21st August 2010, 11:04 AM
M A Ateeq
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3

Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hi friends.
i got rank 54 in pgecet. i would like to do M.Tech in embedded system. plz someone guide me how would be my future in embedded system after m.tech. where to take admission in AP. i need to work in companies after m.tech. plz someone help

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21st August 2010, 12:35 PM
Senior Member+++
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: ,new delhi
Posts: 1,930
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hello following are the colleges in andhra pradesh where you can pursue your m.tech:

Padmasri Dr. B. V. Raju Institute of Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

Aurora Technological Research Institute Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Nishitha College of Engineering And Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Anurag Engineering College Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Nalanda Institute of Engeneering And Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada Andhra Pradesh

CMR College of Engineering & Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
21st August 2010, 03:50 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kolkata
Posts: 481
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Hello Friend,

I have given you some good colleges in Andhra Pradesh where you may get admission through PGECET.

List of colleges offering M.Tech M.Tech Embedded Systems courses:

Padmasri Dr. B. V. Raju Institute of Technology

Aurora Technological Research Institute

Nishitha College of Engineering And Technology

Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science

Anurag Engineering College

Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology

CMR College of Engineering & Technology

After M.Tech you will get jobs involves writing firmware, desiging circuit, designing PCB using ORCAD or PROTEL , testing of prototype, modifications if any.

*Embedded Developer
*Embedded Fresh Engineers
*Embedded Systems Design Engineer
*Embedded Systems Developer
*Electronics R&D Eng
*chief engineer
*Embedded Software Engineer
*marketing executive coimbatore

Thank you!!!!!
21st August 2010, 03:56 PM
Senior Member+
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 868
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

