IMI 2011 MBA


International Management Institute (IMI) conducts an entrance process for admission to its Post Graduate Diploma in Management courses:PGDM & PGDM(HR). IMI is one of the leading institutes in India for management education. It has an international curriculum for its courses as a result of the collaboration with foreign institutes. It was established in 1981 in collaboration with International Management Institute, Geneva which is now International Institute for Management Development (IIMD), Lausane. Other international universities with which it has collaborations are Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, and Manchester Business School, U.K.

IMI is situated in Qutub Institutional Area in Delhi therefore has a locational advantage. It is approved by AICTE and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. IMI uses CAT scores for shortlisting candidates for its PGDM Programs. The shortlisted candidates are then called for Personal Interview and General Discussion after which the final selections are made.

Eligibility criteria:

Candidates should have a minimum of 3 years bachelor degree or its equivalent from any of the recognized institute with atleast 50% aggregate marks or its equivalent CGPA. Candidates who are in their final year of graduation are eligible to apply for the course. However these appearing candidates have to submit their Certificate of Merit to the concerned authority of the Institute within two months from the date of admission. If failed, may cause termination of the seat of the respective candidate.

Availability of Application forms:

The forms for IMI are expected to be available by August End in IMI Campus. The form can also be obtained by post from IMI by sending a Demand Draft along with the request for form. Candidates who are applying through post have to forward a DD, drawn in favor of the Registrar of the Institute, along with a requisite letter.  In order to pay Candidates can also apply online through the and payment can be made through credit card.

Important Dates:

Availability of Application Forms: From Mid week of August, 2011
last Date for receipt of completed application forms/Online Application: First week of November, 2011

Selection process:

Candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of their CAT scores are then called for a round of a Personal Interview and a General Discussion. Final selections are based on a number of factors including Personal Interview, GD, Past Academic Record, Work Experience and Extracurricular activities.

Contact Details:

Admission Office (PGDM & PGDM-HR)
B-10, Qutab Institutional Area
Tara Crescent
New Delhi - 110016

Telephone - 2696-1437/3519/6143, 2686-3701, 2652-8276/9237/9338/9239 Ext: 3331

Telephone Direct: 2652-8277




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4 Responses to “IMI 2011 MBA”

  1. 4

    Respt sir in graduation i got only 48% will i am eligilible for mba

  2. 3
    t kranthi reddy:

    what are different entrance exams that are applicable to get an admission in imi?

  3. 2

    cost of mba application 2010 entrance

  4. 1