8th May 2014, 10:17 PM
Exact date of exam and syllabus for PGCET?
hi.........sir i m suvarna completed my b.tech final yr ece in may and applied for pgcet for continue with m.tech so,kindly plz inform me what is the exact exam date for pgcet for ece branch and also send me the syllabus for pgcet
20th January 2015, 12:15 AM
PGCET is an entrance examination conducted for candidates who interested in pursuing PG courses. This is an entrance examination, which will give opportunity for candidates to get admissions in the colleges.
Following are important dates: Commencement of online application will be in the month of June. Last date of entry of application will be in the first week of July. Test will be in the last week o July month. Result will be announced in the month of August. For more details refer www.appgecet.org. Syllabus for PGCET ECE: VLSI Design and Embedded Systems: Micro-electronics, MOS and Bi-CMOS circuit design, scaling, sub-system design and layout, testability, Embedded micro-controller, CISC & RISC architecture Signals and Systems, DSP: Types of Signals and Systems, properties of systems, convolution, correlation, Fourier series and transforms (Discrete Time), Z-transform, DFT and FFT, windowing techniques, analog and digital filter design, IIR, FIR filter design, finite word length effect. Analog and Digital Communication and Networking: AM, FM, PM, digital communication – sampling, digital coding of analog wave forms, ISI, digital modulation techniques – PSK, BPSK, QPSK, MSK, spread spectrum. ISO / OSI model, TCP/IP model, internetworking Antennas and Micro Waves: Transmission lines, Characteristic impedance, impedance transformation, smith chart, impedance matching, Wave guides, modes in rectangular guides, boundary conditions, cutoff frequencies, dispersion relation.; Antennas: Dipole antennas, antenna arrays, radiation pattern, reciprocity theorem, antenna gain; Passive and active microwave devices, microwave measurement, Radar systems, Radio telemetry. Power Electronics: Diodes, transistors, amplifiers, voltage regulators and power supplies, characteristics of DIAC, TRIAC, MOSFET, IGBT, Thyristors and its control circuits, control rectifiers, commutation techniques, AC voltage controller, DC choppers, close loop control of DC drives |