start any change for betterment by implementation of necessary plans but continuation is not in the hand of one day PM. If there is any plan which can affect majority (2/3) of politician is not possible to implement. For betterment of the country or state one day is not sufficient because "Rome was not built in one day"we should not expect to build something great ("Rome") in a short period of time ("one day"). The best example is improvement of Bihar by honourable CM Nitish Kumar.
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2nd December 2010, 03:14 PM
Vineet Viswanath Nair
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Smile Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Dear Friends

I seriously doubt this is an apt question.
If you join an organization or institution or any firm ( in this case the office of the PM ), there are certain regulations to be followed. Within a day nothing can be done even if your the most brilliant person that position has ever come across.
Firstly get a grip of the situation and then act accordingly without waste of time. I see that few of us feel that we can make a dramatic change if we were to be put in control. This is not so. When your a leader, decisions cannot come in a haste, as your representing the people and their voice has to be taken into consideration.

Cheers to all the One day PMs as I am pretty sure it is going to be just that day.
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2nd December 2010, 05:47 PM
Pranjal Srivastav
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?


If i got the chance to become the prime minister of india for oneday for one day all poor people those who have dream to go in 5 star hotel then for one day i make dinner free there and then make free air ticket for one day then break all the winee shop and i will give clothes free to poor peaple in cheriety
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3rd December 2010, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

as a student i can say that,many changes are required in our education system and very importent is Quota System or resurvation...
And another thing is Infrastructure of education.
And last but not the least is Quality of education...
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4th December 2010, 10:35 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

If i become prime minister first i will put a cumpolsury education for all politician like must be Higher Secondary pass and
also retired age for Politics as like other services in India....

Then there should not be any kind of reservation criteria except for Economically Backward Classes with reality not with just a certificate proof..

Even there are lot more to do and can be done something in one day which they couldnot do in many years
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5th December 2010, 12:08 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

First thing I want to remove the quota system.Every will get equal opportunity.
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5th December 2010, 12:46 PM
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Smile Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

yes ofcourse i can do some things in one day

hopefully if you make me on the day when the parliament is working then i will propose a bill that politicians should have a test which is tougher than the civils exam which is conducted by upsc and this exam will be about all the issues on which the politician should have minimum knowledge this exam the aspirant of politician main should become the service to the people not to eat the money of the people so this process will get the best politicians across the world and if possible then i will pass this resolution unonimously without any voting system where i can get opposition so this is my plan if i get a chance to become PRime Minister ....I have many other plans but for one day this one bill or ammendment act is enough to see the fruitful results in the near future..

thanks for this opportunity for sharing my thought atleast...
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5th December 2010, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

yes i would like to become a prime minister.because it like a dream of us
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5th December 2010, 11:33 PM
nupur bhatnagar
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

first i want to remove the corruption.....................
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6th December 2010, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Hi sir

I here to say the point that, if i become the Prime Minister of India for one day means

I like to do

*I will ask every Minister to Submit the Document what ever he or she have tgill the date, Before itself i will select more 500 good members from my side with good Interview , i will allot for one one state and till them to get the details of him before one month, so that if they try to keep then any where also we can found out.

*What ever the Bending case is there i will check out, eg AIADMK bus case and Bhopal gas case like that, till now they din't do any step to kill the, i will do that

*try to Hack every details of the county Export and Import by the Hackers , do required step

*Then go for Sports, because in sports CWG you country name get soiled , the main head will caught and dismissed , but i knew, after one day my PM post will be finished, Next day he or she appoint the same people, Black money play the main role in you country, what every field may be , for getting a job , now a days every one are spending money, poor student won't get the job, so bad of our country.

*my best advice is that if ABDUL KALAM should become the PM , then our will get the good main

* BIO fuel should be increased and Petrol should be reduced , Thanks for giving me the nice topic, i am waiting for this kind of topic, India want to become a Developed country, Every country knew that we are developed country, but still we din't knew that and we won't accept that, waiting for the Real Result.

Jai hind th jai hind th
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6th December 2010, 01:34 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

If i become as a prime minister then first i prefer for simple basic problems what we are getting in india then i go for major ones....
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6th December 2010, 09:15 PM
Saikiran M
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
If you were given a chance to become the PM of India then what would you do to change the country and in what ways...

Pour out your interesting thoughts and ideas
No. I dont think i am eligible to take such a big responsibility at the moment
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6th December 2010, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

if i were given a chance to become the prime minister of India i would implement some new procedures at least.. We cannot get into success without the help of public. so we have to face to the public directly and implement the changes drastically. not just implementing but following those rules will make us more perfect in future. we should also have changes in our constitution,education system and also in our roadway traffic system. so that our future generation will stick to these rules and prosper more than us...
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8th December 2010, 09:24 AM
Amith Raj.k
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Cool Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

I would surely try to bring some changes.
I would first deal with Karnataka where there is a lot of corruption
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10th December 2010, 12:57 PM
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Default an I.A.S officer

i think it is only one post make ur best persanalti
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10th December 2010, 06:57 PM
Jasmine Mishra
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

i will do my best to bring rapid change in one day .firstly i will ban the reservation system .reservation for only those who are poor .i will resticate the corrupt ministers .will also work for poor
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11th December 2010, 10:11 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

yes if possible,i will do all that anil kapoor have done in nayak.
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12th December 2010, 01:03 AM
ramakant sharma
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Smile Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

my vote is for yes because one day is sufficient enough to remove some problems like problems in reservation system, problems in state governance syatem etc
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12th December 2010, 06:31 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

In my view nothing can change in a single day. As our country suffering with many diseases like...

