15th June 2011, 11:59 AM
Can I get admission in engineering colleges in Pune after scoring 49.67% in 12th board, 54 marks in MHT CET PCM and 25 marks in AIEEE?
i got 49.67% in 12th board and i got 54 in mht-cet pcm group and i got 25 in aieee so i want to know can i get the admission in engineering colleges in pune
25th May 2012, 07:50 PM
i get 42 mark in board of group pcm so can i get admission to engineering
9th June 2012, 01:49 PM
which engineering college could i get after scoring 68 in mht-cet?
17th June 2012, 03:27 PM
hi sar
i am raushan aieee rollno-21044163 totalno-25 dateof birth-14/12/1993 olloverrank-635443 categoryrank-499223 stateollover rank-60339 categoryrank-3758 10thdivision first-62.3% 10 2division second-58% so please tellme goverementor nit collage contact no-07277592123 -09122776343 |
2nd July 2012, 04:43 PM
hai sir .
I have got the 72 marks in PCM Group. I have got the 54% marks in 12th category (ST) I want to know the last year cut off list of best engineering colleges in pune. |
21st July 2012, 12:12 AM
hi sir i have got 50 marks in cet and 34 marks in aieee can i get admission in good engineering colleges in pune please contact me mb 8308131941
9th June 2014, 10:47 PM
Sir I am from uttar pradesh I have secured 69% in Pcm in 12th and 60 in iit jee 2014 please recommend me the best college for engineering in maharashtra