1st September 2019, 07:36 PM
What kind of jobs are available through MTech(ECE) course?
Hi Sir, I am preparing for GATE and I am studying BTech with ECE stream in Bangalore. I will try to study MTech in Bangalore as well. I just want to know that if I do MTech with the same specialization then what kind of jobs are there for me?
5th September 2019, 07:49 PM
Jobs are available through M.Tech(ECE) course are as follows:-
Assistant Professor Quality Assurance Engineer Web Developer Trainee Engineer |
5th September 2019, 09:40 PM
Jobs after Mtech (ECE) course in Bangalore:-
Technical analyst Senior data science and machine learning engineer Technical support engineer Presales executive PHP developer Design engineer Software developer Customer support executive Research interns. |
6th September 2019, 12:14 AM
List of jobs to Mtech( ECE) course in Bangalore:-
Associate Engineer Trainee Android Application Developer Customer Support Executive Research Interns Design Engineer Software Developer Technical Support Executive. |