dear frnd........
u r going to do m.tech in embedded system......u future will be very good...
u can select collebut select college from google....
Reply With Quote
21st August 2010, 08:16 PM
Junior Member+
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 29
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Originally Posted by M A Ateeq View Post
hi friends.
i got rank 54 in pgecet. i would like to do M.Tech in embedded system. plz someone guide me how would be my future in embedded system after m.tech. where to take admission in AP. i need to work in companies after m.tech. plz someone help
(Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test)
(Conducted on behalf of APSCHE)
2009-2010 Academic Year
E-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.osmania.ac.in, www.pgecet2009.net
Phone Nos. : 040-69996715, 040-32444715
Post-Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test
Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) is a AP State Level Common
Entrance Test for admission into Regular PG Courses in Engineering, Technology, Architecture,
Pharmacy and Planning (ME / M.Tech./M.Pharmacy / M.Arch / M. Tech. / M. Plg. courses for
versity on behalf of A.P. State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), a statutory Body of the
Government of A.P., Hyderabad.
Objectives :
Identify at the state level, meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Post Graduate
programmes in Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Pharmacy and Planning.
Serve as bench mark for normalization of the Under Graduate Engineering education in the
S.No. Title Page
1. General Information 02
3. Post Graduate programmes offered 06
the academic year 2009-2010 conducted by University College of Engineering, Osmania Uni-
2. Mode of PGECET-2009 Entrance Test 05
4. Instructions for filling PGECET-2009 application form on-line. 11
5. PGECET-2009 syllabi 14
Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) is administered and conducted in three zones
across the state on behalf of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, a statutory Body of the
Government of A.P., Hyderabad. The zones and corresponding examination centres are:
Zone1 : Hyderabad
1. JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
2. University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007
Zone2 : Visakhapatnam
1. Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam
Zone3 : Tirupati
1. Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering, Tirupati
The overall co-ordination and responsibility lies with A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
The A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad will be issuing a separate notification for
admission as per the admission policy for PG professional courses.
programmes in the Institutions / Colleges of the State of Andhra Pradesh and only after exhausting GATE
qualified candidates, the remaining vacant seats to be filled with those candidates who have secured ranks in the
All PG programmes of Part Time / SSS / Sponsored courses shall not come under the purview of this test
However, sponsored seats in all specializations of regular PG programmes come under the purview of admissions
* - Out of 25 seats available in the units of JNTU and Constituent colleges, 18 seats are filled by
GATE scorers and 7 Seats are allocated for sponsored candidates.
The Common Entrance Test will be conducted by the Convener, PGECET-2009 Osmania University, Hyderabad.
PGECET-2009 as per Merit Order*
based on GATE Score and PGECET-2009 Entrance Test.
Preference will be given to GATE qualified candidates in admissions to various PG professional
All Full-Time PG programmes are categorized as follows based on the specializations and the
eligibility criteria:
I . Conventional Courses offering M.Tech. / M.E.programmes with various specializations in
Category - I
II. M.Tech. Programmes for the specializations offered in Category-II
III. M.Tech. Programmes for the specializations offered in Category-III
1. Candidates will be required to appear for Test for each programme applied and Test is of 2 hours
duration with 120 multiple choice questions, carrying one mark for each question. The cut-off mark
in the Common Entrance Test shall be 25% for others and No Minimum Marks for SC & ST
2. The examination will be held from 9.00 am to 11.00 am and 2.00pm to 4.00 pm as per the Time Table
given in this booklet.
3. The Question Papers will be in English only and Objective Type pattern will be used.
right paper, which qualifies them to become eligible to seek admission to the specific programme
they are interested in. The choice of the paper is based on the eligibility criteria.
5. For the information regarding Post Graduate Programmes in various institutes in the state of Andhra
AICTE Website.
Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) for SC / ST candidates. The fee can be paid in the
form of Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of The Secretary, APSCHE
payable at Hyderabad. The application fee is not refundable. Applications are available at the
following places and can be obtained by paying Rs. 500/- for others (and Rs. 250/- for SC/ST).
through D.D. drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Secretary, APSCHE payable at
ii.) Office of the Director, Admissions, JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
iii.) Office of the Principal, AU College of Engineering,Visakhapatnam
iv.) Office of the Principal, SV University College of Engineering, Tirupathi
v.) Office of the Director, PG Admissions, Kakatiya University, Warangal
vi.) Office of the Principal, Siddartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
9. The DD should be taken not earlier than the date of notification and not later than the last date for
on-line submission of application.
10. In case of candidates sending application through Online The DD should be sent by Post / Courier
4. Before applying for PGECET-2009 candidate must assure themselves that they have chosen the
Pradesh, the candidates are required to contact the Convener, PGECET-2009 or can access through
6. PGECET-2009 is held at three different cities in the state. Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi.
7. The Registration for PGECET-2009 can also be done through on-line at the following websites:
8. The application fee for PGECET-2009 shall be Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) for others and
www.osmania.ac.in, www.pgecet2009.net The candidates can also apply / register for
PGECET-2009 using on-line facility. However, candidates need to send the copy of the completed online
certificates within the stipulated time specified.
application form along with duly attested photograph in the prescribed space, D. D. and copies of
Hyderabad on or before 30th April 2009. However application can also be sent (a) with a late
i.) IDC, Behind University College of Engineering Library; UCOE (A) Campus Osmania University, Hyderabad.
fee of Rs. 500/- up to 7th May 2009 (b) with a late fee of Rs. 2500/- upto 14th May 2009.
to the following address by quoting the candidate’ s Registration Number and Application Number
on the reverse of the DD :
Dept. of ECE,
Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500007
11. The candidates are required to download the Hall Ticket from the website by entering the
Application Number and Registration Number. However, the Hall Tickets will be available on the
website for on-line access, only on the receipt of the Demand Drafts Incase of application registered
through Online.
12. The candidate may appear for more than one test for seeking admission into various courses as per
the provisional eligibility criteria. However, for each test, a candidate has to register separately.
13. Candidates can appear in the examination only against the Hall Tickets. If they have not received
15. Separate Notification will be issued for admission based on GATE Score.
16. A.P. State policy on reservation shall be followed in PG admissions excluding seats available for
Sponsored category of seats, from time to time.
17. For sponsored candidates:
a) The number of Sponsored candidates shall not be more than five in each specialization as
per AICTE Norms or as prescribed by concerned University.
b) Admission shall be made into sponsored category only with the candidates who are either
c) His/Her application shall be duly recommended by the sponsoring agency for admission to
500 007.
d) He/She must be permanent employee with the sponsoring agency for at1east two years as on
e) The sponsoring agency must be a Government establishment or a public-sector undertaking,
or a reputed private undertaking.
f) The sponsoring agency shall-certify that the candidates will be granted leave for pursuing the
M.E./M. Tech. /M.Pharm /M.Arch. / M. Plan Regular course of study.
g) The candidates who are working in Research Projects approved by the competent authority
are also required to fulfill the above conditions before they are sponsored for admission.
the Hall Tickets, they should contact the Convener, PGECET 2009 at least two days prior to the
14. For Information, announcements, on-line registration and results, visit the PGECET-2009 websites
www.osmania.ac.in, www.pgecet2009.net.
GATE / PGECET-2009 qualified or as decided by admission committee.
the course and forwarded to the Convener, PGECET -2009, Osmania University, Hyderabad -
30th June, 2009, after obtaining the qualifying degree.
Prof. Rameshwar Rao
Convener, PGECET-2009
University College of Engineering(A),
duration and carries a maximum of 120 marks.
* Candidates have to mark the correct answer by darkening the appropriate
bubble against each question on an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) with HB Pencil
* OMR Answer Sheets will be supplied along with the Question Booklet.
Date 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Pharmacy and Mech. Handling.
Electronics/Embedded System (MURP of JNTU)
Tech./IPI Planning (A.U)
Mode of PGECET-2009 Entrance Test
Tech./Geo-Informatics and Surveying
Schedule of the PGECET 2009 Examinations (Tentative) :
* PGECET-2009 examinations consists of each paper of 2 hours
* All the question papers of PGECET-2009 will be fully objective type.
26-05-2009 Computer Science and Engg. ECE/Bio-Technology
27-05-2009 Civil/Mech./EEE/Chemical/ Bio-Medical Engg./ Marine Engg.
28-05-2009 Remote Sensing/Industrial Geo-Engg/E&I
29-05-2009 Digital Systems & Computer Energy Systems/ Planning
30-05-2009 Nano-Technology Control Engg. & Instrumentation
31-05-2009 Software & IT Architecture/Spatial Information
01-06-2009 Water & Environment Environmental Management/
02-06-2009 Industrial Engg.
I. Conventional Courses offering M.Tech. / M.E. programmes with various specializations Category-I
Table 1.1 Eligibility Criteria
1 M.Tech. Transportation Engg.
(Civil Engg.) Structural Engg.
Geo-Environmental Engg.
Computer Aided Structural Engg.
Water Resources Engg.
Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg.
