26th May 2011, 11:50 PM
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Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

i m a student of 2nd yr cse stream,i wants tu know tht how could i prepare for ias,best way,best trick,plan,strategy,best buk to b followed,n study material available from where.any other competetive exam after btech.give details about ips also.

17th July 2011, 01:28 AM
Gita Irudhayaraj
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Hi Dear,
Surely , you can start preparing for UPSC exam from now onwards. There are many websites for Civil service coaching. Those websites are

See these websites. You can collect all the information from these websites.
All the websites.
18th July 2011, 11:41 PM
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Arrow Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Originally Posted by mrinal_singh007 View Post
i m a student of 2nd yr cse stream,i wants tu know tht how could i prepare for ias,best way,best trick,plan,strategy,best buk to b followed,n study material available from where.any other competetive exam after btech.give details about ips also.
Your determination towards preparation of IAS Entrance is really amazing,I appreciate this act.

As you are in just 2nd year of CSE you need to get matured in terms of Mind and character this is the time to nurture yourself.

You should Develop right attitude towards your country and about the job what you desire of Don't get attracted by the false practices by the present Civil servants compare yourself and take inspiration from the best Civil servants of the country like Kiran Bedi , Narsimhan(IPS) etc..,

You have to learn ethical concepts in this time apart from your actual entrance syllabus

I once again want to tell you this is not a Examination like JEE or AIEEE which is of full competition without any maturity about the subjects

Definitely I can say this If you prepare now like for your JEE or AIEEE then you have to definitely wait until you realize that this is not that kind of examination.

I hope you are understanding my words these words may be strange to you but these are the true words I have gathered this info from my IAS aspirants friends and other videos and publications in general dailies and special dailies.

So my dear friend what I want to say is don't sit for preparation at this time to crack exam in front of Actual syllabus but you can definitely prepare mentally physically by reading great life histories of great personalities

Take inspiration from all the religious characters

Read News paper regularly to get Updated

Improve all your skills

In this way you can plan your pre preparation for IAS entrance

All the best


19th July 2011, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?


This is ver good that you have decide your career and start thinking from todays for you career.

You are 2nd year CSE student i will advise you to do preparatiope of aptitude type question.these question are very important for your career.

Along with you subjects book you have to read general knowledge book.you should read News paper daily for current news.you can take help of Television for current news.

You should solve previous year question paper of IAS exam.these question gives idea about what type of question are asked in exam and what is your preparation.

In 2nd year you should give most time to your syllabus book because this is time in which you can increase your marks.
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19th July 2011, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?


This is ver good that you have decide your career and start thinking from todays for you career.

You are 2nd year CSE student i will advise you to do preparatiope of aptitude type question.these question are very important for your career.

Along with you subjects book you have to read general knowledge book.you should read News paper daily for current news.you can take help of Television for current news.

You should solve previous year question paper of IAS exam.these question gives idea about what type of question are asked in exam and what is your preparation.

In 2nd year you should give most time to your syllabus book because this is time in which you can increase your marks.
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19th July 2011, 06:10 AM
Uttam Nandi
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

i m a student of 2nd yr cse stream,i wants tu know tht how could i prepare for ias,best way,best trick,plan,strategy,best buk to b followed,n study material available from where.any other competetive exam after btech.give details about ips also.

I really appreciate your attitude towards your goal. Once I got a chance to ask one of my IAS friend what's the secret of your success. He replied 'I am here because of my attitude'. Why attitude? Remember excellence is not a skill. This is an attitude. Whatever you are doing keeping eyes on the ultimate goal is essencial.
Civil service exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the world. Only sincere and strategic study of at least 2-3 years. As you are now in the 2nd year of your B.Tech (CSE), you can't really sincerely prepare for CS exam. In general, students takes few years of time after bachelor's degree.
My suggestion is you better concentrate on preliminary exam. You can't prepare properly for the mains right now. This is because you need to choose two optional subjects in mains on which you'd have to study extensively. Though minimum educational qualification is bachelor's degree but this exam's demands properly made by post graduation level knowledge. You can access to the subject & syllabus of the exam visiting http://www.upsc.gov.in
There is few things like comprehension, interpersonal skills, decision making skills, general mental ability which cannot be developed in just few months. This is a long term process. You should start your journey to master these from right now. I'd like to recommend you to visit and go through changingminds.org which has covered a huge buck of information in this regard.
You can start taking on general studies. This includes indian history, geography, polity, economics and social development, current events, general issues on environmental ecology, climate change and bio-diversity. This doesn't require any specialisation. You can buy textbook on this subjects and start preparing.
In addition to these what you must do from right now is following leading newspapers regularly. Keep yourself updated of all the political happenings, economical changes and current events.
You aspiration is to serve the country, to be within the system of the country. First & foremost thing you will need to learn is how to be a good person. Remember okay. This is all I can say to you.
Best Wishes,
-Uttam Nandi
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19th July 2011, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

