4th August 2011, 03:28 AM
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Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

i have 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and b.tech aggregate is 65.6%....plz tell me am i eligible for the companies like tcs, wipro, infosys..? plzz reply...

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  3. Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?
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7th August 2011, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Am I elisible for HCL Technologies having secured 58% in 10th,67% in 12th,68% in BCA and 70% in MCA.Please reply fast on my E-mail [email protected]
12th August 2011, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

am i eligible for placement in tcs my 10th marks are 75%, 12th marks are 59%, BE marks are 59.9%
please reply me fast
13th August 2011, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir ,i have 63.4% in 10th and 54% in 12th and 65% in b.tech, in which company i eligible.....................
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22nd August 2011, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir,i have 80.1% in 10th and 71.9% in 12th and 58.1% in b,sc(computer science) and 81.8% in m.c.a(after 4th sem),in which company i eligible......................
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23rd August 2011, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by 9835048239 View Post
i have 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and b.tech aggregate is 65.6%....plz tell me am i eligible for the companies like tcs, wipro, infosys..? plzz reply...
dear friend,

The eligibility criteria for TCS :-

1)You must score 60% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for INFOSYS:-

1)You must score 65% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 1 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for WIPRO :-

1)You must score 50% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

So you are not eligible for above companies.Because your 10+2 marks is below 50%.

all the best.
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26th August 2011, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

i am student of class 12th and i god 55% in 12th if any problem in my job career by 12th result ?
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26th August 2011, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Dear friend,
I very sorry to say but you are not eligible as criterion is:
TCS>>60 in all 10th,12th,Btech
Wipro>>60 in all10th,12th,Btech
Infosys>>70 in all 10th,12th and Btech
But don't worry you will have other company who will give you chance try and grab that don't miss chance as you 12th marks are low.Best of luck
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26th August 2011, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir because of this percntage criteria many talented students r not able to get chance to sit in campus if its right then there should also b the criteria students less than 60 perc wil not get college
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2nd September 2011, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir , m i eligible for any mnc as i hve scored 71% in 10th,56% in 12th and a 65% in b.tech?if yes thn plz tell me the name of the company's.
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2nd September 2011, 09:44 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir, i have scored 71% in 10th,56% in 12th, and 65% in B.tech m i eligible for any mnc ?if yes than plz suggest me.
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11th September 2011, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir , i ve scored 61% in 10th,47% in 12th and 65% in BE m i eligible for any mnc??????
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11th September 2011, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sorry friend you are not eligible because at least 60% throughtout you should have to sit all these companies
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12th September 2011, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Eligibility criteria for Wipro,Infosys,TCS are-

1. Minimum 60% through academis carrier for TCS and Wipro.
Minimum 65% through academic carrier for Infosys .
2. No backlogs are allowed .
3. Year gaps more than two are not allowed .
4. Excellent communication skill .

Your marks in 10th and B.tech are not bad but as you have 49.77% in 12th ,it is really difficult to say anything .I think you are not eligible .So will sugest you to go for the small software first and get at least 2 to 3 years expirience .Then try for those companies like TCS,Wipro and Infosys .

Thank you
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12th September 2011, 02:10 AM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

dear friend,
Eligibility for TCS and WIPRO:-

1.The candidate must have 60% aggregate through out the career..
2.The candidate should not have any pending backlogs during graduation.
3.The candidate must not have any study gap more than 2 years.

Eligibility for Infosys:-

1.The candidate must have 65% aggregate through out the career..
2.The candidate should not have any pending backlogs during graduation.
3.The candidate must not have any study gap more than 2 years.

as you have secured 49.77% marks in 12th then sorry to say you that you are not eligible for any of the leading IT companies.
All the best.
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12th September 2011, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

What are the eligibility criteria to apply for an entry level position in TCS?
For an entry level position, we are looking for:

* An aggregate of 60 % in Std X, XII, & Graduation/ Post Graduation (all semesters including optional subjects).
* Less than 2 years of gap in their academic career.
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13th September 2011, 01:30 AM
amaan khan ak
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by 9835048239 View Post
i have 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and b.tech aggregate is 65.6%....plz tell me am i eligible for the companies like tcs, wipro, infosys..? plzz reply...

