11th February 2013, 03:35 PM
How to do summer internship in L&T? I am pursuing B.Tech Civil
sir, i hareesh kumar pursing b.tech(civil 3rd year) i want to summer intenship in l&t plz tell me sir how iam getting to summer intenship
22nd September 2016, 05:50 PM
To apply for internship in L&T, one needs to follow following steps :-
* Contact the placement officer of your college and send an application form for the summer training course along with your resume at the company address. * The company will send the acknowledgement letter regarding the summer training course if one get selected for the same. * Submit no objection certificate received from the college at the company address. Eligibility criteria required to apply for these companies:- -The candidate must have secured 65% marks through out in career. -The candidate should not have any backlog. |