IGNOU Master of Library and Information Science-Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies Papers


We all know the importance of libraries in the development of our social structure. A library of well stocked books is absolutely one of the best sources of information and knowledge. If you want to make an assessment of the quality of an educational institution, then you should judge it by the quality of its library and the management that runs it. IGNOU offers one of the finest and most effective Master degrees in Library and Information Science- Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies Papers. The entrance exam is conducted by IGNOU and the paper consists of 5 questions, making up to 100 marks. And, only 3hrs is allotted to the candidates to finish the paper.

Paper Pattern:

All the questions asked in the paper of “Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies” are subjective type. Like I said before, the paper contains just 5 questions. Out of them, only 4 questions have similar pattern. First four questions will offer you an alternative or a choice. On the other hand, the last or the 5th question will offer you 6 options for short notes. Out of the 6 options, you need to attempt only 4 of them. First 4 questions of the paper are long answer type; and, each question will be divided into several parts, which certainly makes it easy for the candidates.

Frequently asked questions:

Once again, I would like to mention that for each question you will have to offer a long and descriptive answer. Usually, you will find questions related to the evolution of computers and their features, operating systems and its functions, various communication systems used for information transfer and their working principles, objectives of library and information network and services provided by them, storage technology, functions of different software, Advantages and disadvantages of ejournals, Multimedia, Optical Storage etc. The short answer type question can be based on basic knowledge about systems. For the short answer type questions, the perfect word count would be 250 words.

Total marks and time allotted:

For all the 5 questions mentioned in the question paper, the marks allotted are 100. And, candidates will be provided only 3 hours to complete the paper. Long answer type consists of 20 marks each, and the short one is of 5 marks each.

Tips for Scoring Good Marks

Special credit will be given to those students who will answer to the point and who can give good examples and diagrams to illustrate their answer in a very lucid manner.

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