Teachers, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan


Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is an autonomous body under the ministry of human resource development (govt. of India) and is responsible for running schools and other offices. It is also responsible for the recruitment of officers, teachers etc. in its various offices and institutions. 

Job profile: The teachers will be responsible for imparting knowledge and education to the students. They will be responsible for giving him/her the right guidance and also bring out the talent of a student. They will also be responsible for helping them with their project work.

: A candidate must not exceed the age of 40 years for a PGT (post graduate teacher) and 35 years for a TGT (trained graduate teacher). However, relaxation can be claimed as per the rules.

Educational Qualifications:

For a PGT – A candidate must have done a 2 years post graduate M.Sc course of regional college of education of NCERT in the concerned subject or a candidate must have a Master’s degree from a recognized university.

For a PGT (Computer Science) – A candidate must have a B.E/B.TECH in CSE/IT or a diploma or B.Sc or BCA or a post graduate diploma in computers and a post graduate degree in any subject or ‘A’ level from DOEACC with a post graduate degree in any subject or Level ‘B’ or ‘C’ from DOEACC.

For a TGT – A candidate must have done a 4 years M.Sc course of regional college of education of NCERT in the concerned subject or a second class Bachelor’s degree.

No. of posts: There are 94 posts for PGTs in various subjects and 9 posts for PGTs in computer sciences and 111 posts for TGTs.

Pay scale: A PGT and a TGT will be given a pay scale of Rs9300-34800 plus a grade pay of Rs4800 and Rs4600 respectively.

Selection process: The candidates will have to appear for a written test and then for an interview.

How to apply: The candidates are required to apply as per the format given in the advertisement or on the website. The candidates are also required to pay a fee of Rs750 in the form of a DD in the favor of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan or through electronic transfer in the account no. 405046333 with the Indian Bank, Mehrauli Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016. All the applications must be sent to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, P.O. Box No. 4624, Post Office Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016

The last date for the receipt of applications is 12th October 2009.

For details visit www.kvsangathan.nic.in



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1,365 Responses to “Teachers, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan”

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  1. 915
    Monita Kumari:

    Respected sir,
    i m not get my roll no till date the our Online Application for the post of Post Graduate Teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for the year : 2011-2012 have been provisionally registered.

    Username and Registration ID : 19002692
    Password : hqgXPZ
    Kindly send Imdt.

  2. 914
    pooja saini:

    sir,i didnt get my admit card for written exam on 12-2-2011,,so i request you to give me my admit card details,

  3. 913
    nisha shokeen:

    i did not get the admit card for tgt hindi written exam on 12-2-2011. when i get it. please inform me the roll no.

  4. 912
    pooja ajmera:

    sir, i didnt get my admit card for written exam on 12-2-2011,so plz sir i request you to inform my roll no. i will be very thankfull to you

  5. 911
    pooja ajmera:

    sir, i didnt get my admit card for written exam on 12-2-2011,plz inform me the roll no.

  6. 910

    please send me the schme of pgt engish exam whcih is going to happen in 2011

  7. 909


    I did not get the admit card for tgt written exam on 12-2-2011. when i get it.

    please inform me the roll no.

  8. 908
    Rakhi Chauhan:

    i have applied for the post of Tgt. English But my admit card doesn’t arrived.So plz solve this prblem which is created.

  9. 907
    Atul Kumar Rastogi:

    Sir ,

    I applied for PGT mathematics 2011-2012.but i have not got admit card&name of examination centre.when would i will get it?Please solve my this problem.

    my registration no.is - 17006538

  10. 906
    rajni monga:

    sir am not recieve the admit card for the post of pgt teacher how we get the admit card

  11. 905

    I want to change my examination center from Jammu to somewhere in Andhra Pradesh

  12. 904
    gauri jaiswal:

    please send my admit card on my alternate id as my id is deleted.

  13. 903

    what is the exam date of TGT(s.st)

  14. 902

    what is the exam date of TGT (HINDI)

  15. 901
    shweta fulambarkar:

    Respected sir,
    i m not get the admit card.will you also please give the details of exam dates.

  16. 900
    neha panday:

    respeced sir.
    i have send my application for music teacher but i have not recived my admit card

  17. 899

    i hv nt get my admitcard ,hw i cn download my
    admitcard so dat i wl appear for d xam of pgt which wl held
    on 11feb????

