28th January 2014, 07:48 PM
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Score to get in GRE for admission in top universities?

Sir,I'm planning to study MS in U.S.now at present I'm pursuing B.Tech final year in E.C.E branch with an aggregate 70%.I'm planning to take coaching in GRE.And to write exam in September .The decision i took is correct are not I'm not understanding.To get in top universities what is the score i have to get.what are efforts i have to keep.Please reply as early has possible

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31st January 2014, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: Score to get in GRE for admission in top universities?

It is often said by the learned professionals and famous personalities that one should aim high to achieve high. So there is nothing wrong in aiming high. It is definitely correct decision on your part to aim high and prepare for studies abroad. If you can convert this into reality, you will not only acquire deeper knowledge and best facilities abroad but also will enjoy high number of job opportunities and scope of further research.

GRE is an important exam in the path of studies abroad especially if you want to pursue studies in the top notch universities of the world. The GRE scores and the respective universities are given below.

GRE score greater than 333 :
Massachusetts Institute of Technology www.mit.edu
Stanford University www.stanford.edu
University of California- Berkeley www.berkeley.edu
University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign www.uiuc.edu
University of Michigan Ann Arbor www.umich.edu
Cornell University www.cornell.edu
University of Texas at Austin www.utexas.edu
University of Maryland – College park www.umd.edu
University of California – San Diego www.ucsd.edu
California Institute of Technology www.caltech.edu
University of Wisconsin- Madison www.wisc.edu
University of California Los Angles www.ucla.edu
Harvard University www.harvard.edu
Carnegie Mellon University www.cmu.edu

GRE score greater than 325 :
Purdue University –West Lafayette www.purdue.edu
Princeton University www.princeton.edu
Pennsylvania State University –Univ Park www.psu.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology www.gatech.edu
Virginia poly Tech www.vt.edu
Texas A & M College Station www.tamu.edu
Duke University www.duke.edu
University of Washington – Seattle www.washington.edu
University of Minnesota www.umn.edu
Columbia University www.columbia.edu
Yale University www.yale.edu
Ohio State University www.osu.edu
University of Pittsburgh www.pitt.edu
Brown university (RI) www.brown.edu
John Hopkins University www.jhu.edu
North Carolina State University www.ncsu.edu
Dartmouth College, NH www.dartmouth.edu
Iowa State University www.iastate.edu
University of California- Santa Barbara www.ucsb.edu
Case Western Reserve University www.cwru.edu
Northwestern University (IL) www.northwestern.edu
Arizona State University www.asu.edu
University of Iowa www.uiowa.edu
Rutgers, State Univ of NJ, New Brunswick www.rutgers.edu
Rice University www.rice.edu
University of Rochester www.rochester.edu
University of Virginia www.virginia.edu
University of Pennsylvania www.upenn.edu

GRE score greater than 320 :
University of Delaware www.udel.edu
University of California – Davis www.ucdavis.edu
University of Colorado –Boulder www.colorado.edu
University of Notre Dame www.nd.edu
University of Chicago www.uchicago.edu
Lehigh University (PA) www.lehigh.edu
University of Southern California www.usc.edu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) www.rpi.edu
University of Cincinnati www.uc.edu
University of Florida; Gainesville www.ufl.edu
Washington University St Louis www.wustl.edu
Vanderbilt University (TN) www.vanderbilt.edu
University of California - Irvine www.uci.edu
Michigan State University www.msu.edu
University of Massachusetts – Amherst www.umass.edu
Kansas State University www.ksu.edu
University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa www.ua.edu
University of Arizona-Tucson www.uarizona.edu
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill www.unc.edu
Colorado School of Mines www.mines.edu
University of Illinois at Chicago www.uic.edu
University of New Hampshire www.unh.edu
University of New Mexico www.unm.edu
Boston University www.bu.edu
Colorado State University www.colostate.edu
Auburn University www.auburn.edu
University of Buffalo www.buffalo.edu
University of Akron www.uakron.edu
Drexel University www.drexel.edu
Syracuse University www.syr.edu
Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu
Clemson University www.clemson.edu

