28th April 2011, 06:00 PM
Can I do degree in electrical engineering through distance learning after completing diploma in electrical engineering?
i done complet diploma in electrical engneering course in and now i want to do diploma to degree in ele.engg or ele.& electornics engg So i want to know in ignou or any institute name for distsnt study
23rd August 2011, 01:44 PM
Of course you can do degree in electrical engineering through distance learning after completing diploma in electrical engineering. You can do that from IGNU, SKMP, Punjab universities .
thank you |
28th August 2011, 10:57 PM
Kindly advise....if someone passed all the subjects with "C" grade.....and completed project and practical with 60%-80% marks.....and as per their rule(as they hv provided) of AMIE the candidate is completed the degree level....but the AMIE ofc has refused to say its pass....and what they are saying its not matching with their rules provided by them.....it looks like by force they are making him fail.....and advising to give last two papers again.....now the student is thinking if they are doing it now.....may be they will do it again in future.....will u pls advise what shd be done in this situation...pls note financial condition is not sound......Ganesh.
24th September 2011, 05:35 PM
sir,i have completed diploma in electrical engineering in 2011 with 59.4 percentage. now i wants to do degree in electrical engineering.so sir plz help me hoe can i apply.my contact no;9714351897
11th December 2011, 07:00 PM
sir,i have compleated diploma in EEE with 70%.now i am working in a Dubai company. How can i join in degree in EEE through distance education?where?
24th December 2011, 12:44 AM
Yes you can do degreein electrical engineering through distance learning after completing diploma in electrical engineering.But you can get a admission in any good college through competitive exam.You should have to apply for competitive exam and your marks should be good.A good score in competitive exam can give you a good college all over india.so try hard.
5th June 2012, 06:42 PM
sir i have completed my diploma in electrical engg. & now i am doing job in engg collage can i do electrical engg through distance learning ? in how many years?
7th June 2012, 07:39 PM
Re: Can I do degree in electrical engineering through distance learning after completing diploma in electrical engineering?
sir,i have completed diploma in electrical engineering. now i wants to do degree in electrical engineering through distance learning except AMIE.so sir plz help me how can i apply.my contact no; 919401004272 |
20th November 2012, 04:25 PM
Can i do diploma in electrical engineering through distance learning after completing X th standard. if i can do where i can do . |