20th August 2013, 01:03 AM
Can I join articleship before IPCC registration? I have completed degree with 68%
I am sanjay i completed degree b.com 68% .can i join in articalship before ipcc registratiom
mail id :[email protected] |
23rd October 2015, 07:11 PM
Being a graduate, you can join articleship before appearing for the IPCC.
Students enrolling for CA programme through the CPT Route are required to clear 1st group of IPCC and only then they can start articleship training . However,Graduates/ Post Graduates who get enrolled for the CA programme under the direct entry scheme are required to start 9 months of articleship training before appearing for the IPCC. It takes 3 years to complete articleship training under CA programme. It includes period of 9 months of training before appearing for IPCC in the total duration of 3 years of articleship training. It is important to complete Information Technology Training (ITT) and Orientation Program conducted by ICAI before starting Articleship. |
14th October 2016, 04:01 PM
I am ketan. I have mcom 63%. I have started article ship from Feb 2016, but I have not registered for direct entry ipcc. But my previous article ship was consider.