26th June 2012, 09:57 PM
Cutoff for computer science at Somiya Last year?
what is the cut off for computer scicence at somiya last year?...please tell me what is it
29th October 2012, 07:50 AM
You must be talking about Somaiya Vidyavihar. It is located in Ayurvihar and is catering to the IT students mainly, Now there are different genres of courses for this institute. You can apply in IT or engineering. Even for final year of engineering, candidates are taken. You can just download the online prospectus and fill the online form to apply for it. If you have any added qualification, like that of clearing any special examination, you can give that too. The reserved category people will get a little preference and then the rest that the administrative body feels eligible will be taken. So log on to their official website-www.somaiya.edu. |