BFL Placement Papers


Mphasis-BFL is a leading BPO service and IT service provider. The company specializes in financial services, technology verticals and logistics. The fields where the company is active are application integration and development, architecture, business process outsourcing and application management. The company has offices all over the globe. It has its centers spread over countries like USA, UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, Germany, China, Australia, Japan, and Mexico.

The selection procedure of the recruitment process of the company is described below.

There are two parts of the selection process. The first stage is a written test followed by an interview.

The written test consists of three sections.

The first section is the computer awareness section. It consists of 45 objective type questions. Negative marking is 0.25 marks. Each question carries 1 mark.

The second section is quantitative section. It consists of 20 objective questions. The marking scheme same as the first section.

The third section is the analytical ability section. This section also consists of 20 objective questions. The marking scheme is same as that of the first and second sections.

The written test is followed by an interview. It may be a technical interview of an HR one or both.




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