Structural Systems & Design
(Structural Engg.)
Hydromechainics & Water
Environmental Engineering*
Hydraulics coastal & Harbour Engg.
Environmental Engg. & Management*
Structural Engineering and Natural
Disaster Management
Construction Technology and Project
2 Electrical Power Systems
Power & Industrial Drives
Electrical Power Engg.
Power Electronics
Advanced Power Systems
Electrical Power Systems High
Power Systems (High Voltage)
Power Electronics and Electric Drives
Power System Control & Automation
Power Electronics & Drives
Industrial Drives & Control
Power Systems
Power Systems & Power Electronics
Power Electronic Systems
Power Systems and Operation control
Computer aided Power Systems
Power Systems Engg.
Power Systems and Automation
Control Systems
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Civil
Engg./Construction Engg (or)
(Electrical &
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Electrical
Engg. (or) Equivalent
No Discipline (PGECET Paper Code)
Geotechnical Engineering (CE)
Voltage (EE)
S. Name of the Courses Eligibility**
* Except Institute of Science & Technology JNTU
**Qualifying Degrees shown in Eligibility column are only indicative. Candidate with Non-Engineering Degrees
and different specializations are required to approach respective colleges or PGECET-2009 for further details
No Discipline
3. M.Tech. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
(Mechanical) Advanced Manufacturing System
Engg.) Thermal Engg.
Machine Design
Industrial Engg. & Mngt.
Design for Manufacturing
Design and Manufacturing
Production Engineering
Automation and Robotics
Advanced Design and Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering (SVU only)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Heat Transfer in Energy Systems
4. M.Tech Digital Electronics & Commun.
Systems & Signal Processing
Computers & Communications
VLSI System Design
Digital Electronics & Communication
Digital Systems
Electronics Instrumentation and
Communication Systems
Communications and Signal
Communication & Radar Systems
5. M.Tech Computer Science
Computer Science & Engg.
Comp. Science Engg.
Computer Networks
Artifical Intelligence and Robotics
Computer Networks and Informatics
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in
mechanical Engg.
Automobile Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Mechanical Engg. (Production
Aeronautical Engineering
Industrial Engg.
Production Engineering
Industrial and Production
Marine Engineering (or)
(Electronics &
B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in ECE
AMIE (Electronics and
Telecommunication Engg.)
/AMIETE and Electronics &
Telematics Engg. (or)
B.E./B.Tech/AMIE in any branch
of Engg. / Tech. (or) equivalent
Master’ s Degree in Physics
Statistics, Mathematics or Applied
Mathematics, Applied Statistics
Applied physics, Geophysics
M.Sc (Comp. Sc.), M.Sc.
(Information Systems), (Computer
Applications and Electronics) and
Embedded Systems and VLSI Design. DS
Computer Science & Technology (ST)
VLSI Design
Microwave Engg.
Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems (ME)
Microwave & Radar Engineering (EC)
Equivalent (CS)
(PGECET Paper Code)
S. Name of the Courses Eligibility**
**Qualifying Degrees shown in Eligibility column are only indicative. Candidate with Non-Engineering Degrees
Communications Engineering / Systems
and different specializations are required to approach respective colleges or PGECET-2009 for further details
No Discipline
Technology) informatics / Env. Sciences /
Agricultural Engg.
7. M.E. Bio-Medical Electronics B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Biomedical
B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Pharm of AU
or its equivalent AMIE &
8. M.Tech. Industrial Pollution Control Engineering
9. M. Pharmacy Pharmacology
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Bio-Technology
Pharmacology & Phytochemistry
B.E. / B.Tech./AMIE in Chemical
B.E. / B.Tech. Chemical Engineering
Mineral Process Engineering
(Bio- Biochemical Engg. / Bio-
Bio-Technology (JNTU
and its affiliated colleges)
(CHEM) (or) Equivalent
Pharmaceutics B. Pharmacy
6. M.Tech. Engg. / Bio- Technology/
CAD in Chemical Engineering
/ Micro Biology
B.E./B.Tech. / AMIE: Chemical
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE: Chemical Engg./
Bio-Technology/Biochemical Engg./
Agricultural Engg.
(Biomedical Engineering or ECE or EEE,or
(PGECET Paper Code)
S. Name of the Courses Eligibility**
__________________________________________________ ______________
Bio-Technology & allied courses
**Qualifying Degrees shown in Eligibility column are only indicative. Candidate with Non-Engineering Degrees
Pharmaceutical analysis and Quality
Industrial Bio-Technology ***
or M.Sc. in
in Chemistry/
/Biotechnology /
Life Sciences / BV.Sc/M.B.B.S/
B.D.S/B.Pharmacy/Food Technology
Industrial Bio-Technology (BT)
Chemical Engineering ***
Engg.) Bio-Medical Engineering *** EIE or equivalent
*** M.Tech (Industrial Bio-Technology), M.E. (Bio-Medical Engineering) & M.Tech (Chemical Engineering)
and different specializations are required to approach respective collegs or PGECET-2009 for further details.
candidates with B.Tech (Industrial Bio-Technology) degree are also eligible at SPMVV.
1. M.Tech. Remote Sensing B.E./B.Tech. in any of the following branches
(a) Civil Engg. (b) Computer Sc.&System Engg.,
ECE, B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Tech.)/ M.Sc.
degree in any of the following branches
a) Geophysics, b) Meterology and Oceanography
(or) Equivalent
2. M.Tech. Geo-Engineering M.Sc. (Geo-physics) / B.E. / B.Tech in Civil
3. M.Tech. Industrial Engineering B.E./B.Tech. and AMIE
4. M.Tech. Electronics & B.E./B.Tech in ECE, EEE, EIE, AMIE / AMIETE
Instrumentation (or)
5. M.Tech. Nano Technology B.E. / B.Tech. any branch (except Civil, Architecture
6. M.E. Marine Engineering B.E. / B.Tech / AMIE in Mechanical And Marine
Handling Equivalent
7. M.Tech. Industrial Metallurgy BE (Metallurgy) / BE (Mech) and BE (Marine) or its
Diploma holder with AMIE (Mech. & Mett)
and AMIIM qualified in GATE
8. M.Tech. Industrial Process B.E./B.TECH (Inst. Tech., E&I)
Instrumentation M.Sc (Tech.) / M.Sc. Applied Physics / M.Sc.
Instrumentaiton or its equivalent except AMIE
II. M.Tech Programmes for the following Specializations offered in Category - II
(AU only)
for Courses offered at AU and its affiliated Colleges
Nano Technology
and Mechanical Engineering / IPE (or)
9. M.Plan Planning B.Arch / B.E./ B.Tech. in Civil Engineering.
Earth Science / Environmental Science & Tech.) (or)
B.E. / B.Tech. any branch (except Civil, Architecture
and Geo-Engineering) (or) M.Sc. (Physics/Chemistry/
No Discipline (_________________________________________________ __P_G__E_C__E_T__ P_a_p__er_ _C_o_d__e_) ___________
__________________________________________________ ______________
and Geo-Engineering) (NT)
**Qualifying Degrees shown in Eligibility column are only indicative. Candidate with Non-Engineering Degrees
and different specialzations are required to approach respective colleges or PGECET-2009 for further details
S. Name of the Courses Eligibility**
B.E./B.Tech / AMIE in MEC / EEE/Chem. Engg.
1. M.Tech. Energy Systems (or) Equivalent
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in ECE / EEE / CSE /
Digital Systems & Electronics & Computers Engg./ ETE / IT/CSIT/
Computer Electronics Electronics & Control Engg./lnstrumentation
Engg./lnstrumentation Technology / EIE /
2 M. Tech. Electronics Engg., / Instrumentation & Control
Engg., /Bio-Medical Engg./ AMIETE and
Embedded Systems Electronics and Telematics Engg.(or) Equivalent
Information Technology B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in CSE / CSIT / Electronics
& Computers Engg./lT & Computer Science and
3 M.Tech. Software Engineering Systems Engineering. (or) Equivalent
B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Civil / Mechanical /
Environmental Chemical / ECE / EEE / Environmental Engg./
Management Geoinformatics Engg. / Metallurgy Engg. /
Computer Science / Information Technology /
CSIT / Agricultural Engg. / Industrial Engg. /
Biomedical Engg./Bio-Tech /B.Pharmacy
4 M. Tech. or
M.Sc in Mathematics / Hydrology / Physics /
Environmental Chemistry/ Geology /Geo Physics / Geography /
Geomatics Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences &
Technology / Agriculture / Atmospheric Sciences/
Bio- Technology
Spatial Information B.E. / B.Tech. / AMIE : in any branch of Engg.Or
5 M.Tech. Master’ s Degree in Science
6 M. Tech. Water and
Environmental Graduate in Engineering or Post Graduate in Sciences
7. M.Arch. Architecture in Interior B.Arch. / Associate of Indian Institute of
Design Architecture
B.Arch./B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Civil;
8 M.Tech. Planning (MURP, Master’ s Degree in
JNTU) Geography/Economics/Sociology
B.E./B.Tech./ AMIE in EEE/ECE / Electronics &
Control Engineering Instrumentation Engg. / Electronics & Control Engg.
/ Electronics & Computers Engg. /
9 M.Tech. Instrumentation Engg. / Instrumentation
Technology / Electronics Engg./ Instrumentation
Instrumentation & & Control Engg./ Bio-Medical Engg./ Electronics &
Controls. Telematics Engg.
III. M.Tech Programmes for the following specialization offered in Category - III
_N__o____D__is_c_i_p_li_n_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (_P_G__E_C__E_T__ P_a_p__e_r_ C__o_d_e_)______________
S Name of the Courses Eligibility**
**Qualifying Degrees shown in Eligibility column are only indicative. Candidate with Non-Engineering Degrees
__________________________________________________ ______________
and different specialzations are required to approach respective colleges or PGECET-2009 for the details
2. Separate Application form along with DD for each Programme/Course to be sent.
Draft on any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of “Secretary, APSCHE (Andhra Pradesh State
List of Nationalized Banks are given below:
1. For Online submission of Application for PGECET - 2009, follow the guidlines given below.
Candidates are advised to follow the complete instruction set about PGECET-2009, which is available for
3. The fee for PGECET - 2009 is Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST). The payment has to be made by Demand
1) Allahabad Bank
2) Andhra Bank
3) Bank of Baroda
4) Bank of India
5) Bank of Maharashtra
6) Canara Bank
7) Central Bank of India
8) Corporation Bank
9) Dena Bank
10) Indian Bank
11) Indian Overseas Bank
12) Oriental Bank of Commerce
13) Punjab and Sind Bank
14) Punjab National Bank
15) State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
16) State Bank of Hyderabad
17) State Bank of India (SBI)
18) State Bank of Indore
19) State Bank of Mysore
20) State Bank of Patiala
21) State Bank of Saurashtra
22) State Bank of Travancore
23) Syndicate Bank
24) UCO Bank
25) Union Bank of India
26) United Bank ofIndia
27) Vijaya Bank
Council for Higher Education), Hyderabad”, payable at Hyderabad on or before 30-04-2009 However