  18. 898
    Neha Bijalwan:

    sir/mam….i hv applied for tgt post for which exam is to b held on 12th feb..but till now i haven’t received my admit card…so can u plzz tell me from where should i collect my admit card?

  19. 897

    Respected sir/mam please send me physical education syllabus 2011(1st&2nd) for written examination (PET).i will be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.
    thanking you.

  20. 896
    pooja singh:

    DATE OF BIRTH-4.2.80

  21. 895
    Poonam Gehlawat:

    I have not received my Admit card till date, how can i get it , please tell me as soon as possible. If you can provide me previous question paper for PGT physics then send at my email id.
    thanking you.

  22. 894

    are the online application forms being submitted?

  23. 893
    tanushree sarkar:

    I have submitted an application form for pgt in kendriya vidyalaya.can u pls tell me the examination pattern in english,I mean whether it will be descriptive type or objective type?pls send me 10 years question paper of english in my email

  24. 892
    ankita sharma:

    sir, i still haven’t got the admit card of pgt economics exam kindly to be held on 11 february. please enquire the problem and give all the possible solutions. i’ll be thankful to you.

  25. 891
    ruchi mishra:

    sir, i still haven’t got the admit card of pgt economics exam kindly to be held on 11 february. please enquire kindly and give possible solutions. i will be thankful to you.

  26. 890
    kumari shailly:

    I want to know my admit card.

  27. 889


  28. 888
    sudhir verma:

    Respected sir/madam,

    I have not received admit card of PGT preliminary examination held on 11-02-2011. please enquiry this kindly.

    sencerely your

    sudhir verma

  29. 887

    admit card pgt and tgt

  30. 886

    where is my examination center pl send me P.G.T. Teacher My registratin No is 19003426

  31. 885

    where can i get the sample papers of the entrance exam for the post of PRT.i ve received my dmit card and now i want to prepare for it.kindly help

  32. 884
    Shikha Singh:

    Respected sir,
    I haven’t received admit card of PGT written exam 2011-12 yet.please guide me to get the same.

    thank you.

  33. 883
    anuradha sharma:

    i had applied for PRT TEACHER, 2011, but still not received mmy admit card, please help me out

  34. 882
    Manoj kumar:

    i hv applied for physical health teacher in kendriya vidylaya. I hv not received my call letter for written exam or not get any information about this matter. Help me pls and send me all information on my mail address: hemantkumar_24@yahoo.com or 9990697888

  35. 881

    Please send me 5 yrs question paper of PRT of KVS entrance exam : On …12 feb2011

  36. 880

    i had applied for pgt biology and tgt sc for kvs but i hav not recieved my admitcard yet ..how shall i get it plz help.the test is on 11feb 2011.
    plz help its urgent

  37. 879
    ruby gupta:

    please see my admit card ruby gupta.. as i send the form to head office address. so what to do for exam

  38. 878

    i have applied for TGT hindi but i didn’t get any admit card and exam hallticket when will conducted the exam? i know Feb 2011 but i don’t know which center and date Please send details for TGT Exam

  39. 877

    Sir, please fwd a model test paper for primary teacher entrance exam in Kendriya Vidyalaya held on 12 Feb 2011 on my yahoo Mail address

  40. 876

    roll no for prt teacher test feb. 2011

  41. 875

    sir i have not get my admit card for tgt-2011exam(12 feb),tell me the way to get it.

  42. 874
    neeru parashar:

    i have applied for tgt hindi, but i have’nt got admit card and name of the examination center. Plz guide me to how i get my admit card for test. My e-mail id-vkparashar2009@gmail.com

  43. 873
    Amrita SomChoudhury:

    Dear Sir/Mam,
    I want to prepare myself for kendriyavidyalay entrance exam for PGT computer science.It would be of great help if you would be able to send me the previous years question papers and study materials for the same and also let me know about whether there are any coaching centers in kolkata which can give coaching for the same.
    Amrita Som Choudhury

  44. 872
    vikram singh gehlot:

    please sir send me PGT exam 11 feb 2011 for admit card my E mail ID Thanks

  45. 871
    Ram Narain Saroj:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    i have the applied of the form 2010-11 the post of PGT- computer Science, but i can not get admit card to till date.
    thanking you..

