2nd July 2019, 03:54 PM
Is campus interview available for BSc(Urban Planning and Real Estate) students in University College London?
I have heard about the course BSc(Urban Planning and Real Estate) which is available in University College London. I am interested to do this course in this university. I just want to know whether this college provides campus interview for such candidate?
6th July 2019, 07:34 PM
Yes, campus interview is available for B.Sc. in Urban Planning and Real Estate program at University College London. After graduation you will go on to work for a range of employers in the private, public and third sectors, including property companies, surveying firms, planning consultancies, developers, in the civil service and in local and international non-governmental organisations. Visit at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-st...state-bsc/2019 for detailed information regarding Placement.