application could also be sent (a) upto 07-05-2009 with a late fee of Rs. 500/- (b) upto 14-05-2009 with a
late fee of Rs. 2500/- payable by D.D. only.
4. Before filling the ‘Online Application Form’, you should purchase the Demand Draft and keep it ready for
entering the Demand Draft particulars in the Online Application Form.
5. The following fields are mandatory in the Application Form.
a) Name
b) Father’ s Name
c) Date of Birth
d) Sex
e) Reservation Category
f) Local / Non Local Status
g) Programme in which Candidate is appearing for Test
h) Choice of Test Centre for Entrance Examination
i) Details of qualifying examination
j) Year of passing / appearing the qualifying examination
k) Percentage of Marks obtained in the qualifying examination
1) University / Institutes
m) Address for Communication with PIN Code
n) Demand Draft Number
0) Demand Draft Date
p) Issuing Bank
q) Amount
r) Reservation under Special Category (if applicable)
s) Minority Community (if applicable)
6. While applying online, do not use the ‘Back’ button on the tool bar of your browser. Use the links and
buttons available on the page to’move from one page to another . Further, when you have completed applying,
close all the browser windows so that others cannot copy your personal details.
7. Once you submit the filled-in form, you will not be allowed to change the particulars. Therefore, fill in your
application on-line carefully.
8. The system will generate a unique Application number and a Registration number for you. Note down
these numbers without fail.
9. The Application number and the Registration number given online should be quoted for any further
10. Your filled-in Application can be printed by entering the Application number and Registration number.
11. Print two copies of the filled-in Application form.
12. On one of the forms paste a Black & White photograph in the space provided and put the signature in the
box meant for. Make sure the following are attached to the application form.
* A DD for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) in favour of Secretary, APSCHE.
* A Passport size photograph with the candidate’ s signature and the Registration No. written on the
backside placed in an envelope. .
* Other necessary certificates (details available in item 5 above).
* The application form should be submitted in person or by speed post/registered post to “The Convener ,
13. The Second copy of the Application form may be retained with the candidate for record purpose.
correspondence with the Convener, PGECET- 2009.
PGECET -2009 University College of Engineering, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500007".
Paper Code Paper Code
Civil Engg. CE Bio-Technology BT
Chemical Engg. CH Bio-Medical Engineering BM
Computer Science & Engg. CS Remote Sensing RS
Electronics & Communication
Engg. EC Geo-Engineering GE
Electrical Engg. EE Industrial Engineering IE
Electronics & Instrumentation EI Energy Systems ES
Mechanical Engg. ME Digital Systems & Computer DS
Electronics / Embedded System
Industrial Metallurgy IM Nano Technology NT
Pharmacy PY Software & IT ST
Spatial Information Technology SI Environmental Management EM
Architecture AR Water & Environmental WT
Control Engineering & CI Planning (MURP, JNTU) PL
Industrial Process Instrumentation IN Marine Engineering and
Mechanical Handling MM
M. Planning MP
Bio Medical Engineering - BM
Bio Technology - BT
Civil Engineering - CE
Chemical Engineering - CH
Computer Science & Engg . - CS
Electronics & Comm. Engg. - EC
Electronics & Elec. Engg. - EE
Mechanical Engineering - ME
Architecture - AR
M.Sc. Maths & Allied Fields - MA
M.Sc. Chemistry & Allied Fields - CM
M.Sc. Physics & Allied Fields - PH
M.Sc. Life Sciences & Allied Fields - XL
M.Sc. Geology & Geo Physics - GG
Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. - EI
Instrumentation Engg. - IN
PGECET will conduct the following 27 Entrance Tests
(NOTE : The Candidates should also satisfy necessary eligibilty criteria as stiupuated by various Universities
to appear for the test.)
Codes for Name of Discipline (Specialization)
Information Technology - RH
Others - SI
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigenvectors.
Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Evaluation
of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and minima, Gradient Divergence
and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’ s
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations
with constant coefficients, Cauchy’ s and Euler’ s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Laplacetransforms,
Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’ s integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent series.
Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean
median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distributions.
Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations Integration by trap
ezoidal and Simpson’ s rule, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beam. Simple stress and strain relationship:
Stress and strain in two dimensions, principal stresses, stress transformation, Mohr’ s circle Simple bending
theory, flexural and shear stresses, unsymmetrical bending, shear centre. Thin walled pressure vessels, uniform
torsion, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses.
Structural Analysis: Analysis of statically determinate trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames, displacements
in statically determinate structures and analysis of statically indeterminate structures by force / energy
methods, analysis by displacement methods (slope deflection and moment distribution methods), influence lines
for determinate and indeterminate structures. Basic concepts of matrix methods of structural analysis.
Concrete Structures: Concrete Technology- properties of concrete, basics of mix design. Concrete design
basic working stress and limit state design concepts, analysis of ultimate load capacity and design of mem bers
subjected to flexure, shear, compression and torsion by limit state methods. Basic elements of prestressed
concrete, analysis of beam sections at transfer and service loads.
Steel Structures: Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and beamcolumns, column
bases. Connections- simple and eccentric, beam-column connections, plate girders and trusses Plastic analysis
of beams and frames.
Soil Mechanics: Origin of soils, soil classification, three - phase system, fundamental definitions; relationship
and interrelationships, permeability and seepage, effective stress principle, consolidation, compaction, shear
Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations- scope, drilling bore holes, sampling, penetration test
plate load test. Earth pressure theories, effect of water table, layered soils. Stability of slopes- infinite slopes
finite slopes. Foundation types-foundation design requirements. Shallow foundations- bearing capacity effect of
shape, water table and other factors, stress distribution, settlement analysis in sands and clays. Deep foundations
- pile types, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles in sands and clays, negative skin friction.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Properties of fluids, principle of conservation of mass, momentum, energy
and corresponding equations, potential flow, applications of momentum and Bernoulli’ s equation, laminar and
PGECET-2009 Syllabi for Conventional Courses
turbulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe networks. Concept of boundary layer and its growth. Uniform flow, critical
flow and gradually varied flow in channels, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump. Forces on immersed bodies,
flow measurements in channels, tanks and pipes. Dimensional analysis and hydraulic modeling. Kinematics of
flow, velocity triangles and specific speed of pumps and turbines.
Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, stage discharge relationships, unit hydrographs,
flood estimation, reservoir capacity, reservoir and channel routing. Well hydraulics.
Irrigation: Duty, delta, estimation of evapo-transpiration. Crop water requirements. Design of: lined and unlinedcanals,
waterways, head works, gravity dams and spillways. Design of weirs on permeable foundation. Types of
irrigation system, irrigation methods. Water logging and drainage, sodic soils.
Water requirements: Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water treatment. Drinking
water standards, water requirements, basic unit operations and unit processes for surface water treatment,
distribution of water. Sewage and sewerage treatment, quantity and characteristics of wastewater. Primary,
secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, sludge disposal, effluent discharge standards. Domestic
wastewater treatment, quantity of characteristics of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment
Unit operations and unit processes of domestic wastewater, sludge disposal.
Air Pollution: Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution meteorology, air pollution control, air
quality standards and limits.
Municipal Solid Wastes: Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered
systems for solid waste management (reuse/recycle, energy recovery, treatment and disposal).
Noise Pollution: Impacts of noise, permissible limits of noise pollution, measurement of noise and control of
noise pollution.
Highway Planning: Geometric design of highways, testing and specifications of paving materials, design of
flexible and rigid pavements.
Traffic Engineering: Traffic characteristics, theory of traffic flow, intersection design, traffic signs and signal
design, highway capacity.
Importance of surveying, principles and classifications, mapping concepts, coordinate system, map projections,
measurements of distance and directions, leveling, theodolite traversing, plane table surveying, errors and
adjustments, curves.
Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.
Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals,
Partial Derivatives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series. Vector identities, Directional derivatives,
Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations
with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary
value problems, Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’
series, Residue theorem, solution integrals.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard
deviation, Random variables, Discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distribution,
Correlation and regression analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations, single and multi-step methods for differential
Transform Theory: Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform.
Electric Circuits and Fields: Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh’ analysis, transient response of dc
and ac networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, basic filter concepts; ideal current and voltage
sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two-port networks,
three phase circuits; Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge
distributions; Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s laws; inductance; dielectrics; capacitance.
Signals and Systems : Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals; shifting and scaling operations;
linear, time-invariant and causal systems; Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals; sampling
theorem; Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms.
Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer - equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and
efficiency; three phase transformers - connections, parallel operation; autotransformer; energy conversion
principles; DC machines - types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting
and speed control of motors; three phase induction motors - principles, types, performance characteristics,
starting and speed control; single phase induction motors; synchronous machines - performance, regulation and
Parellel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications; servo and stepper motors.
Power Systems: Basic power generation concepts; transmission line models and performance; cable
performance, insulation; corona and radio interference; distribution systems; per-unit quantities; bus impedance
and admittance matrices; load flow; voltage control; power factor correction; economic operation; symmetrical
components; fault analysis; principles of overcurrent, differential and distance protection; solid state relays and
digital protection; circuit breakers; system stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion; HVDC
transmission and FACTS concepts.
Control Systems: Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagrams; steady-state errors; Routh and
Nyquist techniques; Bode plots; root loci; lag, lead and lead-lag compensation; state space model; state transition
matrix, controllability and observability.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Bridges and potentiometers; PMMC, moving iron, dynamometer
and induction type instruments; measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; instrument
transformers; digital voltmeters and multimeters; phase, time and frequency measurement;
Q-meters; oscilloscopes; potentiometric recorders; error analysis.
Analog and Digital Electronics: Characteristics of diodes, BJT, FET; amplifiers - biasing, equivalent circuit
and frequency response; oscillators and feedback amplifiers; operational amplifiers - characteristics and
applications; simple active filters; VCOs and timers; combinational and sequential logic circuits; multiplexer;
Schmitt trigger; multi-vibrators; sample and hold circuits; A/Dand D/A converters; 8-bit microprocessor basics,
architecture, programming and interfacing.
Power Electronics and Drives: Semiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs
GTOs, MOSFETs and IGBTs - static characteristics and principles of operation; triggering
circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge converters - fully controlled and half controlled; principles
of choppers and inverters; basis concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.
Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Evaluation
of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and minima, Gradient, Divergence
and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and
Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations
with constant coefficients, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Laplace
transforms, Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations. and Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent series.
Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability,
Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial
Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations Integration by trapezoidal
and Simpson’s rule, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Engineering Mechanics: Free body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics
and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion, including impulse and momentum (linear and
angular) and energy formulations; impact.
Strength of Materials: Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohr’s circle for
plane stress and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear
stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euter,’s theory of columns; strain energy methods;
thermal stresses.
Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis
of slider-crank mechanism; gear trains; flywheels.
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems; effect of damping; vibration isolation;
resonance, critical speeds of shafts.
Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N
diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints, shafts, spur
gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches.
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy; control-volume analysis of mass,
momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation;
viscous flow of incompressible fluids; boundary layer; elementary turbulent flow; flow through pipes, head
losses in pipes, bends etc.
Heat-Transfer.: Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept,
electrical analogy, unsteady heat conduction, fins; dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat
transfer, various correlations for heat transfer in flow over flat plates and through pipes; thermal boundary
layer; effect of turbulence; radiative heat transfer, black and grey surfaces, shape factors, network analysis;
heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods.
Thermodynamics: Zeroth, First and Second laws of thermodynamics; thermodynamic system and processes;
Carnot cycle. Irreversibility and availability; behaviour of ideal and real gases, properties ofpure substances,
calculation of work and heat in ideal processes; analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion.
Applications: Power Engineering: Steam Tables, Rankine, Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat. I. C.
Engines: air-standard Otto, Diesel cycles. Refrigeration and air-conditioning: Vapour refrigeration cycle,
heat pumps, gas refrigeration, Reverse Brayton cycle; moist air: psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric
processes. Turbomachinery: Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines - impulse and reaction
principles, velocity diagrams.
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, heat treatment, stressstrain diagrams
for engineering materials.
Metal Casting: Design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design,
design considerations.
Forming: Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; load estimation
for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming
processes; principles of powder metallurgy.
Joining: Physics of welding, brazing and soldering; adhesive bonding; design considerations in welding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining, single and multi-point cutting tools,
tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of nontraditional machining
processes; principles of work holding, principles of design of jigs and fixtures
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators;
gauge design; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis
in manufacturing and assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools. Production
Planning and Control: Forecasting models, aggregate produttion planning, scheduling, materials requirement
Inventory Control: Deterministic and probabilistic models; safety stock inventory control systems
Operations Research: Linear programming, simplex and duplex method, transportation, assignment, network
flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM.
Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.
Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals,
Partial Derivatives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series. Vector identities, Directional derivatives,
Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations
with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and
boundary value problems, Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’
series, Residue theorem, solution integrals.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard
deviation, Random variables, Discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distribution,
Correlation and regression analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations, single and multi-step methods for differential
Transform Theory: Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform.
Networks: Network graphs: matrices associated with graphs; incidence, fundamental cut set and fundamental
circuit matrices. Solution methods: nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems: superposition, Thevenin and
Norton’s maximum power transfer, Wye-Delta transformation. Steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors.
Linear constant coefficient differential equations; time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits, Solution of
network equations using Laplace transform: frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits. 2-port network parameters:
driving point and transfer functions. State equations for networks.
Electronic Devices: Energy bands in silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic silicon. Carrier transport in silicon: diffusion
current, drift current, mobility, and resistivity. Generation and recombination of carriers. p-n junction diode,
Zener diode, tunnel diode, BJT, JFET, MOS capacitor, MOSFET, LED, p-I-n and avalanche photo diode, Basics
of LASERs. Device technology: integrated circuits fabrication process, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation,
photolithography, n-tub, p-tub and twintub CMOS process.
Analog Circuits: Small Signal Equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs and analog CMOS. Simple diode
circuits, clipping, clamping, rectifier. Biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers. Amplifiers: single
and multi-stage, differential and operational, feedback, and power. Frequency response of amplifiers. Simple
op-amp circuits. Filters. Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation; single-transistor and op-amp configurations.
Function generators and waveshaping circuits, 555 Timers. Power supplies.
Digital circuits: Boolean algebra, minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families (DTL,
TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS). Combinational circuits: arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers, decoders,
PROMs and PLAs. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters and shift-registers. Sample and hold
circuits, ADCs, DACs. Semiconductor memories. Microprocessor(8085): architecture, programming, memory
and I/O interfacing.
