Maharashtra Board SSC- X, Hindi (Third Language) Paper


Topics taught in this paper:

This paper covers the topics like correction of sentences, conversion of sentences into different tenses, letters, essays, and different stories and poems of the text book.


This question paper contains only one section which consists of 8 questions.

Time and marks:

This paper contains a maximum of 80 marks which are to be solved within the time limit of three hours.

Paper pattern:

This question paper consists of 8 questions. The first three questions are from the different stories of the literature book. The first one is the long answer type while the other two are very short answer type. The fifth question of the paper is from the grammatical section of the paper. The last three questions of the paper are from the writing sections. The sixth question of the paper is about composition of letter and the seventh question is about writing essay on the provided topics. This question has a word limit of 150 to 200 words. The last question is of answering the questions on the basis of passage provided. The provided time to solve this paper is of three hours

Questions are from:

The questions are generally from essay writing, correction of grammatical errors, phrases and saying, passage, etc.

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3 Responses to “Maharashtra Board SSC- X, Hindi (Third Language) Paper”

  1. 3

    Sir i want last few years sample papers of dda ldc cum typist exams in hindi

  2. 2
    Anupam biswas:

    Why the result of Maharashtra ssc board exam results is deliverd so late as compared to other states?

  3. 1

    plzzz give me ssc board exam qestion papers of last 3 years