5th November 2011, 02:57 AM
How can i prepare for the exam of Hindi Translator for a job in Central Government Officers? Books to be referred?
1. How can I Prepare for The examination of Hindi Translator Required in Central Govt. Offices.? What kind of Books I should read to Qualify This Examination.? And give full detail of these Books(the Names of the books, their Authors and Publishers)?
4th June 2012, 12:52 AM
How can i prepare for hindi translation jobs in central government jobs please provide the study materials, books and author names to mail id [email protected]. And send me the questions papers of exams.
31st March 2014, 01:35 PM
Iam going to attend junier hindi translation exam but my qulification is BA HINDI and BEd in HINDI so how to prepare for the exam
2nd December 2017, 02:15 PM
Give me some useful tips for the preparation of Hindi translator exam. What is the syllabus and which books should I refer for preparation? Aso suggest some good books for learning the technical terms in Hindi and English.