Karnataka SSLC Science Examination papers
The Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination, famous as SSLC, is held by the Karnataka State Board. This exam marks the end of secondary schooling of a student. On successful completion of the class X exam, a student is able to get this certification. The performance of the students in SSLC is a deciding factor in getting admission to Higher Secondary School of his choice. This exam is a stepping stone in the career of the student.
The pattern of the Karnataka SSLC Science Examination is given below:
The Science exam is a scoring one and one can perform well by good practice. There are two groups in the paper. Group I is Physics & Chemistry and Group II is Biology. Each of the two groups contain two parts, parts A and B in first group and parts C and D in Group B. Part A consists of 39 questions and part B has 11 questions. Each question in part A carries 1 mark. Part C in group B consists of 21 questions and part D consists of 6 questions. The questions in part C carry 1 mark each. The answers are to be written in the question-cum-answer booklet itself. Space has been provided for the same.
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- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 1
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 2
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 3
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 4
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 5
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 6
- Download Karnataka SSLC Science Examination Question Paper 7
- Karnataka State Board Secondary examination SSLC (class 10) Mathematics Papers
- Karnataka SSLC First Language HINDI Papers
- Karnataka SSLC First Language Sanskrit Papers
- Karnataka SSLC First Language English Papers
- Karnataka SSLC First Language Tamil Papers
- Karnataka SSLC first language Marathi papers
- Karnataka SSLC First Language Telugu Papers
- Karnataka SSLC Second Language English Papers
- Karnataka SSLC Third Language Hindi Papers
- Karnataka SSLC Second Language Kannada Papers
- Karnataka SSLC Second Language Alternate English Papers
- Tamil Nadu SSLC Mathematics Papers
- Tamil Nadu SSLC Science Papers
- Tamil Nadu SSLC Tamil (Paper I) Papers
- Tamil Nadu SSLC Tamil (Paper II) Papers
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889 Responses to “Karnataka SSLC Science Examination papers”
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sir plz can i gt da download link 2 da blueprint of all da question papers of sslc board 2014…
can i get sm important twisted questions in science
i want kannada medium qustion paper .1mathematics
2social since
where can i get model sslc paper 2014?
Plz plz sir I want the blue print of science,maths,social and Sanskrit of 2014
sir, pls can u send me link to download sslc blue print of preparatory examination of board from the year 2013 to2014 of all subject pls as soon as posible.
Please send me blue print of social science paper of last year
Sir, pls send me sslc 2014 all subjects blue print.
sir, pls can u send me the link to download sslc karnataka state blueprint for the year 2014.
Would you make me download zenith hot model
question Paper
plz sent me 2006 to 2013 question paper right now plzplzz sir
Sir/madam I want 2009 district level s.s.l.c social questio paper
Can u please send me board questions papers from 2006 to 2013 all subjects
1st language kannada
2nd english
3rd hindi (english medium)
And the blue print of 2014 sslc examination
sir plz send me d link to download all previous year question papers with answer plz plz ..
sir plzzzzzzzz snd me annual question papers frm 2006 to 2013……..plz sir my email id is basukumar7259711865@gmail.com
please sir 2013 board exam importent kannada medium all subject question papers
where can i get sslc 2013-14 blue prints of english medium.???
please reply soon…!!
Pis send me a 1language English 2 language kannada 3 language hindi , social science, maths, science thank you
Last 10 years papers..
1st language- kannada
2nd language- english
3rd language- hindi
hope i get my repuest done.. Thankyou
sir i need one sample of science question paper please send me that .
please sir i want 2005 to 2012question papers all subjects and
science and maths applied questions
maths is my tough subject
maths,science,hindiandsocial important questions
i am english medium
as soon as possible in one week
Thanking you
send this email :shashankmeghraj333
Hi sir,
please sir can u send me 2013 December( state) preparatory all subject booklet question papers.
sir please send the
1st language kannada
2nd language english
3rd language hindi
and maths ,science and social
Will u please privide me science and maths syllabus of 10 th class (SSLC) for 2014-15
i want all 2014 question papers
sir please send me toppers answer papers
Dear sir/madum
i want 2005to2013questionspapersandanswers(all subject)
science applied questions and answers
social,mathsandscience important questions
as possible on december 31/12/2013
i am english medium
Thanking you very much sir
Dear sir/madum
i want 2005to2013questionspapersandanswers(all subject)
science applied questions and answers
social,mathsandscience important questions
as possible on december 31/12/2013
i am english medium
Thanking you very much sir
Dear sir
i want 2005to2013questions papers and answers(all subject)
science applied questions and answers
maths,scienceandsocial important questions
I am english medium
as possible as December 31/12/2013
i am wating sir
Thanking you very much sir
maths science sociel scicnce kannada 2 nd language
Sir, i request you send to my email id (darshandarshu34@gmail.com) maths and science hot model question papers.
please sir i want 2005 to 2012question papers all subjects and
science and maths applied questions
maths is my tough subject
maths,science,hindiandsocial important questions
i am english medium
as soon as possible in one week
Thanking you
Dear Sir /Madam,
I am mohith from pandit jawaharlal nehru
memorial school.I want question paper of 1st lang english,
2nd lang kann, 3rd lang hindi & all the course subjects.