My dear friend its very difficult for you to get a job in these mnc companies.

You have below 60% in 12th.So its the main disadvantage for you.You are

noy eligible for these mnc companies.

The main requirments for these mnc companies are.

You must have 60% abow in 12th,10th exam.

You should ont have any backlog in engineering.

So these two are the main requirment for these mnc companies.

You can try for other compnies which gives you so many chances to get a good job.

So all the best.
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13th September 2011, 07:42 AM
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Smile Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by 9835048239 View Post
i have 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and b.tech aggregate is 65.6%....plz tell me am i eligible for the companies like tcs, wipro, infosys..? plzz reply...
Eligibility for TCS,Wipro and Infosys

For TCS , WIPRO and Infosys campus placements..the minimum conditions to be satisfied are :-

1) a gap of not more than 2 years between the year of passing your 12th and joining of B.Tech

2) No backlogs at the time of placement

3) you should have 60% throughout your career

but since your 12th marks are below 50% hence you are not eligible for the placement on paper

however,if you talk it out with your college administration and they in turn talk it out with the companies coming for placement then you might get a chance..and if you have it you and you somehow manage to clear the aptitude test and the interview with good marks then your 12th percentage might be ignored and you might get a chance to make it to your dream company..
The same thing happened in our college and the companies let a guy with 45 % in 12th, sit for the campus placement and he scored extremely well in his aptitude test hence,he was selected..

all the best..

~Hope this helps.. ~

With Warm Regards
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25th September 2011, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

I Am vasugi,am doing M.C.A ,i got 81% in my 10th, and 59% in my 12th and my degree 70%(BCA),then now am having 78% in my pg (untill 4th sem) should i attdent wipro campus? and what are the companies am elligible for attend the interviews ?
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11th October 2011, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

dear friend,

The eligibility criteria for TCS :-

1)You must score 60% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for INFOSYS:-

1)You must score 65% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 1 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for WIPRO :-

1)You must score 50% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

So you are not eligible for above companies.Because your 10+2 marks is below 50%.

all the best.
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5th November 2011, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 63% in 10th, 48.77% in 12th and 65% in B.tch?
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22nd November 2011, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

i got 55 % in 12th , 83 % in 10th and 79 % in bca am i eligible for tcs?
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13th February 2012, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
am i eligible for placement in tcs my 10th marks are 75%, 12th marks are 59%, BE marks are 59.9%
please reply me fast
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16th February 2012, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Generally in pure IT recruitment these companies want at least 60% in X,XII & B.Tech individually. But in posts like tech support marks criteria may be lower.One more thing,apart from these companies there are many medium scale IT companies in India where you can join and start your career.Then after completing few years you can switch to a better company with a better job profile & salary.
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27th February 2012, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

I very sorry to say but you are not eligible as criterion is:
TCS>>60 in all 10th,12th,Btech
Wipro>>60 in all10th,12th,Btech
Infosys>>70 in all 10th,12th and Btech
But don't worry you will have other company who will give you chance try and grab that don't miss chance as you 12th marks are low.Best of luck
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8th March 2012, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

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28th March 2012, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

i have 55% in 10th,53% in 12th and 75% in b.tech.can i get job in campus selection in wipro,tcs,ibm.......sir i also did many project that won 1st prize in collage and national level.
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25th May 2012, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

i got 78% in 10th,43% in 12th and i'm continuing my B.tech..........can i get job in campus seletion or any other job for me?plz tell me how can i find a job?
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7th October 2012, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir, i have a question..if i have already experienced of 2 years and after that if i go to give an interview in those companies like TCS,INFOSYS and WIPRO,that time my h.s , secondary and b.tech marks will get the main priority or my experiencees'll get the priority??? .... that time which thing be the main... can i apply in those companies then??
pls sir,, need yours help...
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8th October 2012, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Eligibility for TCS, Wipro and Infosysare:-

1. Only candidates with B.Tech and MCA degree are eligible.

2. You should maintain 60 percent marks throughout academic career.

3. It means 60 percent marks in 10th, 12th, diploma/graduation, post graduation etc.

4. You must score 60 percent in first attempt. TCS would not consider marks obtained in the Improvement exams.

5. There should be no pending backlogs.

6. Candidate should not have gap of more than 2 years in education.

7. TCS only considers candidates who have completed full time course.

Selection Process

1. Aptitude Test

2. Technical Interview

3. Management Interview

4. HR Interview
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15th January 2013, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Dear friend..hi....