How can I start for IAS preparation and when? Now I am in 10th std (Central cellabus)
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19th July 2011, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Preparation tips for IAS exam

Preliminary exam is a qualifying stage. This exam has two papers in which one is optional (means you can choose a subject of your own choice) and other is of General Studies which is a compulsory exam and you have to give importance to both.
To get a good command over General Science, it is must that you prepare at least eight subjects of high importance properly. These subjects include Mental Ability, Economy, Political Science, Science, Current Affairs, Geography, History and General Knowledge.
The best way to begin your exams preparation in above mentioned subjects is to start with NCERT books of 6th to 12th standard.
To keep updated with ‘current affairs’ you will require reading newspapers from at least one year back from the time of appearing for exam. Make notes of all the important events, incidents in the country as well as around the world.
Other than books, you also need to prepare from a good atlas for ‘Geography’.
For ‘General Knowledge’, you must read ‘Competition Success Review” and collect facts. Also, you can solve question papers of previous years’ preliminaries.
For ‘General Studies’ read political and business magazines as much as you can but within limit.
For ‘optional subject paper’, the most important thing is that you choose a subject about which you are very much confident. The best way to do is this is to go through the syllabus of that subject and look if you have covered all those topics mentioned in your degree course.
Do prepare for both ‘Preliminary’ and ‘Main’ exam very well, as you will not have much time to prepare for ‘Main’ exam after clearing prelims successfully.
To prepare for optional subject, get the civil service exam syllabus. Cover all the topics and attempting all the related question papers simultaneously.

You must keep in mind that the IAS is a highly reputed service in India and one has to go through rigorous tests before making it final. Success is possible with proper planning for the exam preparation and executing that planning in the most effective manner.
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8th August 2011, 03:19 AM
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can i appear both for GATE as well as IAS ?
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20th September 2011, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

if i m in b.tech.2nd year from c.s.e.branch,what are the subject we can choose for 'ias'prepration.
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21st September 2011, 06:18 AM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i m in b.tech.2nd year from c.s.e.branch,what are the subject we can choose for 'ias'prepration.
The choice of subjects is left up to you. There are 2 subjects to be chosen. Computer Sciences is not recognized by the organizing committee, which is disheartening. So you will have to make up with other subjects which will be responsible for 4 mains papers of 300 each.

The syllabus of each subject is Bachelor's level. Find the details in the attachment provided
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27th November 2011, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

wat are the related subjects for IAS?
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9th December 2011, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

I am a student of B.Tech(EE),1st yer ,how can I star preparation to appear for IAS exam ?
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26th January 2012, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

HI i am a student of btech 2nd year ece.so i am very much interested in civils from my childhood onwards.
whatever it my be i just want to become n ias. what should i do from now itself.
plz reply me to________________ [email protected]
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27th January 2012, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in IAS
Then you will have to go through these criteria :

IAS Eligibility :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
ForGeneral :21 to 30 years.[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.

You can follow these books :

For more details you can go through these attachments below :
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IAS I.pdf(11.7 KB, 140 views)
File Type: pdf IAS II.pdf(9.9 KB, 120 views)
File Type: pdf IAS III.pdf(46.4 KB, 121 views)
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27th January 2012, 07:24 PM
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IAS is a civil service exam conducted by UPSC that makes you to enter into the competative world and make you to get the top posts such as DC and DSP and ACP so on..

This is the right time to start your preparation. First thing, if you don't get proper time to balance your B.tech studies and IAS preparation, then join a coaching center.

