26th June 2015, 12:42 AM
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How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

Hello guys,
How can I change my name spelling in
WBBSE Admit Card? There is a misspell
and I want to correct my name.
Please tell me the procedure.

27th June 2015, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

For that you need to contact along with a letter of your issue and submit it, probably your school will do the rest or if something is to be done from your side, you will however, get the proper and detailed information regarding it via your school officials.
27th June 2015, 11:32 AM
chintu helper
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

You can correct it just contact to the class teacher and tell them all the issue , He/She will surely solve the problem or you can also contact to the vise principal of the school , because its not your fault and as well as not schools fault but they will forward your issue to board but its very difficult for you to contact to the board from your own ,give them few days they will surely solve the problem and you will get new admit card again with correct spelling
27th June 2015, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

For this issue i suggest you to consult school vice principal. He is the only person who can help you under this situation. You need to write an application to school vice principal about the miss spelling of your name in Admit card. Then he will take necessary action about this.

He forward your complain to board and request to correct spelling of your name. After that they will issue a new admit card in which correction is done.
27th June 2015, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

For this you have to contact to the principal of your school or go to the office of your school.
They will surely tell you the solution of this problem.

You no need to follow any procedure because it is not your fault or mistake it can be solved by your school and office of your board.
30th August 2015, 08:47 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

how to correction my name in wb class 10 admit,markshit,regestration,certificate
29th April 2016, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

there is spelling difference of my surname in admit card of school final examination,now it is requiered for correction to get my pension.plz. let me inform the procedure and oblige.
salil chaudhury
17th September 2016, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

What to do when my fathers name on my Bsnl TTA admit card is wrong ? Kindly help me
5th November 2018, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

Write a letter to the secretary WBBSE abot spelling mistak in the madhaymik admit card
22nd July 2019, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

How can I correct if misspelled my father name in wbbse admit card?
2nd December 2019, 10:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

Suppose a spalling mistake in my father's name in my madhyamik admit card. Now write an application to the deputy secretary of exam. WBBSE for necessary correction and issuance of a new duplicate Admit Card.
2nd March 2020, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I correct if misspelled my name in WBBSE Admit Card?

My father passed mp in 1979.his middle name was wrongly placed in mp admit and marksheet.we contacted to school for correction .but they said to us that they can't help us because all nessesery documents regarding this issue was destroyed due to 2000 flood..and gave us an .f.i.r copy of regarding this destroy..and replied to contact at board..plz suggest me..can this correction is possible?
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