5th January 2012, 05:00 PM
Which course is better between MSc microbiology and biotechnology?
which course is better between M.S.C in microbiology and biotechnology after completion of the courses did we have the job in future and which vl be the good college around hyderabad
2nd September 2012, 12:41 AM
From job perspective after MS between microbiology and biotechnology you should go for
microbiology as biotech based jobs are comparatively less than microbiology. Being a microbiologist you can have an upper hand on jobs based in pathological departments in hospitals If you can do a PhD after MS than it would be best for you if you want to make career in research. You can also do an MBA in biotech or other field to get managerial based jobs in pharma and other health product based comapnies |
13th March 2013, 04:17 PM
What if i am going to do a combined course of microbiology and biotechnology which career fields will i venture?
13th March 2013, 07:58 PM
answer:there are many courses like USP microbioloy,biotech etc which also have many scope