* Corruption
* Growth rate of hazardous diseases like AIDS..
* Political Pressure
* Poverty. . . .

Like this our country facing many problem's.
So, to solve these many problem's in a single day is not an easy task. May be we can change a few but not fully. A partial solution can't be a permanant solution for our country to solve those many problem's. . . . .

I can conclude this in a single qoute:

"Success lies not in the result but in the effort. Being the best is not at all important, doing the best is all that matter's..."

That mean's in a single day, we can't reach the hill mountain called 'success'. One day Effort can't reach the Success. . . . .
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13th December 2010, 12:45 AM
Saikiran M
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

This is quite beautiful question... very interesting. So i am giving a attempt to this..

If I am eligible for the position of PM, then the first Order I pass in the court rules would be..

To imprison the fraudulent and corrupt officers for life OR pass electricity through their body till death.

This will surely bring a drastic development in the nation's security, infrastructure & the time of processing of the issues.
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13th December 2010, 03:33 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Prime Minister for One day cant make any changes for the country as on the Teachers Day -"can the students change the management of the school ?" Its totally illogical.But definitely if one can become the Prime Minister for I month then He can contribute His efforts in his country's progress.
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13th December 2010, 12:25 PM
Vikas Baberwal
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

living a life as prime minister for one day is not so easy, and according to me one day is not enough to bring any change in this political system. but still if i become prime minister for one day i would like to open an public department in which every country member can advice for makeing our country developed. becoz one mind can't think that much that our whole population can.....
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15th December 2010, 04:25 AM
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Smile Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?


it think nothing can be changed in a day...........

the roots of the problems are deep and they will take time to be uprooted

good day
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16th December 2010, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
If you were given a chance to become the PM of India then what would you do to change the country and in what ways...

Pour out your interesting thoughts and ideas
i don't think one day is sufficient to bring any vast changes in the system in a country like india. india is a democratic where it takes a long time to pass a simple bill. but if i got a chance to become a prime minister of india for one day, the first thing that i should have tried to do is the removal of reservation system. although i am not in full support to remove it completely but i want to change its subject. the caste system should be removed and only income will decide the people who are rich and who are poor.
second i should have tried my level best to remove corruption from this country. first of all we need to start right from the base .
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16th December 2010, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

something is better than nothing.....
if we get a chance to be prime minister of a single day than we can improve a lot of things....
in nayak movie anil kapoor proved it....that time is not the limit to do things....
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16th December 2010, 06:34 PM
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First i will increase honesty level and decrease corruption.
i will make people more workfull.
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17th December 2010, 08:23 AM
Abhishek Arya
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

As i'l bcum a PM, firstly i'l focus on the corruption factor...which is 1 of the big problem many times ago.. As u knw that nthng wil hapen in a single day, bt al we do is the trying or practising...
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17th December 2010, 09:09 AM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Originally Posted by ForumModerator View Post
If you were given a chance to become the PM of India then what would you do to change the country and in what ways...

Pour out your interesting thoughts and ideas
I will detend all the officers and i will make the indian government as a student government make the indian people as quite as americn or other developed people
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18th December 2010, 11:48 AM
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I will change only the reservation rule in INDIA for girls and for SC/ST.
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18th December 2010, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

I m no Anil kapoor from Nayak that i would bring changes in 1 day itself...
Bt heres few..
1.changes in the education system
2.Focus more on my own country than helping out others..
3.Increase taxes on Foreign companies
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18th December 2010, 09:03 PM
Ajay Bhullar
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

i would like to eliminate corruption from our country
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19th December 2010, 11:02 AM
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in an country which is not run by the prime minister but the individual leaders who support the party in power to form the government it is not at all possible to bring an change in one day,the entire day will be gon in just pursuing the people of the advantages or disadvantages of the policy you are thinking of bringing
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19th December 2010, 02:16 PM
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Smile Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Although not much is possible without the people's support, a few things from a similar poll in the USA and Canada brought me to write this microblog.

1. Abolish casteism (and reservation)
2. Initiate anti-corruption drive against govt. officials
3. Put a ceiling to admission costs in private Medical & Engineering colleges
4. Launch spy satellite to keep track of terrorist activities
5. Open colleges for poor but hardworking students
6. Lock up all politicians into a bus and throw it in the sea (!)

I run an organization named Nishant! We work on health issues of the public. I think there is real need for such actions to be initiated be people who really care for development (like me) and not most of politicians (who come from absolutely remote backgrounds) and administrators (who think they can rule the actions of people merely after passing UPSC).

nishant1110 .

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19th December 2010, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

As a PM, first of all I will find all the solutions to end corruption and terrorism..and try all my level best to implement them strictly..
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19th December 2010, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

if i will be the pm then first work i will do that is i will make a special rule for students that they have rebate in everything..... by their student i card.......
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19th December 2010, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Would you like to become Prime Minister of India for one day? If yes then what changes would you bring to the country?

Is entrance the only way for better future?
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