Signals and Systems: Definitions and properties of Laplace transform, continuous-time and discrete-time
Fourier series, continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform, DFT and FFT, z-transform. Sampling theorem.
Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems: definitions and properties; causality, stability, impulse response, convolution,
poles and zeros, parallel and cascade structure, frequency response, group delay, phase delay. Signal
transmission through LTI systems. .
Control Systems: Basic control system components; block diagrammatic description, reduction of block
diagrams. Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems and stability analysis of these systems. Signal flow
graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient and steady state analysis of LTI
control systems and frequency response. Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis: root loci, Routh-
Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots. Control system compensators: elements of lead and lag compensation,
elements of Proportional-Integral- Derivative (PID) control. State variable representation and solution of
state equation of LTI control systems.
Communications: Random signals and noise: probability, random variables, probability density function,
autocorrelation, power spectral density. Analog communication systems: amplitude and angle modulation and
demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, superheterodyne receivers; elements of hardware,
realizations of analog communication systems; signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation
(AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions. Fundamentals of information theory and channel
capacity theorem. Digital communication systems: pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation
(DPCM), digital modulation schemes: amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK,
FSK), matched filter receivers, bandwidth consideration and probability of error calculations for these
schemes.Basics of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA and GSM.
Electromagnetics: Elements of vector calculus: divergence and curl; Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems, Maxwell’s
equations: differential and integral forms. Wave equation, Poynting vector. Plane waves: propagation through
various media; reflection and refraction; phase and group velocity; skin depth. Transmission lines: characteristic
impedance; impedance transformation; Smith chart; impedance matching; parameters, pulse excitation.
Waveguides: modes in rectangular waveguides; boundary conditions; cut-off frequencies; dispersion relations.
Basics of propagation in dielectric waveguide and optical fibers. Basics of Antennas: Dipole antennas; radiation
pattern; antenna gain.
Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic; First Order Logic.
Probability: Conditional Probability; Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation; Random Variables; Distributions;
uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson, Binomial.
Set Theory & Algebra: Sets; Relations; Functions; Groups; Partial Orders; Lattice; Boolean Algebra.
Combinatorics: Permutations; Combinations; Counting; Summation; generating functions; recurrence relations;
Graph Theory: Connectivity; spanning trees; Cut vertices & edges; covering; matching; independent sets;
Colouring; Planarity; Isomorphism.
Linear Algebra: Algebra of matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Numerical Methods: LU decomposition for Systems of linear equations; numerical solutions of non-linear
algebraic equations by Secant, Bisection and Newton-Raphson Methods; Numerical integration by trapezoidal
and Simpson’s rules.
Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, evalua tion
of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivatives, maxima & minima.
Theory of Computation: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down
automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Undecidability; NP completeness.
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits;
Number representation and computer arithmetic, (fixed and floating point).
Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and datapath,
CPU control design, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction pipelining, Cache
and main memory, Secondary storage.
Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope,
Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.
Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space and time complexity, Worst and average case
analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and-conquer; Tree and graph traversals,
Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching.
Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environments, Intermediate
and target code generation, Basics of code optimization.
Operating System: Processes, Threads, Inter-process communication, Concurrency, Synchronization, deadlock,
CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and
Databases: ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints,
normal forms), Query langu.ages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, Band B+ trees),
Transactions and concurrency control.
Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques,
Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP( v4), Application layer protocols
(icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers.
Part -I
History of Microbiology, Classification of protists, Morphological, Structural and Biochemical characteristics of
prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Growth characteristics of microbes. Methods of microbiology including pure culture
techniques and microscopy, industrially important micro organisms and important fermentation products.
Media formulation principles of microbial nutrition, construction of culture media.
Unit -II
Isolation, improvement and preservation of industrial micro-organisms.
Structure of DNA and arrangement of genes on chromosomes, DNA synthesis and replication, RNAsyntheses
Unit - V
of metabolism, Signal transduction.
Part - II
First law of thermodynamics: Internal energy, enthalpy, molar heat capacities, reversible and irreversible proequilibria.
Heat of reaction, Hess’s law, heat of formation, combustion etc.
Chemical Reaction Kinemetics :
design of Ideal Reactors for single reactions.
Differential and Integral calculus including integration Ordinary and partial differential equations. Laplace transforms
of elementary functions, solution to ordinary differential equation by transform methods. Solutions of a
system of linear algebraic equations by matrix method eigen values, of a square matrix. Fourier and Taylor’s
series. Mean value theorem.
Fluid Mechanics:
Fluids vs solids, Fluids statics and applications, Mass and energy balances in fluid flow, bernoulli’s equation, its
corrections and applications including pump work. Newton’s law of viscosity, flow curves for non-newtonian
Pressure drop due to skin friction by Rayleigh’s method of dimensional analysis - significance of friction, factor
and Reynold’s number. Boundary layer theory and form friction pressue drop due to form friction. Flow past
immersed bodies and drag coefficients. Pressure drop in flow through packed beds, Fluidization and pressure
Heat transfer Modes of heat transfer and examples, Fourier’s law of heat conduction and analogy with
momentum transfer, heat transfer through a cylindrical pipe wall.
Microbial Genetics: Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation, Structure and Classification of viruses, replication
of viruses including bacteriophages and animal viruses.
and processing, Different classes of RNA and their functions, Riboxymes, Protein expression in prokaryotes and
Pukarytes. Plasmids, Transposible elements, TV elements
Structure of Bio- Molecules, Metabolsim of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids and Nucleic acids,
Enzymes, specificity, catalysis, kinetics, inhibition and allosteric enzymes, metabolic organization and regularization
cesses, Isothermal and adiabatic changes. Second law: entropy, free energy change and chemical reaction
Rate of reactions: Molecularity, order and rate constants, Arrhenius equation, Energy of activation, catalysis
drop across fluidized beds. Flow machinery and control.
Convection and concept of heat transfer coefficient, application of dimensional analysis to heat transfer from
Correlations for heat transfer coefficients in natural and forced convection, significance of dimension less
numbers, Overview of heat exchanges and concept of LMTD. Overview of other heat transfer operations, viz.
boiling and condensation and evaporation. Overview of cadiaation, combined heat transfer by conductionconvection
and radiation.
of gases and liquids, fundamentals of mass transfer coefficient, dimensionless numbers and significance,
correlation for mass transfer, overview of separation operations, equipment for mass transfer operations, Equilibrium
stage operations.
Mechanical unit operations:
Principles of the following.operations for size reduction and size separation, crushing, grinding, filtration,
7. BM Bio-Medical Engineering
Differential and integral calculus. Partial and total differentials. Composite functions. Systems of linear
equations. Matrices and determinants, rank, Cramer’s rule. Differential equations. Homogeneous and non
homogeneous. Power series. Theory of complex variables, Cauchy-Reimann equations. Cauchy’s residue theorem.
Singular points, evaluation of residues. Probability: Conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard
deviation; random variables; Uniform, Normal, Exponential, Poisson and Binomial distributions.
Bioelectricity: Resting Potential. Action Potential. Nernst Equation. Propagation in myelinated and
unmyelinated nerve fibres. Origin of biopotential signals like ECG, EEG, EMG and EOG. Biopotential electrodes.
Medical Instrumentation and Equipment: General characteristics of medical instruments. Analytical Instrumentation.
ECG, EEG, EMG, Cardiac Pacemaker, Defibrillator, X-ray machine, Hemodialyser, Ventilator, Heartlung
Machine, and Surgical diathermy.
Biomechanics and Biomaterials: Mechanical properties of bone and soft tissues. Viscoelasticity. Analysis of
forces in skeletal joints. Mechanics of blood flow in the cardiovascular system. Biocompatibility. Characteristics
of an ideal biomaterial. Metals, polymers and ceramics. .
Biomedical signal processing and Imaging : QRS detection methods. Rhythm analysis. ECG pattern
recognition. ECG data compression algorithms. Detection of resting rhythms. Ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET. Techniques
of Image enhancement and reconstruction.
Biological Control Systems: General features of biological control systems. Regulation of body temperature,
blood pressure, and heart rate.
Electronic devices and circuits: p-n junction, BJT, MOSFET characteristics, basic amplifier configurations, biasing
