16th June 2012, 02:11 PM
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How to do CA course after completing MSc in computer science?

hello ,
Iam vinod.I had comleted my M.sc in computer science and doing business in our native place.I want to do CA course.Please give me right details.

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21st June 2012, 09:26 PM
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Default Re: How to do CA course after completing MSc in computer science?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello ,
Iam vinod.I had comleted my M.sc in computer science and doing business in our native place.I want to do CA course.Please give me right details.
The process of pursuing Chartered Accountancy course after completion of Masters is not different to the process of pursuing the course after higher secondary level of examination. Candidates possessing any of the aforementioned qualification needs to qualify Common Proficiency Test to be considered eligible to pursue Chartered Accountancy course. The Common Proficiency Test is followed by Integrated Professional Competence Course, Artcileship Training and Final Course.

So, first of all you will have to register for the Common Proficiency Test.
The registration is open throughout the year and the test is conducted two times a year:
  • In the month of June
  • In the month of December
Qualifying Common proficiency Test is mandatory to be considered eligible for Integrated Professional Competence Course and move further into the course.

For admission and other details, refer to the official website of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
24th February 2013, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: How to do CA course after completing MSc in computer science?

you can do m tech after completion of msc. in that case there are several lines open for you

You can go for MBA in Information Tech. if you are good in IT field or you are interested in Computer field then I suggest you either do MCA stands for Master in computer Application which is of 3 years course or Do MBA from IT which is of 2 years course,

Its all depends on your interest, if you wouldn't like to do MBA in IT then there are also various option in MBA like :

You can also choose one specialization from them ...

19th November 2013, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to do CA course after completing MSc in computer science?

i am joti.I had complet M.SC in computer science and doing teacher or bank job in our distt.Plzz give me right option.
or I want to do CA course.please give me both of right details.
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