8th June 2011, 09:05 PM
How to know about my IAS form number and procedure to receive my registration card and hall ticket?
sir i hdnt rcvd my admit card nd roll num for ias prelims 2011.how can i get it.i dont knw my form num and registration card.tell me alsoabout hall tikt
8th June 2011, 11:59 PM
for IAS that means civil service preliminary examination candidates will receive their admit card through post.
if due to any reason any one does not receive their admit card then the should visit the website http://www.upsc.gov.in in the website click on examination. then click on venue information. as you have not roll number and form number then i think you filled up the application form online. so there must be registration id for your online application form. after clicking on venue information give your registration id then you will get your examination venue information from the website online. take one print out of this page and bring it with two photographs in the examination center. then you will be allowed to write in the examination. if due to any reason your application is rejected and venue information is unavailable for your registration id then contact with UPSC here i am attaching the telephone directory of UPSC. this year Civil service preliminary examination will be conducted on 12th June, 2011. best of luck. |
9th August 2011, 03:06 PM
hi sir i got 50.4per marks in 12th with 60per marks in phy and math.may i fill up the airforce x group form.