please sir last 5 year all subjectl question papers
1st language kannada
2nd language english
3rd languege hindi
and kannada mediam maths social science
plz sir
sir, pls can u send me the link to download sslc karnataka state blueprint for the year 2014.
sir i request you to plz submit 2012 and 2013 board exam question papers all subjects send to mail
can you please give me karnataka sslc question paper with solution of science last five years
Science and maths last 3 year paper
plz snd all last 2013 final exm question paprz and preparatory paprz plzzz snd me ll be waiting
Sir plz snd me mid term exam question papers of last 3 years as soon as possible… My subjects are
1st language- ENG
2nd language- KAN
3rd language- HINDI
Plz dnt ignore…
sir iam kanishka i want last 8years ouestion paper
social science
plz send me last 5 years sslc syllabus public exam question paper
1st language - english
2nd language - kannada
3rd language - hindi
then maths social science
Sir plz snd me 10th state celebras last year public exam question paper plz plz snd it soon to ma e-mail
2013 mid term qyestion paper social
blueprint of tenth karnataka state board science subject
1)according to the docter’s obsrvation,people living in coastal region do not affect ‘goiter’?
2)why is the cutile on lotus very thick?
i want this year midterm question paper
Plz sent me mid term paper of 2013 state syaballus
karnataka SSLC five years question papers download
Pls, send sslc midterm question papers for last 3 yrs . Karnataka state syllabus english medium
hi this is Usha ,
sir please send me last 5years of sslc question papers to usha.kumar@iciciventure.com, my sylabus are
english(first language
kannada(second language)
hindi(third language)
social science
sir plz send as soon as possible
thank you
sir i m nawaz studying n SSLC i required last 3 yrs science and maths question paper plz forward it as soon as possible
thank u
sirlmiss plz send me a paper
sir i am sushan an sslc student i need last 5years all the question papers, my sylabus are
1st language sanskrit
2nd language english
3rd language kannada
social science
sir please send as soon as possible to my email id
thanku sir
what is alga
i want the all paper question and all model question paper from 2007 to 2013 soon as possible in two days
sir please send the toper’s papers
which are the hot question papers of 2014 of karnatak in state sylabus
sir i prasanna naikar now i am sslc i want last 5years all question papers 1 language kannada 2nd language english 3rd language hindi social science science and maths. Sir/madam plz send as soon as possible ………….. Prasannanaikar9@gmail.com
Dear Sir/Madam
please send me state Bord examination paper of 2013 of all subject.
Please send the answer sheets of toppers of Karnataka SSLC Board exam 2013 to my email
hi this is shwetha ,sir please send me last 5years of sslc question papers to my email my sylabus are
kannada(first language
english(second language)
hindi(third language)
social science
sir plz send as soon as possible
thank you
SSLC 2013 karnataka State syllabus science question paper solved
where we will get the model answeres papers of all sslc exam 2013 i.e web addres please reply as soon as possible
I want to science,maths and english modal question paper 2013.
plz send all question papers of april 2012
2011 Karnataka SSLC Question Papers
scienc perfect asking question in 20
13 annual question paper.
1.what are missiles?
2.electric current is required for electrolytic refining of copper?
kannada 1st language compulsory question for 2013 please send
the reactions in the nuclear fission proccess are……
When is 3rd preprtry exam for 10th std state syllabus in bangalore.
Thank you
Please send me consolidated second language english grammer ,first language kannada grammer and third language hindi grammer of Karnataka SSLC Exam 2013
I want last year 3rd preparotory 1st lang english,
sir i am in need of question papers of last 10 state board …please send it
thanking you
I need the Karnataka board’s 2008 social & science SSLC annual question paper’s. Plz Send me..!!!
I want model and previous 5 years questionpapers of firstlanguage kannada, second language english & third language hindi.please send me…
sir please send me model papers of 2012-13 1language:kannada, 2language:english,3language:hindi,mathematics,science,social science
please send science kannada medium sslc papers from 2005 to 2012.pleas early sir/madam.
This year I am taking SSLC Board Exam pl.send all previous 5 years question papers in English medium. I language : kannada, II language: English. III language: Hindi, Maths, Science and Social studies. pl.send to this email: gsramesh8@gmail.com
sir i need sslc last years exam papers ,i need some of preparatory papers of last years . I don’t need cids are books sir .and please send me the papers before monday i need to solve it please sendit sir …………………………………….. my school name is varin high school and my home in dobaspet
please forward me the sslc state 2006 to 2009 anual question papers.
first lang; english
second lang;hindi
third lang; kannada
social science
Sir please send me a science question paper from april 2010 to june 2012
Sir/mam please send me a science question paper from april 2010 to june 2012
give me tips about how remember the important dates of social
iam studying in 10th std this year plz send me blue print of all subjects of year 2013
respected authorities,
please send me 2005 to 2012 Karnataka state syllabus solved question paper.
My subjects are:
first language Kannada
Second Language English
Third Language Hindi
Social Science
General Science
Its a kind request. Plz send as soon as possible.