  46. 870

    iam not get teh admit card when i get it.plz send me syllabus of pgt physics..and prt.

  47. 869

    could u please send me last 5 years solved SST model questions,

  48. 868

    plz,get me the information about examination date and seat number.

  49. 867

    Hi im balaji i applied for PGT computer science staff in KVS…i want to know one thing i dont know hindi but in WE they r asking 20 hindi questos so whether hindi s mandatory r not?Pls reply to email id…

  50. 866
    varsha mishra:

    pls send me the syllabus and previous year question paper for the exam for physical health education teacher to be held on 12 feb 2011.

  51. 865

    i didnt get my admit card for pgt tgt and prt

  52. 864

    sir,will you please send me previous year biotechnology PGT entrance exam question papers.

    Thanking you


  53. 863

    respected sir,
    i am not comeing exam letter please send the exam letter

  54. 862

    Respected sir,
    please send me the exam letter

  55. 861

    i am not get the admit card when i get it.

  56. 860
    kalpesh pateliya:

    please sir ,tell me to written exam on 12 february 2011 exam scheadule and exam time table and exam method paper and please send the previous question paper for preliminary exam of prt to my email id

  57. 859

    i am not get the admit card when i get it.

  58. 858

    please sir ,tell me to written exam on 12 february 2011 exam scheadule and exam time table and exam method paper and please send the previous question paper for preliminary exam of prt to my email id

  59. 857

    sir,my self sunita.i,m B.A. M.Ed. want to job in kvs.please tell me the last date to submit application for TGT S.S.T 2011-2012 .

  60. 856

    sir plz tell me about the pgt & tgt entrance exam date 2011-12 . Is it on 11and 12 feb11

  61. 855
    harpreet kaur purba:

    i have applied for the post of prt.But my admit card doesn’t arrived.So plz solve this prblem which is created.

  62. 854

    I did not receive the hall ticket for entrance exam for tgt 2011. can u guide me to get the same.
    Thank You

  63. 853
    santosha anal:

    sir, please send me prel. model Quies. for preparation of PGT exam in kvs

  64. 852

    Sir ,

    I applied for PGT mathematics 2011-2012.but i have not got admit card&name of examination centre.when would i will get it?

  65. 851

    I have not received TGT admit card. Please guide me how to get it.

  66. 850


  67. 849

    plz send me syllabus of pgt physics..and prt.

  68. 848

    i had applied for the post of TGT Scinece and PRT.. BUT TILL TODATE I DID NOT RECEIVE MY ADMIT CARD/ Roll No. Kindly intimate me at the earliest..

  69. 847
    Deepthi VS:

    i have applied for TGT Zoology,but i have’nt got admit card and name of the Examination Center,when would i will get it.

  70. 846

    Respected sir/madam,

    I haven’t received admit card of PGT written exam 2010-11 yet. please enquiry this kindly.

    Tulsi Bora

  71. 845

    i applied for the post of PGT computer science,bt cant receive my Admit card in my id plz guide me to how i get my admit card for test

  72. 844

    i applied for the post graduate teacher bt i don’t recieve roll no. or any admit card yet. can u give me details, from where i can get my roll no for appearing in this exam.

  73. 843

    good morning
    i am applying for PGT CHEMISTRY post at 11 Feb.
    i want previous year question paper for objective test will be held on 11 Feb. & also for main exam

  74. 842
    rajani mitra:

    plz send the previous ques.paper for p.g.t {hindi} ,befor exaim
    and sir pls tell me when my admit card will come ,pls tell me details p.g.t.exaim,and kvs exaim, wht is exaim date,plz conform me

  75. 841

    Hi, i applied for the same, bt dont receive roll no yet.Can u guide me from where i cn get my roll no for appearing in this test.
    thanks in advance.:)

  76. 840
    Nimitha N:

    please send the previous question paper for preliminary exam of PGT chemistry.

  77. 839
    Rajesh babu assistant teacher:

    Sir plz give information about admit card for p.g.t(economics) exam and previous year question paper

  78. 838
    kirti satyarthi:

    is pgt entrance examination on 13 feb. plz send some information related to it

  79. 837

    please send me syllabus of social studies prt and TGT

  80. 836

    please send me syllabus of PGT physical education.

