20th July 2014, 06:14 PM
Which are the best colleges in India? List of government marine colleges
I want best collages in india..I want government marine collages
31st March 2015, 04:23 PM
Best marine engineering collages odf INdia are-
** Neotia institute of technology management and science, Kolkata West Bengal ** International Maritime academy, Chennai Tamil Nadu ** IIM engineering collage ,Meerut Utter pradesh ** Bearys institute of technology, Mangalore Karnataka ** C.V. Raman collage of engineering, Bhubaneswar Orrisa ** Department of ship technology, cochin university of science and technology Kerala ** Global academy of technology, Bangalore Karnataka ** GKM collage of engineering and technology, Chennai Tamil Nadu ** AU collage of engineering, Vizag Andhra pradesh ** AMET university, Tamil nadu ** Chandigarh collage of engineering and technology, Chandigarh Punjab ** University of petroleum and energy,Dehradun Uttarakhand These are the main college of marine engineering. |