GRE score greater than 314 :-
University of Missouri – Rolla www.umr.edu
University of Nebraska Lincoln www.unl.edu
University of Connecticut www.uconn.edu
University of Utah www.utah.edu
University of Tennessee-Knoxville www.utk.edu
West Virginia University www.wvu.edu
University of Kansas www.ku.edu
SUNY- stony brook www.sunnysb.edu
University of Georgia www.uga.edu
University of Missouri-Columbia www.mizzou.edu
Oklahoma State University www.okstate.edu
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge www.lsu.edu
University of South Carolina www.sc.edu
Tulane University www.tulane.edu
Indiana University - Bloomington www.indiana.edu
University of Oklahoma www.ou.edu
University of Miami www.miami.edu
University of Texas – Dallas www.utdallas.edu
Ohio University –Athens www.ohiou.edu
University of Houston –Houston www.uh.edu
Michigan technological University www.mtu.edu
University of Maine www.umaine.edu
University of Kentucky www.uky.edu
George Washington University www.gwu.edu
University of Central Florida www.ucf.edu

GRE score greater than 308 :-
Northern Illinois University www.niu.edu
Indiana University Purdue University www.iupui.edu
University of Memphis www.memphis.edu
University of Nevada Los Vegas www.unlv.edu
University of Alabama-Huntsville www.uah.edu
University of Idaho www.uidaho.edu
Mississippi State university www.msstate.edu
University of Missouri, Kansas City www.umkc.edu
University of North Carolina-Charlotte www.uncc.edu
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science &Tech www.ogi.edu
George Mason University www.gmu.edu
University of Indianapolis www.uindy.edu
University of Nebraska Omaha www.unomaha.edu
University of South Florida- Tampa www.usf.edu
Middle Tennessee State University www.mtsu.edu
Polytechnic University (NY) www.poly.edu
University of New Orleans www.uno.edu
University of Arkansas- Fayetteville www.uark.edu
Tennessee Technological University www.tntech.edu
University of South Florida www.usf.edu
University of Louisiana-Lafayette www.lousiana.edu
Florida Institute of Technology www.fit.edu
Illinois Institute of Technology www.iit.edu
Washington State University www.wsu.edu
Georgia State University www.gsu.edu

GRE score greater than 300 :-
Texas Tech University www.ttu.edu
Wayne State University www.wayne.edu
California State University, Sacramento www.csus.edu
Missouri State University www.missouristate.edu
New Mexico State University www.nmsu.edu
North Dakota State University www.ndsu.edu
University of Texas-Arlington www.uta.edu
Clarkson University www.clarkson.edu
Wright State University www.wright.edu
University of Tennessee Chattanooga www.utc.edu
University of Tulsa www.utulsa.edu
Portland state university www.pdx.edu
University of Vermont www.uvm.edu
Baylor University, Texas www.baylor.edu
Villanova University www.villanova.edu
University of Tampa www.utampa.edu
Louisiana Tech. University www.latech.edu
New Jersey Institute of Technology www.njit.edu
Idaho State University www.isu.edu
Wichita State University www.wichita.edu
University of Mississippi www.olemiss.edu
Northeastern University www.northeastern.edu
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville www.siue.edu
University of Alaska- Fairbanks www.uaf.edu
Pace University, NY www.pace.edu
Wright State University www.wright.edu
Chicago State University www.csu.edu
South Dakota State University www.sdsu.edu
East Carolina University www.ecu.edu
University of North Texas www.unt.edu
SUNY Institute of Technology www.sunyit.edu
University of Missouri at St Louis www.umsl.edu
University of Northern Iowa www.uni.edu
University of Toledo www.utoledo.edu
University of Illinois at Springfield www.uis.edu
Old Dominion University, Virginia www.odu.edu
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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