of BJT and JFET, difference amplifier, R-C coupled amplifier, frequency response, feedback in amplifiers,
power amplifiers, power rectification.
Pulse and digital circuits: Linear and non linear wave shaping, sweep circuits, Multivibrators, logic gates Boolean
algebra, arithmetic circuits, TTL, MOS, CMOS, flip-flops, counters, shift registers, 8-bit microprocessor architecture,
programming and interfacing.
Signals and Systems: Representation of continuous and discrete-time-signals; linear, time -invariant and causal
systems, Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals, sampling theorem, Fourier, Laplace and Z
pipe to a flowing fluid. Thermal boundary layer and prandtl number. Overall heat transfer coefficient.
Diffusion and Mass transfer Fick’s law of diffusion, analogy with momentum and energy transport,, diffusivities
Topological description of a network, KVL, KCL, Mesh and nodal analysis. First and second order circuits, RL,
RC and RLC circuits. forced and natural response of a network to step, impulse and sinusoidal inputs, Transient
and steady state response. Laplace-transform method of solution. Network theorems. Implications of Linearity,
Signal analysis, Two port networks.
Electrical machines: Single phase transformer, three phase transformers, DC machines-types winding, generator
characteristics, armature reaction and commutation. Starting and speed control of motors. Three phase and
single phase induction motors -principles.
Control systems: Principles of feedback, transfer function, block diagrams, steady-state errors. Stability. Routh
and Nyquist techniques.
Bridges and potentiometers,PMMC, moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments. Measurement
of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor. Instrument transformers. Digital voltmeters and multimeters.
Phase, time and frequency measurement. Q”meters; oscilloscopes, Potentiometric recorders.
Transducers: Basic requirements, passive and active transducers. Operating principles of transducers for
measurement of displacement, temperature, pressure and flow. Signal conditioning circuits. Applications.
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigenvectors.
Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Evaluation
of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and minima, Gradient, Divergence
and Curl, Vector dentities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and
Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations
with constant coefficients, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Laplace transforms,
Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, Residue
Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean,
median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distributions.
Numerical Methods : Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations Integration by
trap ezoidal and Simpson’s rule, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Process Calculations and Thermodynamics: Laws of conservation of mass and energy; use of tie components;
recycle, bypass and purge calculations; degree of freedom analysis. First and Second laws of thermodynamics.
First law application to close and open systems. Second law and Entropy Thermodynamic properties
of pure substances: equation of state and departure function, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties,
fugacity, excess properties and activity coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; chemical
reaction equilibria.
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations: Fluid statics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli
equation, Macroscopic friction factors, energy balance, dimensional analysis, shell’ balances, flow through pipeline
systems, flow meters, pumps and compressors, packed and fluidized beds, elementary boundary layer theory,
size reduction and size separation; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification,
filtration, mixing and agitation; conveying of solids.
Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer coefficients, steady and unsteady heat
conduction, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat exchangers and evaporators and their design
Mass Transfer: Fick’s laws, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration and
surface renewal theories; momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies; stagewise and continuous contacting
and stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption,
leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption. .
Chemical Reaction Engineering: Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation.
of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non-ideal reactors; residence time distribution,
single parameter model; non-isothermal reactors; kineties of heterogeneous catalytic reactions; diffusion
effects in catalysis.
Instrumentation and Process Control: Measurement of process variables; sensors, transducers and their
dynamics, transfer functions and dynamic responses of simple systems, process reaction curve, controller modes
(P, PI, and PID); control valves; analysis of closed loop systems including stability, frequency response and
controller tuning, cascade, feed forward control.
Plant Design and Economics: Process design and sizing of chemical engineering equipment such as
compressors, heat exchangers, multistage contactors; principles of process economics and cost estimation
including total annualized cost, cost indexes, rate of return, payback period, discounted cash flow, optimization in
Chemical Technology: Inorganic chemical industries; sulfuric acid, NaOH, fertilizers (Ammonia, Urea, SSP
and TSP); natural products industries (Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil, and Fats); petroleum refining and petrochemicals;
polymerization industries; polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polyester synthetic fibers.
Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry: Chemistry of natural products, tests, isolation,purification & characterization
and estimation of phytopharmaceuticals belonging to the group of Alkaloids, Glycosides, Terpenoids, Steroids,
Bioflavanoids, Purines,lipids, proteins. Pharmacognosy of crude drugs and herbal products. Standardization of
raw materials. Modern techniques used for evaluation.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Structure, nomenclature, classification, synthesis, SAR and metabolism of the
following category of drugs, which are official in Indian Pharmacopoeia and British Pharmacopoeia.
Introduction to drug design. Stereochemistry of drug molecules. Hypnotics and Sedatives, Analgesics, NSAIDS,
Neuroleptics, Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, Anticonvulsants, Antihistaminics, Local Anaesthetics, Cardio Vascular
drugs - Antianginal agents Vasodilators, Adrenergic & Cholinergic drugs, Cardiotonic agents, Diuretics,
Antijypertensive drugs, Hypoglycemic agents, Antilipedmic agents, Coagulants, Anticoagulants, Antlplatelet agents.
Chemotherapeutic agents - Antibiotics, Antibacterials, Sulphadrugs. Antiproliozoal drugs, Antiviral, Antitubercular,
Antimalarial, Anticancer, Antiamoebic drugs. Diagnostic agents..
Pharmaceutics: Formulation, Development and Storage of different dosage forms and new drug delivery
systems. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics and their importance in Pharmaceutical calculations. Study
of physical properties of drugs: Particle size and shape, pKa, solubility, partition coefficient, cristallinity, polymorphism
and hygroscopicity. Study of chemical properties of drugs: Hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, recimization,
polymerization and their influence on formulation and stability of drug products.
Pharmacology: General pharmacological principles including Toxicology. Drug interaction and Pharmacology
of drugs acting on Central nervous system, Cardiovascular system, Autonomic nervous system, Gastro intestinal
system and Respiratory system. Pharmacology of Autocoids, chemotherapeutic agents including anticancer
drugs, Bioassays, Immuno Pharmacology. Drugs acting on the blood & blood forming organs. Clinical Pharmacy
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Dosage regimen in Renal and hepatitic impairment. Drug - Drug interactions and
Drug -food interactions, Adverse Drug reactions. Medication History, interview and Patient counseling
Pharmaceutical Analysis and quality assurance: Concepts of qualitative and quantitative analysis, fundamentals
of volumetric analysis, methods-of expressing concentration, primary and secondary standards; concept of
error, precision, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, detection limit, linearity and range. Ruggedness, standards,
standardization, calibration of analytical equipments. Principles, instrumentation and applications of the
following: Absorption spectroscopy (UV, visible & IR). Fluorimetry, Flame photometry,
Potentiometry.Conductometry and Plarography. Pharmacopoeial assays and chromatography methods.Quality
assurance and quality control methods, concepts of GMP and GLP and forensic pharmacy.
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Isolation, classification and taxonomy of microorganisms. Pure culture techniques,
theory and practice of sterilization, microbial growth phases and kinetics, microbial transformation of
steroids. Fermentation technology- batch and continuous fermentation. General characteristics and manufacture
of antibiotics, vaccines and harmones. Application and scope of recombinant DNA technology in manufacture
of biological products such as insuline and human growth harmones. Biochemical role of hormones,
Vitamins, Enzymes, Nucleic acids, Metobolic path.ways-glycolosis and TCA cycle and transport across cell
Category - II
1. RS - M. Tech Remote Sensing
Continents .Earth composition. Earth - Orbit, Rotation, Time,
Oceans - Depth, Bottom, Relief
Meteorological parameters, wind, temperature and humidity
Maps and their uses - scale on maps
Geomorphology, agents of landforms, Wind and associated land forms
Rocks, kinds of rocks, minerals & physical properties of mineral
Principles of Remote sensing. History of Remote sensing. Remote sensing in India
Light, heat and Electromagnetic energy
History of aerial photography - types of photographs
River basin - size, shape, physiography, slope, climate, drainage
Study of rainfall, estimation of run-off and evapotranspiration
Flora, fauna. Agriculture in India
Environment - meaning, scope, components of environments
Computer fundamentals (hardware and software)
2. GE - M.Tech Geo-Engineering
Continents. Earth composition. Earth - Orbit, Rotation, Time,
Oceans - Depth, Bottom, Relief
Definition of rock
Kinds of rocks, minerals & physical properties of mineral
Introduction to Geophysical methods.
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1st September 2010, 12:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