  81. 835

    Dear sir/mam, i applied for librarian post, may i know that the written test will be oly on library subject or general, / same question paper will be given for all subjects or different Q.Ps will be given?/ which syllabus have i to prepre? kindly give me the information regarding above obligations. thank u…..

  82. 834

    please send me sample papers of maths PGT

  83. 833
    kamini ahuja:

    i have applied for TGT English,but i have’nt got admit card and name of the Examination Center,when would i will get it.
    Kamini.kindly send me the syllabus of TGT English.

  84. 832

    exam. Date of pgt and tgt 2011..

  85. 831
    bharti shrikhande:

    I am apply for prt.pls tell me about issuing admit card.

  86. 830

    what is the scheme of exam for pgt hindi entranceexam?

  87. 829

    send me syllabus of TGT mathematics.

    what is the exam date of TGT 2011?

  88. 828
    Shad ahmad:

    Plz send me last year pgt computer science paper or pattern of ist paper plz

  89. 827

    kindly let me no the syllabus of the preliminary exam of TGT physical education which would be on 12feb 2011.


  90. 826

    kindly send me the previous papers of pgt recruitment exam.
    thank you

  91. 825
    Soma Paul:

    Will you please send me the last 5 years solved prelims’ TGT and PRT question papers.
    I have also neithe received my Acknowledgement card nor the Admit card for the forth coming Preliminary examination which would be held on 12 th Feb,2011.

  92. 824
    kundan kumar:

    sir, pl tell the dates of tgt and prt for kendriya vidyalaya 2011 and I want to syllabus of prt

  93. 823

    i didnt fill second prefrence of entrance exam centre is it can cause cancillation of my application form plz tell me

  94. 822

    Please send me the exame date of tgt and pgt in physical education

  95. 821
    uttam saha:

    please kindly send me the syllabus of ret exam

  96. 820

    sir plz tell me pgt pre exam sallybus

  97. 819
    reena gupta:

    i want to syallbus of sanskrit tgt exam
    exam held 12 feb 2011
    plase send me as soon as

  98. 818
    Jasbir singh:

    What type of syllubus of first paper for tgt

  99. 817

    plz send me time table of tgt maths papers.when and what is first paper.whats its sylabus.when and what is second paper and what is its syllabus.early as possible.
    thank you
    hemaxi j singh

  100. 816

    sir,pls send me last five years solved physics question papers

  101. 815
    rani mishra:

    Respected sir.plz inform me when i will get my admit card n kindly send me last 5 years paper of kvs preliminaryexam forPGT,TGTn PRT science biology

  102. 814
    Lalit kumar:

    Please send me the syllebus of prt n tgt s.s

  103. 813
    atula jain:

    Sir, i m eligible for the exam but did not received the admit card yet kindly sent me a information regarding it.

  104. 812
    sanjeev gupta:

    Please send me syllabus of PGT Physics & TGT Maths.
    Where I will get last year Question paper of PGT Physics & TGT Maths.

  105. 811

    sir,please tell me date of prt for kendriya vidyalaya 2011

  106. 810

    sir i have not recieved admit card fortgt(science) and pgt chemistryto be held on 12-13 feb 2011.plz let me know as soon as possible…
    thank you

  107. 809
    Neeraj Kumar:

    Respected sir ,
    My subject is sanskrit please send me my
    preliminary exam 2011 roll no.

  108. 808

    sir, how can i get the information about my application that it has been accepted or not for tgt exam 2011-12.

  109. 807
    tapash mandal:

    on which date the kvs recruitement of teachers exam will be held?

  110. 806
    rajesh mishra:

    this is Rajesh. I would like to know recruitment procedure for the post of Drawing teacher and also pls send me the last ten years questions and sallaybus too.
    My mail ID is :rajeshkr.mishra100@gmail.com

  111. 805

    Kindly send me the syllabus of English pgt

  112. 804
    Sudeep kumari:

    sir, pl tell the dates of tgt and prt for kendriya vidyalaya 2011

  113. 803

    Respected Sir
    please send me information issu admit card

  114. 802

    respected sir,
    my subject is biology please
    send me syllabus of preliminary exam.

  115. 801

    What is the possible date for pgt english pre test? Is it still on feb 11,2011.

