2nd January 2011, 11:54 PM
Exam pattern of CCE Mathematics exam?
What will the exam pattern of CCE maths exam?
Please help |
3rd January 2011, 09:52 AM
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*Name *Email ID *Mobile no *Area of Interest *Country *State *City Please Send CCE CBSE Exam Alerts through E-mail Search Exam for Details OR go to Quick links to Exams CCE CBSE Subjects / Topics in Self Assessor CCE CBSE Mock Test / Old Papers in Test Simulator Click Here for Free Trial of CCE CBSE Subjects / Mock Tests / Old Papers CBSE CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION CLASS IX and CLASS X TestBag Advantage CBSE CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION CLASS IX and CLASS X The CBSE board introduced comprehensive and continuous evaluation (CCE) system from October 2009, a system with core purpose of grading students not only in five subjects but also rated while keeping their holistic development in mind Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation refers to a system of school based assessment that covers all aspects of students development . It emphasizes two fold objectives. Continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning. Behavioral out come Continuous in CCE means Continualfrom the beginning and during the instructional process Comprehensive in CCE means covering all aspects i.e Scholastic Academic Work experience Physical and Health Education Art Education Co Scholastic Life Skills Attitudes and Values Outdoor Activities Scholastic Evaluation will be Formative Assessment : Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally. It is diagnostic and remedial Summative Assessment End of term or end of the year exams with feedback on learning (assessment of learning) to teacher and parents FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) will comprise of : Class work Homework Oral questions Quizzes Projects Assignments/Tests SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA) will be Term End Examination from Curriculum and syllabus as circulated by the Board Question papers to be prepared by schools as per the CBSE format and have to be only from the Question Bank to be sent by CBSE. Exam to be conducted by schools Evaluation of Answer scripts will be done within the school. The Academic year will have two terms First Term from April to September and Second Term from October to March. Each tem has two formative assessments and one summative assessment and then Final Assessment ASSESSMENT FOR AN ACADEMIC YEAR Term I FA1, FA2 and SA1 Term II - FA3, FA4 and SA2 FINAL Assessment Weightage for Assessments FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4 10+ 10+ 10+ 10 = 40% SA1+ SA2 20 + 40 = 60% TOTAL = 100% SCHOLASTIC A would be from following areas - Language-I , Language-II, ,Social Science, Science, Mathematics and Add. Subjects (Information Tech., Home Science, Painting, Music, Book Keeping, Commerce / Accountancy) and graded as under MARKS GRADE GRADE POINT 91100 A1 10 8190 A2 9 7180 B1 8 6170 B2 7 5160 C1 6 4150 C2 5 3340 D 4 2132 E1 ---- 20 & below E2 ---- SCHOLASTIC B would be from Work experience, Physical and Health Education and Art Education and shall have five grade A+ , A, B+, B and C CO SCHOLASTIC would be from Life Skills, Attitudes and Values and Outdoor Activities Life Skills comprising of Thinking Skills , Social Skills and Emotional Skills shall have five grades A+ , A, B+, B and C However other Co Scholastic Areas shall have three grades A+ , A, and B EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES shall have three grades A+ , A, and B . |
3rd January 2011, 01:28 PM
I am not sure of which class you are referring to. Click on the link below to find out the blue print as well as sample question papers. http://papers.icbse.com/cbse-sample-papers/ |
3rd January 2011, 06:03 PM
-->CBSE Conduct the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) for Mathematics Exam
It contain question Pattern like this *Summative *Formative it is Strictly followed Here i have uploaded the Portion for Mathematic for 10th and 12th standard All the Best |
3rd January 2011, 07:20 PM
You have not specified your class but still i am giving all information regarding
CCE mathematics for 9th, 10th , 11th and 12th class Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) CLass 9th PATTERN CCE Mathematics exam syllabus CCE is having two term. TERM I I. NUMBER SYSTEM II. ALGEBRA III. GEOMETRY IV. CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY V. MENSURATION TERM II II. ALGEBRA III. GEOMETRY (Contd.) V. MENSU RATION (Contd.) VI. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY for same information for 10th class 10th CCE Mathematics syllabus & downloads 11th class 11th CCE Mathematics syllabus & downloads 12th class 11th CCE Mathematics syllabus & downloads FOR SUBTOPICS refer this attachments:- Attachments
3rd January 2011, 07:54 PM
u did not mention the class.
the exam pattern and sample paper of cce maths for IX class is given in the attachment Attachment 7174 |
25th March 2011, 03:34 PM
Exam pattern of CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) Mathematics exam are as shown: - The CCE Mathematics exam paper is divided in three sections and described as below. [ Total Questions = 25 ] SECTION A: - Short Answer Type Questions = 10 ( 3 marks each ) SECTION B: - General Type Questions = 10 ( 4 marks each ) SECTION C: - Long Answer Type Questions = 05 ( 6 marks each ) Good Luck & All the Best |
14th October 2011, 10:21 AM
You have not specified your class but still i am giving all information regarding
CCE mathematics for 9th, 10th , 11th and 12th class Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) CLass 9th PATTERN CCE Mathematics exam syllabus CCE is having two term. TERM I I. NUMBER SYSTEM II. ALGEBRA III. GEOMETRY IV. CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY V. MENSURATION TERM II II. ALGEBRA III. GEOMETRY (Contd.) V. MENSU RATION (Contd.) VI. STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY |
14th October 2011, 12:34 PM
xam pattern of CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) Mathematics exam are as shown: -
The CCE Mathematics exam paper is divided in three sections and described as below. [ Total Questions = 25 ] SECTION A: - Short Answer Type Questions = 10 ( 3 marks each ) SECTION B: - General Type Questions = 10 ( 4 marks each ) SECTION C: - Long Answer Type Questions = 05 ( 6 marks each ) |
5th February 2012, 10:37 AM
scholastic :
academic work experience physical & health education art education co scholastic: life skills attitudes & values outdoor activities Assessment for an academic year : term I -FA1 ,FA2 and SA1 term II-FA3,FA4 and SA2 final assessment Weight for assessements : FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4 10+10+10+10 =40% SA1+SA2 20+40=60% total =100% |
22nd February 2012, 06:09 PM
Hai, You didn't mention your present year but i will give you the information.
Exam pattern of CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) Mathematics exam are as shown: - The CCE Mathematics exam paper is divided in three sections and described as below. Total questions=25 SECTION A: Short answer type questions=10(3 marks each) SECTION B: General type questions=10 (4marks each) SECTION C:Long answer type questions=05(6 marks each). All the best |
22nd February 2012, 06:14 PM
The department of Higher Education( DHE)has directed registrars and principals of the colleges to provide twenty-five 5 marks for Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) will be included in 150 marks of question paper for mathematics subjects for first and second semester. The changes will be effective from the 2011-12 academic session. According to commissioner higher education Dr M.K Jain in subjects apart from Mathematics there will be 15 marks for or continuous and comprehensive evaluation and 85 marks for main paper. In practical examination paper CCE marks have not been included. ALL THE BEST |