16th July 2013, 09:30 AM
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How to do diploma in electrical engineering through correspondence

I want correspondence electrical diploma .which is gov.approved AICTE ,BTE, MSBTE college I j maharashtra.

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9th September 2018, 10:47 AM
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 188
Default Re: How to do diploma in electrical engineering through correspondence

Truly, you can do Correspondence electrical designing Diploma course and you can seek after this same course from any of the accompanying universities

Osmania University - Hyderabad

Indira Gandhi national Open University - Delhi

Harmony School of Distance Learning in Education - Delhi

Shobit University - Meerut

Indian Institute of Open and Distance Learning - Delhi

Jawaharlal University - Mumbai

Sikkim Manipal University for Distance Learning - Sikkim

Karnataka State Open University

Visvesvaraya Institute of Production and Construction Engineering

VMS Polytechnic College

VIVA College of Diploma Engineering and Technology

Jindal Institute of Polytechnic

To get affirmation you have to enlist initially to the University online then you can get points of interest and concentrate material from that point as it were.

The detail of the course is as per the following:

: 3 Years to 6 Years

No bar


a) (I) tenth go with 55% imprints; or

(ii) tenth go with ITI testament or

(iii) tenth go with Certificate or

(iv) twelfth go with Maths, Physics and Chemistry and

b) Candidates must be utilized in Central or State-level assembling businesses or in broad daylight or private assembling ventures or in other related associations utilizing comparative labor or independently employed in identical limit.
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