  116. 800


    kindly send me pgt(economics) exam previous queston paper and preliminary exam syllabus

  117. 799
    Jaswinder Kaur:

    Respected Sis,
    I have not received my Roll No. card.please send me 5years question papers for TGT SST entrance exm.

  118. 798
    nibha sinha:

    Respected sir,
    kindly send the model paper of PGT. and the new pattern of model test papers I, II & III.

  119. 797
    Please send me 5 yrs question paper of PRT of KVS entrance exam:

    Thank you

  120. 796

    is it necessary to be BEd if we are applying for PGT biotechnology

  121. 795

    Respected Sir, will u send me syllabus and scheme of Preliminary exam of T.G.T. physical eucation will be held on 12 Feb.2011?

  122. 794
    binitha m v:

    when the PGT English recruitment test will be conducted?
    I would like to get the details about the syllubus of the same exam?

  123. 793
    kanchan maurya:

    respected sir,
    kindly send the hindi model paper of pgt and which book should be reffered for 1st,IInd,and IIIrd paper.

  124. 792
    vidya v nair:

    Respected sir
    sir,kindly inform me the date of examination of pgt for computer science and send me last three years sample question paper if possible

  125. 791
    Rekha Sharma:

    Respected sir,
    kindly send the hindi model paper of TGT and which book should be reffered for Ist, IInd and IIInd paper.

  126. 790

    What is the pattern of first paper for pgt english entrance

  127. 789
    Shivanand dwivedi:

    Pless send the syllabus of biology for TGT and PGT and eligbilty also?

  128. 788

    syllabus of pre-main exam of PGT chemistry of kvs ,please send me

  129. 787

    syllabus of pre-main exam of PGT chemistry,please send me

  130. 786

    please send me 5years question papers for PGT mathematics entrance exm.

    thank u

  131. 785

    could u please send me last 5 years solved biology model questions,

  132. 784
    nandini pandey:

    what is the date of exam

  133. 783

    Kindly send me the syllabus of English pgt

  134. 782

    what is the tgt kvs entrance examination date of 2010

  135. 781
    Jagdish Sahu:

    kindly tell me the date of entrance exam

  136. 780
    Punam Mishra:

    Please send me model paper of PRT Exam in my address
    33 shital manav mandir Complex, 100 ft. road, off ambadi road, vasai road west, dist.- thane.401202

    Punam Mishra

  137. 779
    ajay kumar:

    please sand sample question in my email.

  138. 778

    respected sir,
    kindly send the hindi model paper of pgt.

  139. 777
    amrit lal jaiswal:

    syllabus of psychology for p.g.t. exam

  140. 776

    Respected Sir, will u send me syllabus and scheme of Preliminary exam of T.G.T. MATHS will be held on 12 Feb.2011?

  141. 775

    sir/madam please….. tell me about the syllabus of kvs pgt tgts.my phone number is 8107554846. my e-mail is matisht22@gmail.com

  142. 774

    i will be highly obliged if u send me last 5 yrs questions of preliminary exams of TGT (MATHS) FOR KVS EXAM

  143. 773
    Manisha sharma:

    Pls send me last 5 yearr questions nd syallabus of economics for kvs exam

  144. 772
    manish sisodia:

    plse tell me the syllabus for pgt-physics preliminary exam for recruitment in kv sangathan 2010-11

  145. 771

    i will be highly obliged if u send me last 5 yrs questions of preliminary exams of TGT (PHYSICAL education ) FOR KVS EXAM

  146. 770

    sir/ madam
    i will be highly obliged if u send me last 5 yrs questions of preliminary exams of PRT ,tgt science&PGT (BIOLOGY) FOR KVS EXAM

  147. 769

    Please send me model questions & syllabus of prelimary exams of PGT (English) for KVS exam

  148. 768
    sheetal tanwar:

    sir/ madam
    i will be highly obliged if u send me last 5 yrs questions of preliminary exams of tgt &PGT (english) FOR KVS EXAM

  149. 767
    snehal thorat:

    sir, i will be highly obliged if u send me syllabus of PRT exam and last 5 year modal question of preliminary exam of PRT for KVS exam

  150. 766

    sir/ madam
    i will be highly obliged if u send me last 5 yrs questions of preliminary exams of PRT &PGT (BIOLOGY) FOR KVS EXAM

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