Anna University, BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 3rd Sem-Electronic Circuits-I Papers


The Electronics Circuits-I Papers comes under the 3rd semester of Electronics and Communication Engineering course under the Anna University. The paper generally carries the basics principles of electronics parts and its related circuits on which the whole instrument works. The working principles of all kinds of wlwctronics devices are generally based on the electric circuits which are design according to the device mechanism.

Importance of that subject:

The measurements of different types of loss that comes under the electronics devices which are generally maintains by the design of the circuits. The structural analysis of different oscillator is also included in the syllabus of this paper. This subject also has a long list of study about the multivibrator, AC and DC characteristics of every electronics instruments etc. Every candidates need to solve the past year question papers in order to properly understand the paper format.

Paper pattern:

The exact paper pattern followed by every paper under this course is same in every semester. The Electronics Circuits-I Paper carries two main groups under which all the short types and long type questions are arranged. The first main section of this paper carries total number of ten questions. Each question is allotted two marks and rest of the question comes under the second part. The total score allotted to every individual question is 16.

Frequently asked questions:

The questions that are asked regularly from the Electronics paper are circuit diagram of multivibrator, applications of amplifiers, AC and DC analysis of Common collector amplifiers etc.

Time and marks:

The total score allotted for the Anna University BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering 3rd Sem-Electronic Circuits-I Papers is 100 and each candidate is allowed to write the entire answer within the time limit of three hours.

Books recommended:

Electronics Circuits by Salivahanan

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2 Responses to “Anna University, BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 3rd Sem-Electronic Circuits-I Papers”

  1. 2

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