sir i got 1051 rank in pgecet i belong to ece stream which college can i get i belong to bc-d please mail me to [email protected]
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3rd September 2010, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

when will the counceling
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7th September 2010, 10:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

dear sir i got 397 rank in pgecet 2010 my category is bc-b my subject is bio-tech. can i have a chance to get a seat in any college please tell me sir fee particulars sir
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29th September 2010, 05:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

i got 5115 rank in pgecet 2010 my category is bc-d my subject is ece . can i get a seat in any college please tell me sir fee particulars sir
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13th October 2010, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

it is better doing vlsi cousre in a institute for 6 to 8 months. will i get preffed in jobs. what is the difference between vlsi from college from instetites.

please reply to my mail
[email protected]
thanking you
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23rd October 2010, 03:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

i got 323 rank in pgecet-2010.in IN code plz give me information about my seat available where
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27th October 2010, 05:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hello,this is very good to help others by giving them information.i did my Msc elec in AU campus.i got 1751 rank in PGECET.now i want to join in hyderabad only.i heard that in some of the colleges Msc is not eligible and Msc students are eligible for which branches to join in Mtech.pls clarify my doubt.if you have time mail [email protected]
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28th October 2010, 01:49 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

i got 2647 rank in pgecet-2010 in EE group can u tell in which colleges list i will get
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29th October 2010, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hello friends,help me please,i got 514 rank in DS decipline in pgecet2010,can i get seat in good colleges,or if u know help me please where can i get?help me friends
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15th November 2010, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

iam in 685rank in pgecet open
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2nd March 2011, 02:00 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 94
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Hello Friend,

I have given you some good colleges in Andhra Pradesh where you may get admission through PGECET.

List of colleges offering M.Tech M.Tech Embedded Systems courses:

Aurora Technological Research Institute Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Nishitha College of Engineering And Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Anurag Engineering College Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
Nalanda Institute of Engeneering And Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada Andhra Pradesh

best of luck..................
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25th May 2011, 11:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

sir when will i expect 2011 counsiling for m.tech
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27th May 2011, 09:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default just a question

Hey Everyone
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3rd June 2011, 08:38 AM
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Default need something

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17th June 2011, 10:02 PM
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Default Prescription Medicine For Insomnia

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4th July 2011, 11:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

good morning sir this is manoj i got pgcet-5958 rank i ama oc candidate any possibulity of got a seat of mtech computer scince i am from mca back ground any collage i am ready to join
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6th July 2011, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

sir i got 4663 rank in cse branch i am a bc-a candidate any possibilites to got a good college and branches kinndly send me the reply colleges which course better to join my mail id is [email protected]
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10th July 2011, 05:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in Tamilnadu
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16th July 2011, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

seeking admission into M. Tech in Electronics and communication
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23rd July 2011, 09:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hiiiiiiii my name is sreekanth i got 108 rank in electronics &instrumentation engineering did iget seat in counselling
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25th August 2011, 11:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hii i got 3500 rank in pgecet... i belongs to oc... nd cse branch... in which colleges i can get d seat... nd post me d pgecet 2010 seat allotment... so dat i can have a idea.... my id is [email protected]
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2nd September 2011, 07:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

list out the subject for ece people
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6th September 2011, 10:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hi friends.
i got 49 rank in pgecet. i would like to do M.Tech in computers and communication. plz someone guide me how would be my future in embedded system after m.tech. where to take admission in AP. i need to work in companies after m.tech. plz someone help
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22nd September 2011, 07:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hi friends.
i got rank 35 in pgecet bio-medical stream. i would like to do M.Tech in . plz someone guide me how would be my future in bio-medical after m.tech. where to take admission in AP. i need to work in india after m.tech. plz someone help..plz mail me [email protected]
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20th October 2011, 07:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hello sir...i got 558 rank belongs to IT.in which college will i get seat?
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8th November 2011, 01:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Can anyone tel me d colleges offering biomedical signal processing and biomedical imaging techniques courses in tamilnadu? plz help me.
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6th December 2011, 12:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

hi i have got rank in pgecet 6584 for ece, in which college will i get the seat
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4th July 2012, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

Re:colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET
hai i got rank is 3091 belongs to E.C.E in which colleges will i get seatfor embedded systems?
please senb best colleges to [email protected]
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1st August 2012, 02:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in embedded system in AP through PGECET

sir i have only one subject(mpi) as my backlog in my total btech
so, their will be any problem with that and my pgecet rank is 1253
reply me 2 [email protected]
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25th May 2014, 04:13 PM
subhash kasyap
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 1
Default Re: Colleges for M.Tech in automobile in AP through PGECET

colleges for m.tech in automobile engineering in Andhrapradesh through PGECET
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