Masiullah.k: On August 9th,2012
I amstuding in sslc this year in englias madium please send
five years sslc question paper to me.
my subjects are
first language english
second language kannada
third language hindi
socil science
Its a kind request,please send as soon as possible.
sir/madam please send me 2012 annuala question paper
i request you
hai plz send the bluprint 10th standard science subject
sir please send me 2012 question paper.
what are the characteristics of angiosperm?
I want 2005 to 20012 Karnataka state syllabubs solved question paper of all the subject plz send it to
I am studying in sslc this year in English Medium.
Plz send 5 years sslc question papers to me.
My subjects are
first language Kannada
Second Language English
Third Language Sanskrit
Social Science
Its a kind request. Plz send as soon as possible.
Dear Sir/ Madam
Please send me 2012 SSLC board exam English medium all question papers. Thank you
plz mail me previous question papers………
what is the speed of sound in sky?
please send me last 5years question papers
my 1 st language is English
2nd language is Kannada
3rd language is Hindi
within 3 days plS
please send 2012 SSLC board exam English medium all question paper as early
plz tell me when the sslc exam 2012 results will be announced.. plz sir/madam im very eager to know
submit question papers of science of 2012 of karnataka
hi dudes i want 2012 q paper pls mail me
what is atom?
sir/madam please can you me 1o mathemathics solved question paper please…………………….
plz can i get the sslc 2012 qstn papers wit anwsers
Respected Sir/Madam can you please send SSLC karnataka april 2012 exam’s ANSWER KEY of SCIENCE. Please send as soon as possible.
Respected Sir/Madam can you please send SSLC karnataka april 2012 exam’s ANSWER KEY of SCIENCE. Please send as soon as possible.
Excuse me, may I get the answer key of SSLC karnataka april2012 exam? I need the answer key of 1st lang urdu (12U), science(83E), mathematics(81E),2nd lang english(31E), 3rd lang kannada(62K), social science(85E). I’ll be thankful to you if you mail me soon.
sir/madam, i need SSLC annual board examination science paper ANSWER KEY!!!! Please send me…………
when , SSLC 2012 key answers of karnatka board is going to release?
sir im in english medium school plz send me the model question papers of 2011,2012 1st lang kan 2nd lang kan 3rd lang hindi ,mathematics science and social as fast as possible
send me the blueprint of social-science 2012 SSLC paper so plz send me sir…..
Hello sir, i want more important question in social science so plz send me as soon as.
please sent me model social question papers
send me the blueprint of science 2012 SSLC paper at the earliest.
Will you send me the blue print of maths..?
can you please send me 5years blue print of karnataka sslc board exam question paper frm 2007 to 2012
plz send me sslc maths board exam question papers of 9th march….
Plz send me the key answer of sslc 2012 science exam
Plz send me science modle question papers of 2011
Plz send me the blue print of sslc science board exam 2012. Soon
what is immunity?
please send me 2012 blue print for 10th std of karnataka sslc exam, state syllabus with science
i want expected and importent questions -hindi third language 10th std
i am kannada medium student. what type quations r come in our next exam. please say me imp quation papers
If a substance in a universe astronaut experiences a weightlessness what is the reason for this?
No engine is 100% efficient why?
plz send me question paper of science in kannada on my mail
send me zen hot model question paper 2012
Respected Sir/Mam,
please send me a english 1st language model question paper soon…please…
respected sir/mam please send me question papers of science, maths,social,hindi(third language)
respected sir/mam please send me question papers of hindi(third language) from 2009 to 2011
Please send all the answer sheets of SSLC toppers 2011 [ top 3] with Sanskrit as 1 st language, English 2 nd language and kannada 3rd language, Science, social and Mathematics.
Hello sir/mam i want all important questions of all subject for annual exam 2012 1st language kannada 2nd language english 3RD language hindi plz send me as early as possible
respected sir/madam
please send me the science and maths model question papers of 2012 at the earliest
please send blueprint of science question paper of april 2012 karnataka state sslc examination
respected teacher plzzzz send me some model papers of social and science.
please send me sslc board question papers from 2007 to 2011 eng 1st language 2nd kannada
3rd hindi
plz send me some most likely question papers
please send, karnataka state level prepartary question papers of 2012.
I want 2005 to 20011 paper of all the subject plz send on ths irfan_9684@yahoo.in or give trick of 85%
why isn’t air or vaccum a dispersive medium?
what is a gravitation
dear sir, please send 2012 most important questions in english medium
1st language-kannada 2nd language-english 3rd language-hindhi maths science
social scienc
x cuse me sir i want 2012 anual all subject qustion paper or give me easy idea to get 96% and above and to get ready for exam in 2 week ……………..
need blue prints for all the subjects
x cuse me sir i want 2012 anual all subject qustion paper or give me easy idea to get 96% and above and to get ready for exam in 2 week ……………..
x cuse me sir i want 2012 anual all subject qustion paper or give me easy idea to get 96% and above and to get ready for exam in 2 week
x cuse me sir i want 2012 anual all subject qustion paper or give me easy idea to get 96% and above