13th June 2013, 01:22 AM
What is the monthly salary for CA in India?
What is the monthly salary for c.a in India ? How much time it takes? and wat all courses are included in it< information about this course>? How much %ge is required in board xam for it?
20th July 2013, 08:33 PM
Lowest monthly salary of ca in india..???
20th July 2013, 10:47 PM
Lowest monthly salary of ca in india..??
Chartered Accountant: Based on the personal strengths and aspirations one can choose from the numerous opportunities available for a fresh CA. A chartered accountant can work in different areas of financial accounting, tax management, auditing, cost accounting, banking and consultancy. They have to be the certified members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). E&Y, Deloitte, PWC and ICICI Bank are some of the good pay masters for CA jobs in India. A fresh CA can earn anything between INR 5-7LPA. With the increase in the number of years and depth of experience the salaries also increase to as high as INR 18-24LPA for those with additional MBA degree in finance |