8th March 2018, 12:09 PM
List of Boarding schools in Chennai offering admission in 6th standard? Procedure to apply?
Hello friends, I want my son to study in any boarding school. Now he is 5th standard. I am looking for admission in 6th standard. My preferable city is Chennai. So, kindly tell me about the boarding schools in Chennai and also I would like to know about the procedure for admission.
13th April 2018, 10:59 PM
List of Boarding and Residential Schools offering 6th Class admission in Chennai:
Boarding and Residential Schools offering admission for 6th standard candidates in Chennai are, <> Little Millennium School http://www.littlemillennium.com/ <> St. John's International Residential School http://sjirsindia.com/ <> The Velammal International School http://www.velammaltrust.com/IS.html <> Lalaji Memorial Omega International School http://www.omegaschools.org/ You are required to contact the concerned school's principal office and then you should submit all the required certificates along with the application form for getting admission into 6th Class. Certificates may include previous 5th class certificate, study certificate, Transfer Certificate..etc.,. I suggest you to contact them once before applying to the concerned school. |