IETE DIPIETE (Old Scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers


The Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Applied Mechanics Papers deals with the fundamentals of mechanics and it provide the information about the principles of mechanics.

Qualification for appearing in this exam:

The desired qualification required for the IETE DIPIETE (old scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers that one should have to fulfill is like one should have to cross 14 years age and pass in the matriculation or its equivalent examination with general science and working experience in relevant fields. The candidates appearing for the higher secondary with math and physics as their main subject can also apply for this exam.

Scoring and negative markings:

There is no negative scoring for any question in the Applied Mechanics Papers. The marks of every individual question are indicated on right side.

Mode of examination:

The IETE DIPIETE (Old Scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers examination is a hand on writing or pen/pencil mode of examination.


The IETE DIPIETE (Old Scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers is basically a theoretical or subjective type paper. Generally it carries both multiple and long answers type questions.

Paper pattern:

The pattern of the IETE DIPIETE (Old Scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers includes nine questions. Question number 1 is compulsory for every appearing candidate and the candidates are asked to write their answers only to the space given in the answer sheet. Only five questions are required to attempt by the candidates. The total marks allotted against each question are 16 marks.


The complete marks allotted for the Applied Mechanics Papers are 100.


The schedule time that one should get to complete the entire IETE DIPIETE (Old Scheme) Applied Mechanics Papers is three hours.

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