17th December 2018, 05:44 PM
I am 85% handicapped I am 12 passed I need a job please help me my phone number 9560208497 I am 19 year old my name is Kavita Kumari meena my one hand right hand 12 passed marks 58 % I am computer line please help me
18th June 2019, 01:10 AM
Dear sir/Mam My name is sagar sain. I have passed 12th class with 84% marks and I'm 40% handicap,I need a job. please help me It's my contact no:-9258263382 & my Email [email protected]
4th August 2019, 03:11 AM
I am Arindam chatterjee.age-37y. Iam optometrist,Dopt(EXPRI-11y)peramedical.ph(right leg amputed artificial leg use.pls help me any job in west bengal. Arindam Chatterjee. Mob-(0)9748391039/9051451575
4th August 2020, 11:16 AM
respect sir,I handicaped person. I'm 12th pass and also I know basic computer knowledge now I want any job how can I get a government job my age is 18 cross my context no. is 8605517039 if you have active tell me. thank you pooja Bhindayal [/QUOTE]