20th September 2011, 06:52 AM
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How to get admission for M.Tech in Automobile Engineering having secured 48% in BE with Mechanical stream?

I have completed BE(mech) from Pune University and I intend to persue M Tech in Automobile Engg from a decent college. The problem is that my BE percentage is very low being 48 percent. So even if I do manage to crack GATE most of the colleges would refuse admission based on my academics. Then what's the point in preparing for GATE?

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20th September 2011, 08:23 AM
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Default Re: How to get admission for M.Tech in Automobile Engineering having secured 48% in BE with Mechanical stream?

Yes, most of the colleges require you to pass with a first class degree.

However there are colleges(Deemed colleges) which have lenient admission citeria. Such as the SAstra university or AMity. It is recommended you sit for GATE and score well. Then head up to such colleges and it is sure you will get a seat.
As you are a student of Automobile Engineering, I suggest you also take a look at Manipal University.
20th September 2011, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: How to get admission for M.Tech in Automobile Engineering having secured 48% in BE with Mechanical stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have completed BE(mech) from Pune University and I intend to persue M Tech in Automobile Engg from a decent college. The problem is that my BE percentage is very low being 48 percent. So even if I do manage to crack GATE most of the colleges would refuse admission based on my academics. Then what's the point in preparing for GATE?
dear friend ,
as you know that its impossible to get admission with such a low marks..........

i will suggest you to go for some bank exams like ssc(staff selection commission),
SSC(school selection commission), IPS, IAS, Bank PO exam..... etc..........

this will make a new life line for you./........
7th December 2011, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: How to get admission for M.Tech in Automobile Engineering having secured 48% in BE with Mechanical stream?

I am teacher of vocational education in automobile under W.B.S.C.V.E & T. I have passed B.Sc. in Automobile Maintenance(3-years) from Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya under Vidyasagar University in 2001. This course is approved by UGC. Now I want to do higher education (Distance) in Automobile Engineering like M.Sc / M.Tech in automobile engineering.Please help me.
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