Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET 2012
Bharati Vidyapeeth University offers academic courses in areas of engineering, medicine, arts, science, law, etc. The selection of eligible candidates to most of the courses is done through certain entrance exams. AYUPET entrance exam is carried out for the selection of deserving candidates in to PG level courses (M.D/M.S) in Ayurveda. The list of the courses for which the examination is used is mentioned below.
Specialty (Non Clinical)
- Doctor of Medicine (Ayurved Siddhant & Darshan)
- Doctor of Medicine (Rachana Sharir)
- Doctor of Medicine (Kriya sharir)
- Doctor of Medicine (Dravya Guna Vigyan)
- Doctor of Medicine (Bhaishajya Kalpana)
- Doctor of Medicine (Agad Tantra & Vidhi Vaidyak)
Specialty (Clinical)
- Doctor of Medicine (Rog Nidan)
- Doctor of Medicine (Swasthavritta)
- Doctor of Medicine (Kayachikitsa)
- Doctor of Medicine (Panchakarma)
- Doctor of Medicine (Kaumar Bhritya)
- Doctor of Science (Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga)
- Doctor of Science (Shalakya tantra)
- Doctor of Science (Shalya Tantra)
Structure of Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
The question paper of AYUPET includes 100 objective model questions. Each correct answer carries 2 marks and therefore the total marks awarded for the test is 200. There is no negative marking for this entrance test. The total time allotted for the completion of the examination is 2 hours. The syllabus for the exam is based on the topics covered under BAMS degree.
Syllabus of Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
- Ashtanga hrdaya
- Ayurveda itihasa (History of Ayurveda)
- Charaka samhita
- Dravyaguna vijnanam (ayurvedic pharmacology)
- Kaumarabritya (paediatrics)
- Agadatantra , vyavaharaayurveda and vidhivaidyaka Kayachikitsa (general medicine)
- Shalakya tantram (ENT, dentistry , ophthalmology)
- Kriya shareeram (physiology)
- Padartha vijnanam (Indian epistemology and world view) Sanskrit
- Rachana shareeram (anatomy)
- Rasashastra and bhaishajyakalpana (medicinal chemistry and pharmacy)
- Prasuthi tantra and stri roga (gynecology and obstetrics)
- Roga vijnanam and vikriti vijanam (principls of diagnosis and pathology)
- Shalya tantram (surgery)
- Swastha vrittam (social and preventative medicine)
Eligibility Criteria
Pass in BAMS degree is the qualification required to attend AYUPET examination. The qualification must be obtained from any of the institutions recognized under Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi. The candidate should possess a permanent registration under State Medical Council in India or Central Council of Indian Medicine. They should be nationals of India also. Those who have completed their internship program are only eligible to apply for the course.
How to Apply?
The fee for collecting the application form is Rs. 1000/-. The application forms can be downloaded from the official website of Bharat Vidyapeeth University. The candidate should pay the fees either in the form of Demand Draft or through electronic means. After payment of fees, the candidate can select online or postal method for application submission. Those who intend to send the application through postal method, should send the filled up application along with the DD to the address of the Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Pune 411 030. The candidate can also apply through the official portal of the University.
How to fill the Form?
The applications forms for the entrance test must be handled carefully. The details on the guidelines to be followed while filling the application can be collected from the exam notification or from the prospectus. The candidate should fill all the details correctly and entirely. They should mention their name and signature on the backside of the demand draft. They must paste a photograph of appropriate size in the column provided for the same.
Important Dates (Tentative)
[Please note that we only provide tentative dates based on previous years dates. For exact dates related information it is always best to check official websites only.]
Last date for applying the application form : First week of July, 2012
Entrance exam date: Second week of July, 2012
List of Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET Centers
- Pune
- Navi Mumbai
- New Delhi
Contact Address for Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
- Address: Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Dhanakwadi campus, Pune, Maharashtra
- Telephone no: 020-24407106, 020-24407114, 020-24407273
- Email:
- Website URL:,
Colleges Accepting the Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune
Reference Books for Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
- A Comparative Study of Ayurveda and Treatment by Indian Drugs by P.K. Chitale, Satguru
- A Comprehensive Book of Ayurvedic Medicine for General Practitioners by Harish k. Verma
- A Comprehensive Guide on Caraka Samhita
- A Concise Introduction to Indian Medicine by Guy Mazars, Motilal Banarsidass
- A Critical Study of Yogaratnakara by Nirmala Saxena
- A Descriptive Glossary of Diseases in Ayurveda by S R Sudarshan, Sri Satguru
- A Guide to Ayurvedic Competitive Examination by Dr.G.P Rao
- A Hand Book of History of Ayurveda by R. Vidyanath and K. Nishteswar, Chowkhamba
- A Hand Book of Common Siddha Kayakalpa Herbs for Healthy Life by G.S. Lavekar and M.M. Padhi
- A Hand Book of Dravya Guna by J.K. Ojha, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishth
- A Handbook of Ayurveda by Dr. K. Nishteswar
- A Handbook of Ayurveda by Vaidya Bhagawan Dash
- A Handbook of Medicinal Herbs by Dhananjay J. Deshpande, Agrobios
- A Comparative Hindu Materia Medica by Chanda Chakraberty
- A Text Book of Rasashastra by Vilas A. Dole and Prakash Paranjpe
- A text of quantitative inorganic analysis by A.I. Vogel
- A Text Book of Ayurvedic Physiology by S B Kotur and Shashikala, Chaukhambha Orientalia
- Laboratory Manual of Bacteriology by Salle
- Plant Drug Analysis, Springer Werlag by Ascott
- Textbook of Microbiology by Frobisher
- Textbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis – by Dr. S Ravishankar
- The Ayurvedic Formulary of India Part-I & II, Govt. of India Publication.
- The Indian Pharmaceutical Codex by Mukherji
- The quantitative analysis of drugs by D.C. Garrett
- Thin Layer Chromatography - A Laboratory handbook by E.Stahl
- Tutorial Pharmacy by Carter
Coaching Centers for Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET
- Brilliant tutorials
- AAA Academy
- Helix tutorials
- Career Forum Warangal
- Agarwal classes
- Sahil study circle
- Life Line Competitive and Entrance Coaching Centre
- Aakashdeep tutorials
- Oasis Education Services
- Disha coaching classes
- Santushti Foundation
- Aakash academy
- J.R.S Tutorials
- Kamat Education
- Zephyr tutorials
- Tandem
- Triumphant Institute for Management Education (T.I.M.E)
- Sree Krishna Entrance Coaching Centre
Study Plan
The candidate should first of all prepare a convenient timetable while preparing for the test. The timetable must be made on the basis of syllabus and separate time must be allocated for each separate topics. More time should be spent on tough and important topics rather than simpler ones. Practicing questions of previous years is a good method to be successful in the examination. The candidate can use reference books and prescribed books during study. Another way is to approach coaching centers for proper guidance.
How and Where To Get the Results?
The results of Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET will be published in the official website of the University.
Score Validity
The scores obtained in Bharati Vidyapeeth University AYUPET will be valid for one single year.
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