Because in a coaching center you will get the environment of a school/college and teachers will always be there to clear your doubts and confusions.
They will take mock tests and will give you study materials and valuable tricks and notes for the exam.

But one thing is, there will many other students present in those centers and they will also get the same notes, study materials that you will get.

So you have to study for at least 6 7 hours a day by yourself at home...to become ahead of them.

So join a good coaching center in your city and try to join those batch which has less students, so that teachers can focus on each and every student separately......

So its better to join a coaching class, because self study is not enough for that. So you have to work very hard because cracking those entrance exams are very tough in first attempt and the competition is also very high.


IPS is another civil service exam conducted by UPSC.

Eligibility Criteria for IPS:

Educational qualification:
You should have completed your graduation in any discipline from any recognized university.

Age limit:
Should have crossed 21 years. But should not have crossed 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs .

Physical Standard:
Height – Male 165 cm

Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9

Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123,
age 24 – 124,
age 25 –122,
age 28 – 124,
age 30 –125,
age 32 – 126,
age 34 – 127.

Good listening & normal ear cavity. Candidate should not stammer while speaking.

Official Website of UPSC: http://www.upsc.gov.in
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20th February 2012, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

i m a student of B Sc 1st year. i want to prepare for cse. from when i should start preparing and how. i want to opt geography and pub add as optional
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21st February 2012, 10:23 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Originally Posted by mrinal_singh007 View Post
i m a student of 2nd yr cse stream,i wants tu know tht how could i prepare for ias,best way,best trick,plan,strategy,best buk to b followed,n study material available from where.any other competetive exam after btech.give details about ips also.
first find syllabus than prepare for it &than solve previous year questions urself
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29th April 2012, 12:30 PM
mithu ashi
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

Dear friend,
when you are a graduate degree holder with any discipline & your minimum age is 21 years, you can apply for civil service examination.


Read news paper regularly.
Make your communication skill effective.
Make your own schedule for preparation.
Make your own time management.
Enlarge your general knowledge & general ability.
Reduce your mental stress level & be cool always.
Practice previous year model papers.
Don't keep any doubt in mind. clarify all the doubts.
Know details about the syllabus.
Apply short tricks to solve the problems. The will help to manage your time during exam.
Be confident & work hard.You will definitely achieve success.

Books for Preparation:-
1)UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam: General Studies Solved Papers
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan
2)NCERT books
3)Civil Services Success PLANNER by Sharma K K
Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
4)Gandhi Nehru Tagore & Ambedkar — Gopal Krishna
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10th September 2012, 01:05 AM
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how can i get IAS interview question?
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27th September 2012, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

i am dong my b.tech 2nd year CSE i need all the information and the way for the preparation of IAS that's, my goal soo plz send the information to my gmail [email protected] .Iwill be thankful for u sir/madam..for ur guideness......
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21st December 2012, 04:57 AM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

I m a student of 1st year civil engineering.....its my aim 2 become an IAS officer and that would be the best gift a son can ever give 2 his faher......hw shld i start prepratn frm nw onwards.....would it be better 2 join a coaching center so early in the prepratn....which portion should i focus frm nw onwards...hw much time should i sincerly devote everyday for the prepratn......
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4th March 2013, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?

I am a b.tech 2nd year mechanical engg student. Plz advice me the perfect stratagy to crack such type pf exam like ias
And also what should be optional subject for main examination.
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17th July 2013, 05:49 AM
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Default Re: Best way to prepare for IAS exam while in CSE 2nd year?


B.Tech 2nd year would the perfect time for start your IAS coaching because of following reasons

- By now you have settled down completely in college
- Final Placement is bit far
- Two year time would be good enough to get you through if you are serious

It would be better if you join any good coaching classes.
The material provided by classes would be good and very relevant.
During final year you can revise every thing and appear for exam

IAS exams is a three stage exam . Each stage is eliminating round.

- Preliminary Exam
- Mains Exam
- Interview

Candidate moves to next stage only when he/she has qualified the previous exam

Following is the eligibility criteria

You need to be citizen of India
you should be graduate
You should have done your graduation from recognized college or institute
you age should be 21-30
Relaxation of 5 year for SC/ST and 3 year for OBC

Number of attempts
General Category: 4 attempts
OBC 7 attempts
Handicapped 7 attempts
SC/ST no limit

All the best
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