10th July 2020, 12:01 PM
In how many languages the Public Service Commission (PSC) exams are conducted?
Hi, I am from Assam and wish to appear for APSC examination. But, could you please confirm me whether can I write the APSC in Assamese language medium or not? Or, is it only conducted in English medium?
12th July 2020, 02:20 PM
°°°° The Public Service Commission allows candidates to choose from a list of 22 modern Indian languages given in the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution.
13th July 2020, 05:20 PM
APSC comprises of two stages:
1. Preliminary Examination 2. Main Examination (Written + Interview) Preliminary Examination Consists 2 papers General Studies and one Optional subject. Mains Examination Written paper consists of 4 papers General English General Studies Two Subjects each consists of 2 papers. Interview Only those candidates will appear in the interview who have qualified Mains. Examination paper Mode will be in English. In main exam you can opt for Asamese language. |
13th July 2020, 10:42 PM
In India, there are total 22 languages which is
recognized by our constitution and Public Service Commission is government job. so that, PSC exam is conduct in 22 languages . I hope it will help you brother!!!! |