The eligibility criteria for TCS :-

1)You must score 60% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for INFOSYS:-

1)You must score 65% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 1 years gape are allowed.

The eligibility criteria for WIPRO :-

1)You must score 50% in through out in career.
2)Backlog are not allowed.
3)Maximum 2 years gape are allowed.

So you are not eligible for above companies.Because your 10+2 marks is below 50%.

all the best.

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19th April 2013, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Dear There,

The acronym for TCS is Tata Consultancy Services.

Sorry to say that but due to your 12th qualification, you are not eligible for TCS, WIPRO and Infosys companies.

The eligibility criteria required for the TCS company are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of all academic career with 60% marks.

* No pending backlogs.

* Completion of B.Tech/M.Tech with 60% marks.

* Study gap:- Two yrs.

The eligibility criteria required for the Infosys company are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of all academic career with 65% marks.

* No pending backlogs.

* Completion of B.Tech/M.Tech with 65% marks.

* Study gap:- One year.

The eligibility criteria required for the WIPRO company are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of all academic career with 50% marks.

* Completion of B.Tech with more than 60% marks.

* Study gap:- Two yrs.

* No pending backlogs.
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24th July 2013, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro,cognigent and Infosys having secured 90% in 10th, 62% in 12th (overall) but PCM is 48% and 75% in B.Tech? since I got below 60% in PCM (12th Class ) will it creat any problem to apear in campus interview. nam
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24th July 2013, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 90% in 10th, over all 62% in 12th but 48% in PCM and 75% in B.Tech? as PCM %is 48, will it create any problem.nikhil
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24th July 2013, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 90% in 10th, over all 62% in 12th but 48% in PCM and 75% in B.Tech? as PCM %is 48, will it create any problem.nikhil

Eligibilty to apply to WIPRO:
>> Candidates should have scored minimum 50% marks in class 10th, 12th,
>> Minimum 60% marks should have been scored in Graduation and Post Graduation
>> Candidates who have applied in last 6 months to Wipro cannot apply
>> There should not be any backlogs of Papers

Below is the Minimum qualifications required to apply for Jobs in TCS:
>> Minimum 60% marks in class 10th, 12th, Diploma (if any), BE/BTECH, Masters(if any)
>> Minimum 60% marks should have been scored in these exams in your first attempt only
>> Compartment and Improvement exams marks are not considered
>> Minimum age to apply is 18 years
>> All the education should have been done through regular mode only
>> NO correspondence and distance education is allowed
>> There should not be GAP in education or Work of more than 24 months
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25th July 2013, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

Hi friend.........

Eligibility of Wipro:

Candidate should have the Graduation.

Candidate aggregate percentage is 50% through career.

Candidate should do not any backlogs.

Candidate should have the communication skills.

Eligibility of TCS, Infosys:

Candidate should have the min 60% of marks in 10th and 12th standards.

Candidate should have the min 60% of marks in Graduation.

Candidate should have the min age limit is 18 years.

No pending backlogs.

And have the good communication skills.

All the best........
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17th June 2014, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

sir, i scored 77% in class 10th, 80% in 12th, but unable 2 score gud mrks in competeive exams...
so not geeting a gud college...
do a gud college makes any impact at the time of applying fr these companies
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9th January 2015, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: Am I eligible for TCS, Wipro and Infosys having secured 65% in 10th, 49.77% in 12th and 65% in B.Tech?

I got 71% in 10th, 57.4% in 12th, & 78% in B.Tech(Civil engineer),can I get a job in L&T,Simplex,SAIL,NTPC..etc.?
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