25th June 2020, 02:20 PM
Guidebooks to prepare for 10th Tamil Nadu Board exam
Hi Sir, I would like to know about the most preferable Maths guidebooks for the preparation of my 10th Board exam. I am a Tamil Nadu Board student and I want to score good marks in the Maths subject. Please let me know about guidebooks.
26th July 2020, 08:36 AM
Hi, Most of Tamilnadu Board students follow Sura Guide for maths and other 10th subjects too. Lot of good Maths Guide available in market. Go and visit near by market and choose your guide of own. More over 10th Maths Book Guide also available in Online for free. If you we can follow that too "https://www.governmentexams.co.in/samacheer-kalvi-10th-books/".