10th May 2012, 03:45 PM
How to do M.Tech in Mechanical Stream after passing B.E in Aeronautical Engineering?
hi i have taken BE in aeronautical engg but no job oppurtunities in india ..............so i have decided to do mtech in mechanical stream and so i am confused between the above two branches in mechanical stream ..thermal engg vs internal combustion engg..................and if there are any other branch in mechanical engineering with more job oppurtunities please mention it........all i require is more job oppurtunities.
12th September 2012, 04:53 PM
sir,i have completed be in aeronautical engineering.sir,i want to do masters in mechanical so how can i do it?
7th June 2014, 12:10 PM
same above question is mine ,should i go for m.tech in thermal engg. or others in NIT 'S , SHOULD I TAKE ADMISSION IN THOSE, OR WHAT TO DO?,what are the job scopes in india for thermal or any other branch?
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